Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/02/18> Did you make a list of New Year’s Resolutions?... Throw it away now.

It will sure be good to get back to work today at my normal occupation. I’ve been off now for a couple weeks for the holidays and I have to tell you my fingers and my upVoting power are both pretty well worn out from engaging on this platform and over at Sola. My voting power is so worn down it will take 30 hours to get it back to 100% if I don’t vote another post between now and then, and I will. So, if you see me laying off the upVote clicker you know why.

One other thing, did you know that Sola has more registered users than steemit.com ? I didn’t realize it until today, there are over 770,000 folks on that platform, mainly using it like a snap chat site for posting pictures and one liner things, meme I think is what they are called. If you venture over there to check it out please use the link at the bottom of this post and I’ll get a little bounty for bringing you over there.

So here we are, brand new year staring us in the face, will this be the “year” or will it be the same old crap just with a different number to designate it from all the other years in the past? It definitely has the potential to be the “year” but potential has to be acted upon. Are you ready to act or are you just going to watch like all the other past years and just make a comment here and there along the way?

Did you happen to save your new year’s resolution list from 2017? Do you even know where the thing is? It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things anyway. New Year’s resolutions are over rated to begin with and are a lie as well when you really look at the word “resolution”.

Re- as a prefix means to do it again. Solution means the answer to the problem. So, if you already have solved the problem then why in the hell or you having to go back and solve it again? You never had a solution in the first place, if you had, you wouldn’t be looking at solving the problem again. Could it be you actually did have the solution or potential solution but just never acted on it?

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, they aren’t needed, and I will tell you why. When you don’t end up succeeding at whatever you have decided to place on the New Year’s resolution list you are going to feel like you have failed. Do you really want to set yourself up for failure? Even if no else knows your list exists, you do, and you will feel like you have failed. Yes, failure in life happens, but there is no need in increasing the odds of failure, making the list will increase the odds of your failure.

There is something you can do and it doesn’t need to be written down on paper, a simple seven word question that you just need to ask yourself. “Is this the best I can do?” well is it? If it is not then you need to do again and do it better. If you just learn to ask yourself that question and give it an honest answer things will change for the better in your life. When you can answer yes to that question move on, you can’t do better than your best, others might be able to do better, but they aren’t you and they don’t walk in your boots.

Some things may not be able to be resolved in a year, but as long as you are making progress you are succeeding. With a list that is dated for a particular year it would seem like failure if you didn’t get the item completed and checked off the list.

The good part about using the question is that you can apply that question to anything that you do in life. If you are doing something the question can apply. Even if you aren’t doing something it can apply, is doing nothing the best you can do? I don’t believe so and neither does you, so take my advice. Throw your damn list away, start doing something and then apply the question and give it an honest answer. You will feel a whole lot better when 2019 rolls around.

Make that question a part of your daily routine and experience the positive results that will come from it.
Until next time,


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