Friendship In a New Age - The Dawn of Friendship In a New Age


We live in a day and age when friendship is something attainable literally at the click of a button. In just a few seconds, you become friends with someone you just met in person. Friends become pictures online as you scroll through Facebook, or people you send snapshots of your life to over Snapchat, and maybe even people to grab a drink with in real life.


In a world where we are so connected to each other online and are constantly viewing random tidbits of each other's lives at any given moment, we have lost sight of the true nature, purpose, and value of friendship. No longer do we sit and ask our friends deep, piercing questions in an attempt to get to know them better, because we feel like we already know them through their social media posts. For the same reason, we also no longer open up to our friends about our innermost thoughts, fears, and desires, because we've spent so long cultivating this online façade of who we want people to think we are, that we don't dare shed that veneer and show our true selves to anyone.


No, because to do so would be to make ourselves vulnerable, and vulnerability is ridiculed by society today. But what good is a friend for, if you can't be vulnerable with them? Why call them your friend if you're not willing to let them know who the REAL you is? Once upon a time, the true value and deep significance of friendship was more widely known. Poets like Emerson even wrote beautifully crafted treatises on the concept of friendship, going in depth into what it entails.


In our modern day and age, we seem to have forgotten, as a society, what friendship really is. We have relegated the classic idea of friendship to the pages of old poems and manuscripts, and adopted a new, insignificant concept of friendship based on the digital age of social media, which trivializes friendship and turns it into a superficial concept.


Friendship In a New Age was born out of a desire to re-popularize the classic idea of friendship, to elaborate what friendship should mean in our society today, and to combat the "isolation effect" of social media by helping people to create true and lasting deep bonds of friendship and understanding with each other. Recognizing the lack of deep, intimate bonds of friendship between males in society today, as well as a general misconception in society of what Friendship means, Friendship In a New Age was born out of a desire to bring back the classic ideals of Friendship that all the poets and writers of olde held dear. The goal is to re-popularize the true meaning and significance of Friendship in order to help people of today, particularly males, gain truer, stronger, and more intimate bonds of friendship. I believe that this will lead to stronger relationships in general across society.


What we need most in this world today is true interconnectivity, not this false sense of connectivity fostered by social media. Come along on this journey and together, let's explore the dawn of Friendship In a New Age...

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