Get to know me better

During the past few days of Stemmitolidays, whilst most of us sat at home frustrated that we couldn't post, or was worried how much RC we would lose if we did post, @anomadsoul was still busy Steemiting and created a challenge for us.

Get to know me is a great challenge open to Steemians who have been around for more than 6 months and have authored more than 100 posts. In his words "Select your top ten posts, those that you want everyone to read, and make a kick ass compilation." I think this is great idea as I know a lot of my followers and those that engage the most may not know that much about me, and have not read my earlier posts. If you like these post below, please do check out the rest of my blog and follow me if this is your first visit here!

Get to know me Better

First things first, I'm Pauline, great to meet you! I go by @LivingUKTaiwan on my blog. It may look like a long handle, but if you break it down, it's pretty simple Living-UK-Taiwan. I live in UK and Taiwan, or to be more precise, I have two homes. Home home is UK as that's where I'm from. And my current home is Taiwan - please don't get that mixed up with Thailand!!!! I've been living in Taiwan for over two years and I started to blog after I came to Taiwan. Originally I blogged about my life here to keep my overseas friends and family up to date with what I was up to. Then I figured I'd share my travels and holidays with them. And that's how my blog sort of evolved, mainly about my travels around the world, hikes I did and places I went to in UK. I also want share more about Taiwan as I think it has so much to offer yet is so under rated.


Get to know me Posts

A walk along River Thames

I used to live near here when I was in London in UK, and loved to walk along this stretch of the River Thames. When I went back to UK earlier this year for a visit, I drove back just so I could stroll along the river again. It bought back so much great memories.


Kaohsiung yesterday and today

Moving to another country is all about exploring new places. One of the places I visited not long after I arrived at Taiwan was Kaohsiung, a city down south. Kaohsiung has a long and interesting history from when it used to be ruled the Spaniards, Dutch, the Qing Dynasty, and the pain it suffered in modern history from its own government. I learnt a lot about Taiwan during this trip.
Kaohsiung Cafe, Taiwan


My Chinese wedding dress Qun Gua

Like all girls, my wedding was one of the best days in my life. This was the Chinese ceremony day when I had my main wedding banquet in Hong Kong. Writing this post was interesting as I had to do quite a bit of research on the background of the Chinese wedding dress. And afterwards, I realised that even amongst Chinese around different parts of the world, we all have different wedding cultures and even wedding dress. Turns out many are aware of this type of wedding dress but had not seen a real one or let along wore one before.


Dancing in the sky ~ The Northern Lights

From speeding on a snowmobile to a one reindeer sleigh ride

Definitely my most memorable holiday, seeing the northern lights in Finland. Apart from seeing the northern lights, there were many other first for me during this trip - standing in the cold in -30 degrees for an hour but not feeling the cold at all, riding a snowmobile, going on a husky ride, going on a reindeer sleigh ride, snow walking, making a snow angel... I wish I could it all again.
Raiding a snowmobile in Norway


Approaching Machu Picchu

This is my second most memorable holiday - trekking the Machu Picchu in Peru. The Machu Picchu is one of, if not the most important archaeological places in the world. I trekked for a day to get here as opposed to catching the bus up. When you work hard for something, it feels/looks so much better. I still remember seeing the site with my own eyes for the first time, all the tiredness and ache that had built up during the past 7 hours of hiking instantly disappeared.
Me and a llama at Macchi Picchu



PANG !!!

Normally, all my posts are about things I get up to, my travels etc and I use photos to help tell my story. This is one of the few, actually might be the only one piece of pure writing I've done. Fact or Fiction? What do you think?


What did you think about my get to know me posts?

And finally, one of the rules of the challenge is to nominate three other people. As I was going through my old posts, I was reading the comments. Some of you have supported me from my early days, and I am grateful for that. Others have commented and I don't see you around much nowadays. Maybe because I never responded back to your posts, maybe you found other interesting people to engage with, or maybe we never got to know one another better, maybe... maybe... Anyway, I thought there's no better time than now to start afresh. So I have nominated three people how have commented on one of these post in the past, who are still active and who I wasn't following. I have used some of my valuable RC (Joking! What's a few RCs between friends!!) to follow you, and hopefully you will take up this challenge. They are


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