Good morning Steemians

A little bit later than usual!

Header sunrise

Sorry I didn't write this sooner. I was pretty busy with creating a contest (more to be announced soon) and I feel like crap, so my energy levels are pretty low this morning.

I woke up at 5, after which I couldn't fall asleep anymore. Got up at 7 and made some tea. My boyfriend left home for work later in the morning, because we will be eating sushi with his co-workers tonight. He wouldn't have the energy for that if he left early. Smart move!

I'm following later by train. I was going to cycle to the station and that way, we'd be able to cycle back together in the evening (he takes his folding bike to work by train every day). Due to my low energy levels though, I told him I have to take the bus instead. He decided to take the car to work, so we can drive back home after dinner, instead of going by train. That way, I only have to make a train journey once today. He's such a sweetheart!

Anyway, once he left for work, I had breakfast while staring blankly into space. I then rested for a couple of minutes and now I'm back on the pc! Before I finalize my contest post, I wanted to write this.

So yeah, sushi tonight! My body always did enjoy picking horrible moments to drop energy levels, so this comes as no surprise! I'll be taking it super easy today, so I am able to go tonight. I'm not passing up an excuse to eat sushi!

And in light of that, this is where I end my little morning post.

I hope you'll have a wonderful day!

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My own image used as a header for my blog posts.

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