"Love Never Dies"♡❤♡ Original Content

This true story has to do with love and a Christmas cactus plant that belonged to my brother.

Photo of my brother (19 yrs) and me (16 yrs) taken by my dad who was always lugging his camera around

After he died suddenly 13 years ago, I brought the plant home to have part of something that belonged to him that was living nearby. Sadly, my brother never married (he was engaged once in college) or had kids so this plant would have to do. For twelve years, like clockwork, his plant bloomed at least once a year anytime between Thanksgiving and as late as Easter.

Christmas cactus bloom from April 2016

A strange thing happened the thirteenth year after he died. The Christmas cactus plant suddenly quit producing flowers late in 2016. It continues to grow fine, and I've sprouted new plants from it.
No more flowers though. I found it odd.
Then in March of 2017, my mom's primary doctor referred her to see a cardiologist and we learned she will need her aortic valve replaced sometime in the next couple of years. (Prayers for my mom are appreciated!)


This is a photo of the all of the dried blossoms produced by my brother's plant since he died. I've preserved them in ziplocs. The top left side baggie was from 2016 -- the last year the Christmas cactus flowered. Notice how it's the only one with discolored, brown flowers out of all of them?
Was this a coincidence or related?
I truly believe the flowers quit blooming as a sign from my brother about mom's heart health - a warning.
"Spend time with Mom while you can!"
He would find a way to do that.

I had only one sibling -- just my older brother and myself -- and we were incredibly close. He protected me, pestered me, made me laugh and in the end made me cry harder than I ever thought humanly possible. To this day, it still hurts. But now I own the hurt. It's become part of my being, my essence. The type of love that only a sibling who losses another sibling understands.

This isn't the first time I've had "communication" from beyond though. I welcome your thoughts and shared experiences. I know I'm not the only one this happens to...

*Love never dies!

This is my entry for Day Seven of The 7 Days of Love Challenge hosted by the beautiful @deadgrlsuppastar.
The theme is "Wild Card - As long as it has to do with love."♡❤♡
Learn more by clicking here 7 days LOVE

Image taken with Samsung Galaxy S8 Note and S5
© 2018 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved



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