TIPS to successful Steemit posting: Learning from @kaylinart

@kaylinart is an extremely successful steemit blogger. Every day that girl be dropping $30 posts like a champ. Her stories are inspirational, well written, and an easy read. They are also formulaic and you can use that formula to your benefit. That's not a diss in any way, shape, or form, it's just to say she found a pattern that works really well on this platform and has been able to inspire people and monetize that inspiration quite well.

After following her posts for a little bit and interacting with her on a lot of those posts I think I figured out the pattern.

Focus on the Format!

If you want to make money you have to appeal to your audience and give them consistency. You can do things in many different ways, but when you find something that works and that your audience likes stick with it! Jon Stewart of the Daily show was a great example. A clip to start the show, a starter opening funny scene, a bit, another bit, an interview, your daily dose of zen. Show over. That's a format that made a comedy central show a formidable news program.

The image matters!

Start your posts with an image in a consistent but changing fashion. @kaylinart posts a pretty girl for the front image of every post she makes. Sometimes it's her. Sometimes it's not. It's not the exact same image, but it's usually a pretty girl with flowers or nature of some sort. It's consistent, but not the exact same!

Be inspirational!

Steemit is becoming more corporate. As these accounts start to actually have value there will be pressure on the system to not be controversial. Controversy drops followers, drops users, and scares advertisers. Inspirational posts are non-threatening, possibly helpful, and generate good will. You will pickup followers more with honey than vinegar though the platform may suffer because truly jaw dropping material may not be tolerated/supported on it.

Add a second point of inspiration slightly off topic or one that reinforces the topic!

Don't just let your audience get away from you after only making one point! You have to make more points. Challenge them, but just enough so that they say "Yeah, I should do that" but not enough so they say "Woah, what's wrong with me?"

Time for another image!

Seal the deal with a call to action!

You have learned how to successfully post, but that's not enough. If you want to make money you have to actually post! Pick your passion, pick your interest, follow this successful format, and watch the followers and the steem grow. Don't expect it overnight, but if you do this you'll likely find yourself an overnight hit 1 year in the making!

Be sure to include your steemit badges! These are social proof of your value and add in reason why folks should upvote you!

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