Good morning Toronto!

And everywhere else in the world!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it is yet another beautiful morning!


As you can see, I've got my cup of tea (minty flavour, yum!). Now all I need is new yoghurt once the stores open.

It's weekend! Do you have any plans? What will your day look like?

I don't have many plans this weekend. There could be archery in the afternoon, but I don't like the people at the club, nor do I like how small the club house is. It makes me feel uneasy and bad, so I'm skipping on that. On monday, we have to go to my boyfriend's house, because the leak in his roof needs fixing (again). I'm hoping we can do some archery then... or maybe we can go up there to his dad's place today, instead of the club. We'll see!

Other than that, all that's on the menu is grocery shopping! So this means I have a whole weekend to do nothing. Do some Steeming, gaming, Netflixing. Yup, sounds good. Maybe get outside to enjoy the nice weather aswell, though I hate this neighbourhood. Gosh I wish I wasn't living here anymore. Just a month or so left I hope. We should really ask to see if there's any more news on the current tenant moving out!

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I've got atleast another SPC entry planned for today. Maybe I'll make a gaming post aswell, though no promises on that yet!

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