I ate an octopus on my birthday!!!!

Hellooo people❤️How have you all been?I just got a little lost.Its been a week since I wrote something.Just busy with personal stuff.

And my birthday just passed by.Yep am a December born and a true Capricorn.This time I just turned off my birthdate on facebook -no, not to check who remembers my birthday.With age I am wiser not to bother about those random facebook reminded birthday wishes. Ofcourse a very few people remembered ,but its perfectly ok and am happy too.

There is something about December which makes me ecstatic.I go full on celebrating~my marriage anniversary comes first,Christmas which I am crazy about,my birthday on 29th and many more family birthdays .Can you believe an uncle and niece share the birthday on Dec 25th in our family!!And when you are about to rest, comes the new year.

Its a bit late but still want to share how my birthday went this year.Nothing grand and all.Just a normal day except I cut a cake and ate an octopus😁May be you all have tried all kinds of meat and sea food.But me I just tried octopus,rabbit,emu,turkey,duck for the first time in my life😉 Any vegans here please pardon😁

So here is how my day went.I tried my cake icing skills the whole morning...afternoon..and err evening too.I was at my cousins place the other day who is an expert baker.And it was her daughters birthday on Dec25th.So I went there on 24th and we searched whole internet for a cake theme and I found this KitKat and Gems(our version of M&M but with chocolate inside) 'illuision' cake which swept off our feet😅 Because it was soo simple yet soo grand looking.We ended up buying 22 packs of KitKats, 1 pack of M&M, and about 20 small pouches of Gems and 2,3 box of Monster Gems.
And this is the outcome👇

Some making process👇
Ohh those strawberries are fresh from the farms.We have a hill station here which is famous for strawberries.

For the illusion effect we just stuck Gems on straw using cream.

Make sure to empty an entire compartment in your fridge.
But I admit the pouch we added on the cake was soo small.We had a bigger one of M&M which I accidently tore off😐
But in the end everyone was very happy especially her daughter.
As they were leaving for hometown 2 days later ,my cousin made a plain chocolate cake for me in advance for my birthday to take with me.And I was overconfident that I can handle the icing by myself😁which was proved wrong later.I just went to a baking supplies shop and got some whipping cream and nozzles.I got too smart and choose the Russian nozzle tips even though I had no idea of the cream consistency,no tricks,nothing.I had to give up using the nozzles later and ended up with this👇😐

These are the Russian tips I purchased.Any baking experts here please tell me how to make the right consistency of cream for these.

And now about the octopus.By the title you might be thinking that I just swallowed a huge live octopus😅Hehehe,Nothing like that.Just bragging.
We went for dinner at a place called Absolute Barbeque which serves scrumptious buffet along with a wide variety of grilled meat as starters.You will have a mini barbeque in your table and they keep on refilling with the skewers.
And guess what.This is what welcomed us👇
I didn't bother much coz I never won any lucky draws in my life.Lets see if this birthday is gonna change it😉
then came the skewers.First with watermelon and pineapple.
Then with chicken,prawn and fish
I also remember eating cheese nuggets,crispy corn and mutton kababs served as starters.Yeah I can't even remember now😏
There were live counters where you can choose the meat you want and have it in any way.With rice,noodles,just fry it or you can customise it in your own way.Thats where my eyes got caught on the octopus.It was some baby octopus mixed with other items in the sea food display😁
And yeah I shamelessly took this pictures and many more at the live counter😅
I told them to fry the seafood and this is what it looks likes.Honestly I didn't like the octopus.It was soo rubbery and smelled beachy👎I don't know why I bragged about eating an octopus soo much😏Sorry about the messy plates!!


Then I tried bunny,emu,rabbit,turkey.Ofcourse for the first time😏To be frank ,I couldn't find any difference.Everything tasted like chicken except,the rabbit meat was bit hard.I don't know.May be it was the spices.Any expert guidance is appreciated here.

Separate counter for vegans.
I was full by the time I finished the starters that I couldn't even look at the main course or even take pictures of it😅
There were Biriyanis,noodles,rice,pulao etc etc
I sat,rested for some time while my husband finished the rice and daal curry.And then headed to desserts section.
The staffs were extremely polite.I felt like I came to my home in my native.lols😅They were constantly asking us what we wanted,bugging us to try this and that(it was a buffet and they needn't bother).When we were about to bill they made us try their Paan flavoured ice cream also

Thats it.This is how my day went.Hope you all enjoyed.Its about 11.30pm here.About to begin 2018.
So 'HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU LOVELY PEOPLE'May all your dreams come true in 2018.Enjoy!!

Lots of love

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