Move aside @fishingvideos - and thanks for the idea :)

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I have been watching the Steem Whales site eagerly awaiting the upcoming milestone seeing a 70 (reputation) number after my username.

I know, I do have better things to be getting on with but somehow this feels like a real achievement and I am really quite excited to see the change of this number from 69.9 to 70!

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I have been stuck behind @fishingvideos for a long time now and despite pushing super hard, I am struggling to move beyond them.

I checked out their account yesterday and was a little surprised by their content. It is mostly just photos with a little info on each group of pictures. Not as professional as I had imagined it would be. Sorry @fishingvideos. Nothing personal. Just a perception I had built up because you are in front of me!

And as clear advocates of fishing, I am wondering if they have seen the documentary 'End of the Line'? Small scale fishing is okay but you are very unlikely to be enjoying a fish caught in this manner when eating at a restaurant.

See the trailer here

I suspect fishing is a very popular subject (despite the ecological implications of over-fishing) and @fishingvideos have done a good job at becoming the go-to account for this category.

Makes me wonder if perhaps I should look at what are the most popular (eco-friendly) hobbies in the world and create accounts around them?

Not a bad idea in fact :)

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