The ocean of sadness...


Κάθε στιγμή μακρία σου είναι ένα απέραντο ταξίδι μοναξιάς στον ωκεανό  της θλιψής, στη θάλασσα της νοσταλγίας. Μου λείπεις..


Every moment away from you is a vast journey of loneliness in the ocean of sadness, in the sea of nostalgia. I miss you..

I found these words (original in Greek) written in a small piece of paper, in an old drawer somewhere in my work. 

The ink had started to fade and the paper had started to yellow, but the words still carried the same beautiful message. I have no idea who the author is but I can make an educated guess... Oh well, whoever it is his (her?) words are now permanently the blockchain... I wonder if those words were simply forgotten or placed there in purpose, waiting for somebody else to pick them up and share them with their significant other...

Pffff, I am getting too romantic... Here's a dolphin dick:


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