Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 1/1/18> As much as I hate to admit it, my Dad was right… and I think I am too.

Back in the 1960’s when I was a kid my father use to tell me that we needed to “buy American made” he continued to tell me that up until he passed away in 1978. He was a railroad engineer and ran freight trains; he was seeing firsthand how many foreign made products were coming into the USA. The trains were loaded with it, boxcar after boxcar of Chinese and Japanese products. He said the Chinese will own us one day if the people didn’t wake the F up, and he was right.
The USA is trillions of dollars in debt and the Chinese are the holders in due course of the majority of the notes.

Well, it is New Years Day 2018, is this the year that the Chinese call in our IOU’s and demand payment? I don’t know the answer to that question and neither do you, but it is a bad position to be in if you happen to live in the USA like I do. So, why do I bring this up on what should be a festive holiday, full of optimism for a great 2018? The answer is simple, kicking the can down the road doesn’t solve problems, sooner or later you have to pick it up and deal with it.

The reason we are in such a financial mess in the USA is the people we elect to represent us in Washington, DC. There will be elections in November 2018 and it is time to fire every incumbent who is running for re-election. So please start the New Year off right by setting your sights on November now, find a candidate who is running and not currently holding office, and help them get elected. Even if it is just telling your neighbors about this new candidate, put up signs in your yard, donate if you can to their campaign. Be active is the most important thing you can do besides casting a vote in November.

We complain we don’t have term limits, well folks we do have them. We just don’t enforce them. The term limit is, “replace them when they are ineffective”, and we can do that at the voting booth. I will not cast a vote in November for an incumbent elected official and I urge you to take the same position. We need to clean the house and senate of these crooked ass elected officials who are leading this country down the path of financial ruin and worldwide embarrassment. We are on a path to become a third world country and we don’t even realize it, and if the Chinese call in our notes we will be there in no time at all.

Please don’t try to convince me or yourself that your sitting congressman or senator isn’t the problem, they are, and mine as well. If that means casting a vote for a candidate from a party that I don’t particularly care for, so be it. Enough is enough in my book, and 2018 is the year that it starts for me.

Why do we have parties? Parties are for celebrations, right? I have come to the realization that politics and the use of the word “party” has to with what they do once elected, go to Washington and party their butts off on our dime. In my entire adult life I haven’t seen anything coming out of Washington that is helping this country be the best it can be. You have plenty of time between now and November to get your mindset right on this subject, I just wanted to plant the seeds early so we can harvest a good crop in the fall. There is no guarantee that those we will elect will be any better than what is there now, I understand that, but what we have isn’t working in our best interest, only their own.

Enjoy New Years Day, but on Jan.2, 2018 start doing your part to correct the problems we have in the USA.
For my friends in the other parts of the world, take a look at the situation in your country. The advice I have given here might well be good for your country as well.

Until next time,

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