The Taming of the Shrew - How to Become a Better Person (Chapter 2)

The Taming of the Shrew

How to Become a Better Person

Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Reprogramming your brain to watch for mistakes!

In Chapter 1 we discussed how to realize there are problems you need to fix and began learning how to train your brain. In Chapter 2 I will delve deeper into the topic of Reprogramming your brain. This is no easy task, but it is a necessary one for any person to be truly happy or successful. When you learn to reprogram your brain almost anything becomes possible. For this chapter, however, we will focus on just the aspects of reprogramming your brain that lead to you being able to identify trouble areas in your behavior or personality as they happen.

Learning, in real time, when you are fucking up is one of the most valuable and least observed human abilities. Most people rarely realize when they are wrong and when they do it is usually after insurmountable evidence has been thrust in their face like a heaping pile of shit! No one likes shit in the face, so pay attention and learn people!

If you remember, in Chapter 1, I told you to look around you, to analyze others and begin to predict what might happen given any possible circumstances. The reason for this is the behavior and mental pathways developed when you do this are absolutely necessary for you to be able to reprogram your brain. You actually already have if you have learned Chapter 1 already.

If you can walk into a room with 100 people and figure out: who is the loud mouth, who is the know it all, who is the shiest, who will make a scene, who will get shit-faced drunk, etc. within seconds of entering the room then you already have an open interface to your brain's inner codebank. Meaning you can write new code into your brain almost at will. But when you also learn to predict what everyone in that room will do, by the end of the night given the multitude of variables that will inevitably arise.....then you have successfully reprogrammed your brain.....for the first time.

So let's all start by going into social settings, observing others. Predicting what each person will do. Work on this until you are at least accurate 75% of the time. I am not gonna lie to you, it will be hard as hell at first.....especially the running the plethora of scenarios through your mind while you are also observing and participating in the social setting. However, with practice, it will become second nature to you. When it does become instinctual (you don't have to try) you will notice that you are happier and more comfortable in social settings, you will become more open and vocal and confident. This is because you are no longer worried about "what might happen"; nor are you thinking "what if they don't like me". You will know the answers to these and many more questions as soon as you walk in and the answers you don't like will not matter any more.

Once you have mastered the social aspects above, focus on how you act, react, stand, walk, talk, etc. when in those social settings. You have the skills to observe others and predict them, so now just pretend you are in front of a mirror when in those social settings and observe yourself.....not through your own eyes, but the eyes of the others in that social setting. Imagine how they see you, what they think about you.....but more specifically watch for changes in their expressions, speech, body language, etc. as you interact. Those changes, while often barely noticeable, will tell you when you do things right or wrong.

If you watch for those signs often enough you will begin to identify aspects of yourself that you need to work on. You will notice that the way you talk offends some people, the way you carry yourself doesn't exude confidence, or a plethora of other things that might be wrong and you had no idea.

So whenever others are around you, watch them, focus on them with all you have. Listen to their responses, or more so how they respond. Identify changes in their voice, demeanor and behavior as you interact. Don't worry about what it all means, just watch for the changes in others as you interact with them. By doing this, they will see you are trying and you will instinctively begin to change your behavior without even realizing it.

If you like this, find it helpful or just want to see what I write next please follow @venuspcs and make sure to share/promote/re-steem this so everyone who needs to read it does! Thanks and have a wonderful day!

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