About resteeming and how I maintain my blog

I recently read a post where someone was talking about resteeming, which triggered me to start writing this post.

Header sunrise

The post was saying that we should use the resteem button often to show our appreciation for an article. And while this is true to some extend, I think resteeming should be done with care. I 100% agree that very usefull articles deserve to be resteemed. However, showing your appreciation for an article can also be done by upvoting it.

I don't resteem often, and here's why: I have my own page feed and followers to think of.

By now, most of my followers will know what my main topics are. For those who don't, it's photography, gaming and food. I try to keep up a steady flow of content surrounding these topics. I don't want to focus too much on just one, because I feel I owe it to my followers to maintain a certain standard. I also enjoy all three topics, so that works out fine.

(I do stray from my main subjects from time to time, because I also enjoy the occassional brain dump, so to speak. I know not everything is of equal quality, but I hope most of my posts are well received.)

However, lately, I haven't been sharing a lot of my own food blogs. I haven't had a lot of inspiration, so there isn't much to write about. To make sure the topic of food does not get lost completely, I try to resteem someone else's food post from time to time. (The latest example of this is this chocolate cake by @kawthar.)

I resteem these posts for two reasons:

  1. I liked the post and think the author deserved the extra attention.
  2. I'm falling short on the topic, so I feel I owe it to my followers to fill it in like this.

Other resteems are rare, but I do them on occassion, when I really see the use for it (or it is a brilliant article). I don't resteem often, because it not only fills up my own feed, it also clogs up my follower's feeds, while they did not ask for that when they started following me.

I know not everyone will agree with these methods and I really don't mind people who do resteem a lot. I think it's very kind of you and as long as it is not a constant stream of resteems, I will not unfollow you for it. Until this day, there has only been one account that I unfollowed, because of the endless stream of resteem spams (combined with his own spam posts, mind you).

Everyone has their own purpose for their blog, which I fully support. We can all see a user's activity before we follow them, so we know what we can expect.

What are your thoughts on resteeming? Do you do it often? What makes you decide to click (or not click) that resteem button?

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Don't forget to Upvote, Resteem and Follow!

My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

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