Slice of life: meeting with a fellow high IQ society member

Last night and today at noon I met for the first time with a fellow Volant member I have known for a while named Nathan (for confidentiality purposes I will only use his first name). He was passing through my hometown of Spokane, Washington and we had made plans several days before to meet up. We talked about subjects ranging from higher dimensions and alternate universes to biological anthropology and epicurean philosophy. Volant is a 3 sigma (three standard deviations above average) high IQ society associated with the nongovernmental organization Elysian Trust, which seeks to recognize and foster the development of people with different cognitive abilities who might otherwise be overlooked.


Nathan is a wealth of information when it comes to ancient european philosophy and history. He has read practically every major philosophical text from the Iliad up through 1100 years after, and has a mental timeline of these ancient periods so accurate that he can tell you about events that occurred on a decade by decade basis. He is a very well rounded and informed individual on many fronts besides philosophy, so we were both able to discuss minor and major interests of ours. We both like traveling and languages (though he has made more headway than I on the language front) and understanding people. It was really nice to connect with someone who I can relate to and who makes me think and ponder such a variety of topics.

I have not had such an enjoyable conversation in quite a long time, and I am lucky that I was able to spend the time with him that I did. I have many friends from all walks of life, and I always love to meet new people and make new connections, especially when they have unique and interesting stories to tell. I have friends from the online atheism community, reptile community, running community, high IQ community and many more. I love having such diversity in my life, because my interests are so diverse. Most of all, I love connecting with people and valuing the uniqueness of everyone I get the privilege of meeting. It's even better when we have shared passions or interests to connect over.

There are still many people out there that I have connected with online and would love to meet in person, but who inconveniently far away. I hope to bridge this gap many more times and meet all the interesting and inspiring people that I can. In fact, if you are reading this and want to visit me in Spokane, don't hesitate to ask!


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