Steemit Learning Curve

- Mystery Tour -

I was so excited when I first started Steemit from the beginning. I wanted to post a bunch of truth bombs, some really deep shit. Get the message out to the people. I saw also on Steemit... there weren't many people talking about those things and the ones that were... were not having so many followers or votes.

I have a hard time being dislexic keeping my focus. I also have a hard time keeping up with all of the technical things it takes to make this blogging work. It takes me a while to figure out how to say what I want. My first language is also Swedish so translating to English can be hard and very unsuccessful at times.

I have a feeling I am not the only one that feels like a blind person in the dark trying to grasp all of this experience. Maybe you can share your thoughts and feelings in the comments about your time here so far at Steemit. I would like to know I am not the only one!

I am still excited about Steemit but it's difficult because it has been very hard for me to learn and understand. I am learning more everyday but it is truly a mystery. I am thankful for some of the contests and tags that I can participate in while I learn how to package my truth bombs.

I will continue to learn and grow as I post about the things I enjoy and care about like my animals, nature, and art. Even though it can be overwhelming and complicated and I want to pull my hair out, I still have fun! We are all on this Mystery Tour together and I thank you for sharing the experience with me!

Tack Så Mycket / Thanks So Much


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