My week in crypto - Joined Build Team, Got Witness Votes, Planning my Life on the Road

Hello again fellow Steemians. Wanted to drop a post to update everyone on my situation.

Joined Build Team

As many of you may know, I was laid off from my job without warning or cause a couple weeks ago. I decided to use this time, and the little bit of runway offered by my severance pay, to get fully involved in STEEM development. Through pure chance while hunting down Witness votes, I stumbled across @reggaemuffin. He was kind enough to vote for my Witness (he is a Witness too, vote for him), and invite me to be a part of @buildteam, the masterminds behind @minnowbooster, @steemvoter, and @steemsports.


Of course I said yes! These projects have been very motivational and a sure sign of a great future for STEEM since I have been around. On top of being an amazing team for the community, @buildteam also has a very agreeable compensation structure for developers. Such amaze, much wow! But seriously, it is nice to find a group of people that value their developers.

Got Witness Votes

As if that isn't cool enough, my Witness has moved into position #56! That is amazing! I appreciate every single person that has voted for me, and urge those of you that have not to please consider sharing a vote with a very active developer working to make the entire network more user friendly and feature filled.


Planning my Life on the Road

So living on the road and traveling from town to town has always been something that has greatly interested me. Due to my lack of a job, I have decided to pull the trigger and get a road worthy, mobile home suitable for my black lab and myself. I still have some planning and calculations to do before I fully commit to a particular model, but I will definitely keep everyone updated on how things develop. (None of this affects the stability of my Witness server; that is hosted in a very reliable, redundant cloud infrastructure)


Vote for @netuoso as Witness

  • Go to the witness voting page on
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the vote box (shown below)
  • Input my name (netuoso) and hit vote.
  • Give yourself a high-five for making such an awesome decision
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