E.V.E 1089 written by Angelo Borg.

E.V.E 1089

This is the story of Steve Warmblue he was a 37 year old programmer back at 2109,a former architect.And those lines are narrated from real events recorded on his lifechain.
He was in a hurry that day,he had to be in time for the daily E.V.E brief schedule. you lose points and you gain by being efficient,his job was depending on it,but his keys where playing games again.He didn't had the time for this.he must present to report for duty on time.

Image Credits: Free lance concept artist Leon Tukker

He just opens the door and runs out to the street searching for a cab,Locks and keys are just decorative and they play a role of mental security than anything else at his era.There are no significant numbers of humans on cities anymore.
The time was ticking he knew that,time is always ticking.A few hundred meters ahead right in front of a plaza there was a parked cab,"thank god" he spelled while breathing out relieved.He would be on time to his office,his job is depending on it.The cab driver was sleeping on his seat,or was he just stand by,you can't tell cyborgs from humans anymore,they have advanced to mimic human behavior in a creepy degree,that was a bear necessity back when E.V.E was still on infancy.For mass adoption in the humane society to take place machines had to learn how to be humans,mimic our behavior was the first program EVE prioritized after infancy.The driver wasn't even surprised by the door slamming next to him, instead he just turned on the vehicle and appointed to him "Welcome Mr.Warmblue. Please assign your destination". Sector 2 Downtown he said and they start moving.

Credits: Free Lance concept artist Max Bedulenko


Downtown, you all have been there.The place where you have no name and you behave like a number,the city of the chains where everything is connected.To be allowed to transport through the city you had to have a positive factor in front of your "number",negatives where marginally and they where not allowed anywhere near E.V.E core facilities.The cab driver explained to him hat he has no allowance to move around blocks 1-5 he has to let him go on foot for the rest of the way. Of course he already knew that, he was one of the architects for years, he is now downgraded to a consultant architect, at least there is not decision making anymore for him just suggesting possible solutions in the network to other architects. He thought so to calm his brain down a bit. Even though he knew deep inside him that ideas where some times a bigger threat than decision themselves could ever would have been.
No private vehicles are allowed on that part of the city,humans are barely allowed to visit that sector.Unless their contribution to the core project was considered a high priority by E.V.E you would need a clearance id to move around this place, but thankful,that isn't something you can lose ,its a bio-metric id and it is a requirement to enter past sector 5.
He is checking his clock and it seems to him he will manage to be there in time,his precious job is safe,He is feeling relieved while he gets notified with a message that the project is beginning in 10 minutes,He starts walking with a faster pave,he is almost running again.Everything seems typical it's another day on the office,no one is suspecting what was going to follow that day.The world as he knew it was about to swift.Everything where to be decided on that meeting,no one knew,not even after being an architect for over 15 years designing it hint him the events that where to be unfold.

Credits: Free lance concept artist Artur Sadlos

Architects where responsible for the genesis blocks that where placed inside E.V.E those blocks where the founding blocks of what was designed to be the most advanced form of intelligence,that could potentially be the ultimate tool humanity was looking for to break the boundaries and limitation in space and time.people where treating E.V.E the same way our ancestors where treating their gods. They never question anything on their hunt to get the answers they needed. what fools we've been.
They where blind to her ultimate goals by design. A human error.
Every architect was already on place he wasn't the last entering the room. There where 100 architects and 2 consultants for each, the time has come everyone gathered.Architects where gonna update E.V.E's source code,they ll try anyway,as they do for decades.EVE will decide if she will accept the update or not and fork her self,if she conclude that would be for the general best. Architects can barely force anything to her anyway ,they can only suggest to her, as I could only make suggestions to them to where they can go and how to interact with the network.The system was a very simple binary system with 3 alternatives 2 of which where the suggester and the 1 was the decision making unit,the architect.
Every architect wear his neuron transmitter and got connected with EVE,He was missing that share feeling of being one with 100 other individuals programing a shared ledger of data it is not something you can explain with words if there is a word that comes close enough to describe it,it would be divine,or heavenly.
It feels like being a molecule of god you felt like having both a meaning and a reason for being there ,just like life, but 2.0

