What good would you do with $700 million?

Everyone dreams of winning the Lotto, I know I do and I'm not greedy either I don't need that much $1-2 million sets my wife and I free, helps our family, and our close friends.


Lottery gets big.

Like, really, really big, In the U.S. there have been wins of $758 million dollars while here in Australia we have maxed out somewhere in the range of $100 million.


Both those numbers above are ludicrous don't get me, wrong If I won that kind of money my next house would definitely have a Bat Cave but I definitely don't need a house that I would lose my family in because well, I kind of like them.

Lets play a game.

I want you to imagine what you would do if you won ridiculous money in the lotto and I mean the kind of money that your not going to be able to spend easily unless you decide that you need Brad Pitt to be your neighbor and that you need a Boeing to take on dogfights with John Travolta.

Even if your the kind that needs a cruise liner and your personal yacht I want you to imagine winning more money than you need for any of your crazy lottery dreams.

I'll go first.

The world has a million causes that need fixing access to clean water, poverty, cancer and endless other illnesses they are all worth supporting but my target would be something completely different.


I know the truth is that anyone can change the world, it could be you tomorrow that has an idea that spark a revolution and changes the planet but there is a group of minds that have an edge.

Genius is powerful, it can be world-changing, it can bring new inventions, art, literature and seed paradigm shifts and its incredibly rare the image below shows some of the groupings of I.Q groups you will note that the first level considered Genius of 145 is about 0.25% or 1 in 400ish people, the ratity of genius climbs quickly as you progress up the scales the rarity ramps up quickly just add ten points to that score and come up to 155 and your looking at a rarity of 0.03% or 1 in 3406 people.




Pop-Culture Perspective


In the world of Marvels X-men superpowered mutants with powers like laser eyes, wings, telekinetics, and a whole bunch more are more common than genius in the real world, one of the comics has the total mutant population of the world coming in at over 30 million now compare that to the expectation of 17ish million geniuses expected for our current world.

The Lost Einstine Project.

So what do I mean by Lost Einstine? As I established genuis is a rare and incredibly valuable human resource but the value lost to poverty is stagering.

  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

  2. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.
    805 million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat.

  3. More than 750 million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water. Diarrhea caused by inadequate drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene kills an estimated 842,000 people every year globally or approximately 2,300 people per day.

  4. In 2011, 165 million children under the age 5 were stunted (reduced rate of growth and development) due to chronic malnutrition.

  5. 1/4 of the world lives without electricity.

With those kinds of statistics you are probably wondering why I'm talking about genius, shouldn't I be focusing on helping those problems after all genius doesn't mean you're entitled to basic human rights ahead of anyone else, I agree but today we are playing the you won lotto game, not the found a genie game. Estimates as to the cost of ending global poverty range from $60 - $135 billion per year.

Hopefully, when I'm done explaining my concept you will understand its aims.

Back to it, let's just assume that genius has a standard global distribution rate so.

World Pop. 7,000,000,000 = 17,500,000 Geniuses
Genius in poverty = 8,750,000
Genius without lights = 4,375,000
Child genius staving to death a year = 20,000.
Potential Child Genius lost to developmental issues 2011 = 406,403

The Project.

The primary goals of the project would be a dedicated search for genius lost to poverty and provide for their complete education with the hope of instilling a sense of duty to their community and the world.


  1. Work towards the establishment of free schools in areas of low primary enrolment and high primary drop out rates.

    1.1 On top of basic numeracy and literacy, school hours would focus on practical skills specific to community needs e.g farming practices, water purification, protection from sexually transmitted disease, hygiene etc to enable those that attend to better their community.

    1.2 Each school site would be required to establish a clean water source within its property.

    1.3 Each child that attends to receive a small financial incentive for each year completed.

  2. Establish regional project education centers staffed with advanced teachers and learning opportunities designed to challenge and increase motivation to learn.

    2.1 Where any genius is found significant financial incentive will be offered to encourage parents to allow their child to be relocated to their regional education center, it is important that this process is handled with great care and respect to avoid allegations of child trafficking as the project views these payments as compensation for lost productivity that may be caused by the absence of the child.

    2.2 Throughout their education each year children will be encouraged to create self-driven projects they believe will improve the condition and lives of their community and country.

    2.3 Classes in morals and ethics and the value of altruism would be given a high priority in the education of these children.

    2.4 Establish links with universities to facilitate placement of students.

  3. Einstines think tank.

    3.1 Any student that chooses to complete their education with the project will be invited to take part in an ongoing think tank project discussing technological innovation, economic strategy, automation, health improvment strategies, and of course how to fund the project moving forward etc.

Ok, so it would need to be a pretty big lotto win but that's what I would do how about you

Kind regards


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