I Need Help!

There's Just Too Much to Be Done

Disclaimer this is not my witness post; however, I will not deny that eventually I will announce myself as witness.

I need your help. I am just one person, and what I want to do for the blockchain is going to require a small army. I need developers that would like to contribute to open source projects to join me in some projects that I want to get off the ground. Please have a look at the projects I am describing below and contact me in Telegram.

What do I mean by help?

I need contributors. This doesn't mean coders. I plan to do a majority of the coding and if anyone wants to contribute they can with:

  • code
  • design
  • ideas
  • feedback
  • user interface mockups

The possibilities are really out there.

What do I get for helping?

Well, I'll add you on as a contributor to the project. Beyond that I think we can work out what is given (maybe some kind of profit sharing if there is any profit). All I can really offer is the promise that you will get to work on some amazing stuff and be a part of contributing to the blockchain. There is always the possibility of compensation, but I just cannot promise it.


Here are some projects I need help with.

Custom condenser

This is a fork of the existing condenser run on my witness server. This is not a new custom user interface. I have noticed that there is recently a growing interest in reskinning steemit.com. That's not what this is.

This is

  • adding functionality the community really desires and has been needing.
  • additional protection from phishing by immediately squashing it
  • better regulation of spamming/scamming and removing spam from trending (not censorship, just cleaner trending)
  • better features and views for analyzing your account
  • You know, stuff that should have been in the UI in the beginning

Steem polls

For more information about this see Polling Application Proposal

User interface for creating polls/straw polls for bloggers that want this kind of feedback. The user interface will allow users to create polls like

**what paints to use?**
[] water color
[] acrylic
[] oil
[] latex

Then users will be able to respond. The goal is to provide a mostly seamless interface between the condenser and the polling app. This means whether you view the poll in the polling app or in the condenser UI, it will still make sense. There will be more features in the polling app that make it more desirable to use, but the condenser interface will not be confusing to those that stumble across polls. It will still be usable as well for condenser viewers.

Steem Events

This is an idea I came up with as I was perusing several blog posts for live events that happen within the steemit communities. Live events like:

  • Radio broadcasts
  • Post promotion broadcasts in discord
  • Live streaming events in dlive (especially, regular broadcasts)

One thing live streamers really need is regular viewers and viewers are only regular if streamers broadcast consistently. Just finding out when streamers broadcast is difficult enough.

A unified way to announce broadcasts through the blockchain would be ideal. I want to offer a way to allow steemians to not just discover events, but track them in/out of the blockchain. If someone comes across a broadcaster they like, they can select events they want to be aware of and add these events to their calendar as well as track them through steem. That is what this application will allow us to do.

Steem Distributed Log Passthru

For more information about this see the Proposal

Steem Services Subscription Model

For more information about this see Subscription Model for Steem Services

Non-profit Donation Application

For more information about this see the Proposal

Proposal: Screeps Blockchain-backed MMO-RTS

For more information about this see the Proposal

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