Taking the right Opportunities


Sometimes a vast amount of opportunities appear to us. Personally I've looked back and seen how many good opportunities I've missed for the past years, even though some were small, they could have changed my life big time. Sometimes I've neglected them just because I thought that some other thing had a more substantial value than whatever came.

What do you have to lose ?

I've always thought of time to be a great mediator for the things I do but recently time has stopped bothering me so much, its rather the things that need to be done in the future. The truth is that even if we take some time out of our goals and objectives they will still be there. Some great things have gone unnoticed and some great opportunities missed, just because my focus was dead locked on deadlines that I've placed for myself.

At this state of life I try to place as less of time locks as I can really, honestly if you truly want to go somewhere or achieve something time can't really bother you so much.
Now I can't say I'm procrastinating everything, rather allowing things to unfold in their natural order.

All that could be.

Some of the greatest and most amazing experiences come when you least expect them. The less you bother on expecting the outcomes of something the more you get amazed in the end. So many things were skipped, just because I thought they would go wrong or they would be bad.

The thing with life is that it always offers you some crazy opportunities, when I was young my days were filled with adventure and I cherish and respect every one of them, making my simple life an amazing adventure, day by day.

Afterwards a ton of responsibilities and struggles were placed on my head, locking me in the future. The need to have a good job, looking forwards towards a great future and all that stuff. And in the end I found myself in a shady gray mood, filled with disappointment. Even though I managed to arrange everything. You still get totally let down because the money you get can't offer you the freedom and adventurous feel you used to have.

Recently I remembered about the good old days and that brought me back to my sources of happiness. This doesn't mean I've forsaken my future, it just means I'm making it a happier one, filled with good times and less stress.


Overall I just wanted to say that we should enjoy the good moments in life and try to make as much of them as we can, despite our life situation and age.

At the end of life we all end up equal. So better spice things up and have a fucking awesome life!

"Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another."

―Ernest Hemingway

Thank you for reading ! BeFree !


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