Good morning Steemit

How are you all doing today?

It's friday, which means it's almost weekend! Do you have any plans?

Header sunrise

We've got a housewarming to go to tomorrow. That of one of my boyfriend's cousins. He's been in the house for quite a while already, but I guess it wasn't completely finished until now. We've been over there before, for dinner and such.

We'll also be taking our bows with us, because it is really, really close to my boyfriend's dad's place, so we can practice some archery. It's been a while, so I'm happy!

So yesterday, I spend hours online, looking for cheap little containers to buy, so I could experiment with making some cremes. After hours of searching, I decided to not buy anything, because honestly, there weren't good deals. The containers themselves weren't all that expensive, but the shipping costs or times were crazy.

I decided I'll just use bigger containers I already have lying around. Then I decided that wouldn't do, so I looked up how to make clay at home. So now, I've got three small, 'clay' pots lying to dry. I'm curious to see if it really works, because the main ingredients were basically just flour and salt. I had to form the little pots over small shot glasses. We'll see! Otherwise, no harm done, right?

I also had a bit of a stomach ache yesterday. It got worse when I sat on my desk chair, so this morning, I decided to make my desk higher, so I'm now standing while I'm typing this. I should really do this more often again. Besides that, I need a day filled with less pc time, so I'll just be doing some chores, read a book, and/or watch Netflix for most of the day.

And with that, my friends, I'll end this little write-up.

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Have a good day!

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