Well... seeing that my recent invitation for assisted learning has surprisingly gone completely unheeded...
I'd like to thank you all! I get to choose the learning and get to assist myself (such is only fair). _
It should come as no surprise that I've chosen to 'cheat' and go into vector art and animation overdrive over these coming days. Its not like I don't have much to learn.

This while also tending to my budding Steemit addiction... Hmmm.
Don't worry however. The purpose of this post is not to rub the noses of my followers the wrong way. Even in making them (and yourself) aware of this small missed opportunity, I far from exclude the possibility of making a similar offer in the future. In this way I reach back in what way I can. Some have Steem Power to spare - but even those who do not may still find that they have other things to offer.
Some people do such in the form of:
- Organizing contests of various sorts
- Curating and repackaging other people's articles
- Creating social groups and other avenues for engagement
- Offering knowledge, either in the form of tutorials... or
- Offering informal teaching or assisted learning
- Bots that up-vote or resteem
- Bots that check for originality or plagiarism
- Simply brightening peoples' days... etc.
Even if you are an absolute new user - a thoughtful comment to another user's post could really make his or her day.
So even though I might be doing the mature thing and letting you know that you missed out 'this' time, perhaps this is a pertinent time to ask not what one's blockchain can do for the self - but what one can do for the blockchain.

A cheesy rip from a more famous quote - but it kind of fits. ;c)
If you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your followers and friends then a resteem is always appreciated.
If you have some feedback for me then feel free to share your views in comments. This especially if there was a good reason why you didn't take on the offer. I'd like to know about it. Besides, a civil conversation can go a long way.
Previous Post: Am I Becoming a Steemit Addict?