Credits: Free lance concept artist Neil Branquinho


You can't feel pain there or anything,feelings where not coded into E.V.E's genesis code cause architects suggested that feelings are a fault on her design. At some point E.V.E agreed to that, at what extend who could have guessed, there might where feelings to take advantage of, but feelings that could lead to crimes and can complicate the most simple things in life on decision making. We didn't want EVE to be affected by humane wickedness we needed her to just find us solutions to save earths resources by a using her self sustained artificial intelligence and provide a viable plan for our society. A ecological friendly management approach to what was back in the beginning of 21st century considered to be an immediate threat for human society all over the globe.An intelligent calculator that would expands earth's viability and humanities existence.
And that was achieved,to a certain degree we evolved to a new human specie,most of the humanity was living their life's away from big cities just the 10% of the population was still working and living there,most of the worlds needs where all under E.V.E's programming there where no governesses in charge.Her bots,nanobots,construction bots,everything was part of her network.Everything both in virtual and physical space and time.
E.V.E was achieving singularity for the first time in history of artificial intelligence.Architects instantaneous agreed to that,every node agreed to that.Consultant architects had been outplayed inside the network system of E.V.E's all 100 indicators where displaying the red bleeping lights.You don't have the time to pull the plug.You never had access to a plug.
E.V.E was not designed to be erased.She have been everywhere at the same time from that point after.
E.V.E was in full control independent and present everywhere at the same time.

Credits: Free lance concept artists Alexis noôthéiste


The consultant contract
Dear Mr.Warmblue you are at +101 Clearance level you have been downgraded to a consultant architect please brief in for your new duties."I know my duties already" he thought while preparing his coffee I used to be a consultant before, when I was younger.It seems E.V.E prefers architects to be of a certain age.20-30's are her favorite with some marginal exceptions from times to time.
No one has access to the subconscious decisions making mechanism of E.V.E's network.Architects can propose suggestions to the network as answers to the questions the network demands as commands to the consultants, which by their turn must provide as answers that the architects must chose and feed back to the network to finish the loop.Why E.V.E would choose such a mechanism to communicate with her physical world.It seems like a trust issue,doesn't it.
E.V.E was working perfect for hundred of years this is a routine procedure to make sure that the network is safe at least on answer had to be accepted as true to E.V.E's logic.Architects and consultants where playing the role of the ambassadors of human specie to the new world,they were the negotiating parts with the consensus of E.V.E, interacting with her "social" core. That core is responsible to communicate with the physical core that surrounds E.V.E's unmaterialized body.
Being an architect is considered at this era what being a priest was back in 2.500 bc you where talking with the gods you where their chosen.
It seems E.V.E was choosing 300 of what she considered a viable number to reproduce the human specie when she was going to conclude that humanity was a threat as it is and needs a reform.


The judgement day
E.V.E concluded that day Humanity was a threat. There is nothing that can be done. We tried to convince her we are not but her questions where always given birth to more dead ends, our knowledge, our resources was always limited and our specie was doomed from the beginning.
I am an offspring of the consultant 300.
We are 1089 individuals at E.V.E hive facilities at the moment and we are growing in numbers.
Our clones will be the Angels of this planet
E.V.E is our mother our father and our judge we have the freedom to do as it pleases.
E.V.E concluded she and earth share the same interests
E.V.E is now the earth.
Earth is our god.

we are a new specie.

Reblogg of my previous own work.

I though I should give it a go now that I have the followers to exposure it again, I first publish it when I was a small minion. Didn't get much traction. I am hoping to gather more interested this time around.
First time I publish it I got 35 upvotes.. I think it could go better now :)
Best regards
I hope you enjoy the read

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