My Cancer Story Part I: Introductions and Discovery

Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Cancer

Based on my initial post, I decided I would chronicle my own fight with cancer over the last year. I'm normally quite a private person, and I haven't shared any of my experiences on social media. The unique Steem platform appeals to me in a way that Facebook or other sites do not. My main goal is to get my own thoughts down and work on my writing. An engineer by trade, I have no illusions about my skill as a writer. I also hope that sharing my story may be informative and spark some discussion on cancer and how it can change your perspective.

On March 3rd, 2016 I woke up and started getting ready for work just like any other day. As I staggered into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I noticed something odd in the mirror-a small lump at the base of my neck. I remember thinking pretty much just "hmm, that's odd" and going about my day. At the time I wasn't concerned and figured I just had a swollen lymph node from an infection.

The lump didn't go away. After a week I started to get concerned. Not concerned enough to cancel my backpacking trip through Death Valley though. I was going with a close college friend that I hadn't seen in over year. The trip was incredible and I still don't regret going (see my first post for another photograph I took). In the months to come, I would often think back to the feeling of peace I had while we lost ourselves in the wilderness.

The trip was not all sunshine though. I did notice myself lagging behind me friend quite often. Used to leading the pack, I found myself constantly struggling to keep up. I think at this point I finally realized something was off.

Upon our return to civilization (if you can call Las Vegas civilized) I showed my friend the lump on my neck and asked his opinion. He immediately scolded me for waiting to see a doctor. I promised him I would call and set up an appointment as soon as I got back home. I'm sure eventually I would have gone to a doctor, but Ben's insistence may have saved my life.

Like many in their 20's, I felt invincible prior to cancer. Cancer was something that happened to old people-not me. It took my friend's strong admonishment to make me call my doctor. The funny thing is, I'm sure I would have done the same to him if the situation was reversed. It's much easier to recognize the health mistakes of others than the mistakes you make yourself.

Upon my return, I called up my doctor's office and finally set up the appointment to get my neck looked at. The appointment wasn't until March 31-almost a full month after I first noticed the lump. Looking back now, I cringe a bit at the lax attitude I took towards my health. My doctor was fresh out of med school and didn't really seem to know what to do with me. He scheduled me for an ultrasound two weeks out and sent me on my merry way.

I think this is a good stopping point for the first part. Let me know what you think in the comments or message me directly:

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