Good morning Steemit

For a change, I can now say it is cold, wet and windy outside!

Not the best weather, but good for the backyard. I'm sure my blueberries and strawberries like the extra water!

Today, we will be visiting my boyfriend's dad again in the afternoon, together with his sister. He won't be home for fathers day, so we moved it to today. We'll go a bit early, so we can practice some archery first.

I think we'll probably have to practice inside, because of all the rain, but that's not a problem!

What an awesome outfit for archery... well it was too warm for anything else!

Yesterday evening, we went to the movies! We saw the new Pirates movie. My boyfriend didn't like it as much as the others, but I thought that at the very least, it was better than the previous one. I did not like the previous one much.

As with the other Pirates movies, you have to stay until after the credits, because there's a last little clip at the end.

I'll try to share the second part of our trip to my mum today, but I'm not sure if I'll manage that yet. So to last you until then, I will atleast show you her cute, old kitty:


She decided to move in after our old cat died. At the end of his life, he was very weak. She started sneaking in the house and eating his food, so I didn't like her at first! She was very scared of us, but still wanted his food. Once he passed away, she kept on coming back and became less afraid. Mum could not find an owner for her, so we decided to take her in.

I'd say she has a perfectly good life with my mum now! She doesn't leave the house much anymore, because she's really starting to get old. She's very cute, but can also be stubborn. When you go away for a few days, she won't come near you once you're back. She's mad you left her! She comes around after a day or two though.

Anyway, that's it for now. I hope you'll have a wonderful day and if your weather is like ours, try not to get blown off the road today!

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