Why I quit my job today...

Well, not quite today - I actually quit my hospitality job on Friday evening but started to write this post beforehand in preparation to post it later that night. Since then things have been a bit hectic but I’m stoked for the free time I have now to finish writing it!

So what made me throw away the stability of regular income, security and the status of a working taxpayer?



It occurred to me recently that I could die at any moment. Of course we already know this. Our lives are temporary and nothing is permanent. Its not if we stop breathing, its when. However, whilst we know this, some of us still put up with the same shit week in week out, spending our time doing something we either don’t enjoy, or feel we could use the time better spent doing something else. About a month ago, events changed along with my perspective on life and the world around me. I started to value it more. I started to love myself more, and most of all I started to understand and feel more. I realised I had so many things to enjoy in my life, yet I wasn’t doing them.

On Wednesday i had my shift cancelled a few hours before working because it wasnt looking busy. This can be common in the hospo industry, and it can be really frustrating. Especially when you think about the plans you could have made but couldnt because of a work commitment. Needless to say i was frustrated, but after a short while i started to question my self worth, and eventually i came to realise (and appreciate) the value of my own time.

As I handed over my resignation letter to my manager (yes it wasn’t the type of resignation where I walked in, threw my burning uniform on the bar and walked out after head-butting the hostess (what kind of a person would do that?)) I felt an unfamiliar sense of empowerment and contentment come over me. This wasn’t the end of something good, it was the start of something amazing!

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Instead I will dedicate the time I would spend working an ordinary job in to other ventures in life. Investing in the things I enjoy. Writing (mainly on steemit), philosophy, taking pictures in the ocean, learning/trading crypto. Ive always wanted to write a book, and in the past ive found its incredibly easy to talk yourself out of something so confronting as that. But you know what – maybe il just do that, maybe il write a book after all!

Will I make money from any of it? Who knows. But as the great Alan Watts said:

“What would you do if money were no object?”

So how will I pay for my impetuous drug habit food and bills?

For immediate income il be working with computers. Its something I really enjoy, but have no aspirations to study for at University or turn into a profession. Ive always dabbled in macbook repair and the buy/sell market for them, making a few hundred $ here and there whilst working in other jobs. The side-hustle as I previously called it has now become the full-hustle!! To begin with, ive set up a small office in the wardrobe of my bedroom, from here il spend no more than 3 hours a day, looking for deals and performing repairs (along with editing photos and writing). The rest of the allocated time for my ‘working week’ will be travelling around the coast and down to Sydney to buy and sell! From that il make enough each week for bills and food, maybe a little bit extra. Regardless, i know il be fine with whatever i make!


That’s just the 'working week'. The rest of the time I have to spend on all the other things like surfing, football, yoga, camping to name a few. With no worries about having to work at certain times of the evening, it will be the first occurrence when im in control of my own time!

How does it feel to live without the security of a paycheck?

I’ve been a worrier in the past and I have absolutely no intention of going back there. After working with the law of attraction and maintaining a positive, grateful attitude, ive realised worrying about something that hasn’t happened brings nothing but more worry and stress. It doesn’t solve anything, and if you give it enough energy it creates a downwards spiral of negativity that you can fall into without even realising. I honestly believe I can do anything in this life and I know if I put my energy in to it and focus, I can achieve it. You create your own reality, and I plan on mine being filled with awesome vibes and gratitude! If for some reason things dont work out, well, at least id have given it a shot, and im sure the mistakes that would lead to that scenario would be great lessons to learn from in life!

Would I recommend you quit your own job?

Well, its only been 2 days since i quit mine, so im not really one to be throwing around suggestions as such. However the answer would still remain:

Yes? No? It doesn’t matter what I think, do, say or recommend. Only you can make your own decisions. Only you can create your reality. After all, You are your own God!

Massive thanks for reading this post and a huge thanks to Steemit for giving me a platform to post such a big moment in my life. I am so grateful for the Steemit community and i cant wait to see how far this platform can go in the future!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend legends!

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