Good morning Steemit

How are you today?

Header sunrise

Last night, I wrote about the new flooding in my house. This time the damage was contained to the bathroom and storage room and I managed to clear away everything that couldn't survive the water before it got too far. After we cleared out the water, we cleaned the floors and were mostly done.

Ironically, when I posted about the heavy rain, this is the post that came right above mine:

If only we could even things out a bit.

Anyway, today I wanted to clean the house a bit more. I'm not sure if I'll manage though, because I'm starting to feel really bad. Women troubles no doubt! So I will probably have no energy and a headache for a day or two and might have to postpone the cleaning until after that.

This will also mean I'll most likely order in tonight. My boyfriend will be out for dinner with co-workers and I really don't feel like cooking for myself. Especially when I feel crappy like this.

So my plans for today have changed from cleaning and playing Black Desert to playing a bit of Black Desert, but I'll probably be lying in my comfy chair, watching Netflix most of the day. Or read a book. I could read a book. Or the magazines from my mum that I still have here... well, it'll be something like that.

Weather predictions for tomorrow are also pretty bad. Lots of rain again. I'm already stressed out about it. Can't do anything but wait and see though...

Ah well, this is it for me. I'm too tired to form proper coherent thoughts.

Have a good day!

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