My Words Used Against me. Ouch! & Thank You!!

In my loveitshoveit post one of my "Shove It" points was Excusitis. This is a made up word we use in our house that means people love to make excuses for why they did thing, why something wasn't their fault, or even why they don't do things. I truly feel that Excusitis is spreading the world like a plague and has reached epidemic levels.

26x8dw.jpg Source: I Created on imgflip

That said someone called me out in the last few hours about my own excusitis at play. I even started the last blog with this excuse:

Plus for someone like myself who isn't a natural blogger

WTF is that? No seriously I hate excuses yet those words have been written by me numerous times since joining steemit.
  • That excuse has been my crutch to not blogging on a daily basis.
  • That excuse has caused me to slow my own personal growth as a writer.
  • That excuse has slowed my growth on steemit as followers and rewards come from Blogging.
  • That excuse is completely and totally unacceptable!

So a few simple words which might have been meant more as a joke then anything have me realizing that it's time to break past my personal hang ups. To realize that I have been using an excuse to justify my lack of active blogging.

At this point I'm guessing a few of you want to know what was said. So here is all it took to wake me up:

And now that you've told the world your dislike of excusitis.........we will all be looking forward to more of your blogging.

Yup, pretty simple and straight forward. @trudeehunter spoke the truth and there was an initial sting as I realized it was true. Then that turned into motivation to be the example that I expect to set for my kids so they don't get infected by excusitis.

It's not that I don't have anything to say, ask anyone who's posts I've commented on. My comments can take me up to an hour to write, delete and start over rewrite, edit, and then edit even further. I'm not a "nice post" spammer, my comments have thought put into them. I read the post and then make sure to leave a comment that has thought behind it. I not writing these comments for rewards, rather I'm trying to make true connections with others here on steemit.

These connections mean I can tell you where people are from, where they lived before that, if they have kids, what they do/did for a living, if they haven't been online in a few days I notice, if they are currently making big life changes, that they love visits from their niece/nephew/grandkids..., and so forth. My comments tend to turn into conversations and I love that. Yet for some reason I've used the excuse that "I'm not a blogger" to stop myself from posting.

Since Aug 29th of 2017 I've only posted 32 times, yet have commented nearly 1500 times. So writing clearly isn't the issue as I used as my excuse.

Going to be real and open, the issue is Fear.
  • Fear that my words might be taken the wrong way.
  • Fear that after months of effort I will find out that I just suck at blogging and nobody wants to read my thoughts.
It really just boils down to one of the most crippling fears that any person faces in life,


Admitting that I was making a mistake allows me to move forward.

No longer am I allowing this fear to cripple me, to crush my creativity, or to silence me. Daily posting may not be in the cards as my Family comes first, but regular blog posts about real topics are heading your way.

Ready or Not Here I Come!

Let me know what you think. Real Comments are upvoted and replied to.

Spam comments are at best ignored and worst flagged.

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