Self Improvement Series, 10 minutes to a better you (4th Installment)

After a slight slip up, the Self Improvement series is back!knowledge-1052014_640.jpg

Tonight I have once again been too busy on steem to be able to dedicate a significant amount of time to self-improvement, but after a couple of days off, I need get back on track.
The focus of this 10 minute self-improvement is going to be Khan Academy. If you are not familiar with Khan Acadamey, they are known for their comprehensive mathematics tutorials. Khan Academy also has other learning paths such as Computing, Science & Engineering, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, History, Economics, and more.

My focus for tonight is going to be SQL or Structured Query Language. My career path is headed towards business analytics, therefore database management is going to be part of that path. I would like to learn SQL and basic Python.
Thank you Khan Academy for providing free learning resources for the world to enjoy. Keep it up!


Check out my previous post

How to add the Steemit logo to photos with MSPaint

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