The cursed house

Getting closer and closer...

Yesterday was another day spend at my boyfriend's cursed house. We ourselves did some cleaning and the repairman did some repairing.


Let's have a little look at the history.

Was broken for half a year (we weren't living in the house). Three visits from the same repair man did not fix it. Once we went with another repair man, it got fixed on the first try.

Was leaking, meaning brown spots on the ceiling in the living room. It needed some stuff renewed, or so they said. After lots of phone calls and miscommunication, the stuff got renewed and we painted over the ceiling. It was not fixed.
Next time the repair man came (after more miscommunication and an appointment that got lost) he said he couldn't do much to fix it (besides redo the whole, damn roof).

I told my boyfriend we need to just fix this from the inside with hard foam or whatever it is called, so that's our next step.

First, the temperature was managed badly. Repair man came, did not fix it. A new battery did (thanks for the tip mum). Then, the damn thing was leaking. Repair man came, seemed to have fixed it. It wasn't fixed. Repair man came again. We surely hope it's fixed now.

By now, it would have basically been cheaper to buy a new boiler.

Any bets on what else will break down before this cursed place gets sold?


Anyway, yesterday was a much better day than monday, when everything went wrong there. Yesterday it seemed to have gone right (if you don't count the expensive bill for the boiler). The garden is a bit more tidy. It still needs some work, but tools broke down, so we need to take tools over from my home. Downstairs is sweeped, so it now just needs the vacuum cleaner and a wet wipe.

Upstairs cleaned up nicely! The painting my boyfriend did last time dried up pretty well!

So yesterday, after the visit, we went to McDonalds and then we visited my boyfriend's dad for some archery. It went great! My boyfriend took some pictures, so I'll share those with you later on.

Better than monday. Now the house just needs to hold on until it gets sold...

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