What Is A Good Time To Post?

What is the best time to post to get the most out of your posts? This is one of the most asked questions on Steemit. Because of the people in different time zones who post and curate, it is difficult to define the perfect time to post your latest blog for maximum attention

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My experiences

Until now I have had 3 big payouts, all 3 of those happened in the weekend. That is too much of a coincidence as far as I am concerned. All 3 posts were in the afternoon around 4pm CEST (8 AM EDT, 5 AM PDT).
The posts I made during workdays have faired with lesser success. I normally post late, around 11 PM CEST (5 PM EDT, 2 PM PDT).

My Theory

My theory is that the best time for me to post, because I post my blogs in English, is to post when the US comes online. However it is hard to determine when most people are behind their screen curating on Steemit.
My best guess is that around 9 PM would be the best time because that is when most people are done with work, settling in at home and ready to get on Steemit (my best guess anyway).

If I post at 9PM EDT (3 AM CEST, 6PM PDT), I will have exactly 6 hours before the people in the PDT time zone call it a night.


To test this theory I am going to post this at 3 AM CEST with the help of Streemian.

I will post my findings here on Steemit. Let me know what you think is the best moment to post.

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