Good morning Steemit

It is grey outside, so yeah, that's new! Birds are still singing though.

I've already been up for a little while. I finished my tea, before I started writing here! I'm not even sure what I was doing, let me think.

I checked Steemit posts and found I had one with a 100 upvotes. That's been a while, so I posted that in the 100+ upvotes channel. Then I clicked on the replies I got and then I got distracted. I logged onto Indiegala to join a few game giveaways, I decided to finally make a (Dutch site) account, so PlayfulFoodie can now be found there aswell. Then I checked Steam and while replying to my Steemit comments, I just installed this free to play game called Tap Adventure.

I'm not sure why I did that last bit. I still have games to play. I still have big games to play actually. If I get tired of Guild Wars 2, there's a Witcher game waiting for me. There's also the Fable Anniversary game waiting for me. Oh, and I tried installing Ragnarok Journey, but it didn't let me start the game, then it didn't let me create an account and then I gave up. Let me just try that again right now.

Right, can't go back a field to change a typo, restarting... Account creation failed. Great! Oh there we go! The name I picked seemed to have already been taken. Using another name (PlayfulFoodi, because apparently, that's the max characters allowed...) works.

There we go! Okay, I'll try this soon. Tap Adventure already forgotten. Anyway, I'll let you know if it's anything worth while.

So what are your plans for today? We have none. Well, we have to go to the grocery store, but besides that, nothing. You see, I went to the store yesterday. I figured we could eat hamburgers on bread with lettuce, tomatoes and red onions. While on my way back home with my loot, it dawned on me that eating hamburgers would have been a lot easier if I had actually bought hamburgers.

So we did not have hamburgers yesterday! With all of the other ingredients in the house (except for barbeque sauce... just a sec, putting it on the list!), I figured we'll eat it today, after grocery shopping again.

Tomorrow, we'll visit my dad for fathers day. I'm a bit anxious, because their newish dog is way too ehm... affectionate and I don't like dogs. I don't like their nails in my skin or their teeth in my arm. I can't actually pet it, because it wants to eat my arm. My boyfriend loves it though, he likes playing (battling to the death I mean!) with it. He is my buffer.

Yeah, give me cats over dogs any day. You know, I don't hate all dogs, just the very active ones. I don't mind the slow ones that you can pet without them batting an eyelash. I just don't know many of those kind of dogs. The only dogs I know want to eat me or scratch open my legs.

Alright, enough for now. I want to try this game.

Have a good day!

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