Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/17/18 > Congratulations are in order…. for my readers.

This might be a little premature but I think it is very important to point out that not one negative comment was registered with regard to yesterday’s daily dose. That may not seem like a big deal to you who are reading this but it darn sure is to me.

Yes, at the time I am writing this the post has only had 31 views and might go up to 32 if I were to go look again right now. The number really isn’t that important, the people that read my daily dose on a regular basis are good people who don’t get offended at the drop of a hat. That is the important thing, even when I gave ya’ll the best opportunity in the world to raise your voices at me not one person did. Well, one did , but it was in agreement, not anger.

At this point I’m sure that some of you are thinking back as to what I wrote that might have offended anyone. How could the explanation about the difficulty of being able to blog without the kids or wife interrupting offend anyone? The word “blog” and giving the history of that word shouldn’t offend anyone as well. We all love the blog, blogs, bloggers, and blogging, and I also would be willing to bet a couple of you learned something with that part of yesterday’s daily dose.

Those two things were pretty much the whole daily dose, but we know “pretty much” is the qualifier. There was one additional item in there, at the very end, guzbuck.

I went out on a limb putting guzbuck in the post and explaining how that word came about. We are all grownups here for the most part so hearing a cuss word really isn’t offensive, even if it is one that we’ve never heard before. Did I mention that while I was taking my position out on that limb that I had brought a saw with me? You didn’t see that sharp cross buck saw I had? I didn’t hide it from you, it was right there in my left hand.

Just because I had a saw with me didn’t mean I would cut the limb, wrong, I cut that limb to the point it would barely hold me. So, it has been about 24 hours, there has been no wind storm stirred up that might snap the limb, so I am climbing in off the branch, I don’t normally pull crazy stunts, and I thank you all for not shaking the tree or jumping me for this stunt.

“So, what was the stunt?” you ask. You tell me, the correct answer might be worth a tip or something.

A couple quick updates, the court house closed Tuesday because of the winter storm we are having so James’s court appearance will end up being rescheduled. I will keep you posted on that one. Also, I have mentioned that we have “Fair Weather Internet from AT&T U Verse”, where the internet stops working when the temperature drops below 48 degrees. Well this winter storm has the temps in the low 20’s right now and the internet is still working. My guess had been that some critter is living inside the cable box when the temps get low. I believe that the critter might have met its maker so to speak, maybe frozen to death in this cold. The internet is alive and well at temps well below where it has stopped working for the last couple years. Hopefully it will continue to work as it has been very frustrating to say the least.

Until next time,

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