The Alchemist / 追梦- 奇幻之旅

@travelgirl shared a post about how to DIY Swarovski earing few days ago, I left a comment and said "too bad that I am allergic to metal as otherwise I would want to try". I received a comment from @nationalpark on that, he asked me if I am allergic to gold. He said someone said she is allergic to metal except gold, so he teased her and said she could be a "touchstone"- in Chinese, the "touchstone" means something that you can use to justify if gold is real or fake. Sometimes you just don't know how body reacts to these things, it's really amazing. But coincidently, I am just like his friend, I am also not allergic to gold. I guess i can be a touch-stone too. :)

OK, enough for joke. But his comments did remind me of a book that I read a while ago. It was recommended to me by my husband. It's "The Alchemist" by Brazilian author called Paulo Coelho. I read the English version, not sure if there is Chinese translation. Even though there was strong spiritual in this book, there are quite a bit of "chicken soup" type of message in it. People had quite controversial reviews. Some really like it, some don't, just like any other books.

For me, I think it's a good book, at least for people whom are relentlessly pursuing their dreams. The book is about a Spanish Shepherd chasing his personal legend and true self. With guidance of a Gypsy fortune teller and an old king, the shepherd sold his sheep and left his country to travel to Egypt to find a treasure. The book introduces the idea of personal legend, which is what you have always wanted to accomplish, and when you follow your hearts and really want something, the whole universe will conspire in helping you to achieve it. This is the core theme of the book.

On the road to find treasure and personal legend, the shepherd was conceived by a young kid and lost all his coins. It happened when he just left his country and came to the first stop where he didn't understand the language at all. He mistakenly believed in the "kindness" of the swindler and disregarded the kind reminder of an ugly bar tender. He lost everything to the fraud.

in reality, similar cases happen all the time. People tend to believe in good looking people. It can cloud our judgement. We should not allow ourselves to judge people by their appearance. Most scammers are either in good looking or flatter, and know what to say to please people. Under their nice appearance, there are ulterior motives. Let's all open up our eyes and be more cautious in our life. Try to learn how to distinguish bad from good and don't be fooled by appearance.

The shepherd lost all his coins and had to stop chasing for his dream. He worked at a crystal shop, where he helped to turn the business around. But the expansion of the business didn't make the owner of the crystal shop happy. He didn't want to expand the business too much. If he could choose at this point, he may prefer the status quo as he was in. He was forced to make changes and adapt to it.

In reality, there are many similar situations like this. Take work as an example. Some people may prefer to focus on engineering and project instead of managing people. If you ask them to manage people, it may not be an ideal choice for them even though your intention could be right. They may still try hard to fit in the new role, but if they have a choice, he would rather managing projects than dealing with people and politics. I had one colleague who's one perfect example of this. He was major in mechanical engineer. His main interest is engineer. But he was assigned a manager's role to lead a team. He told me not just once that he didn't want that leadership role, he was trying very hard to function. He had to leave the company due to re organization. Fortunately he found another job relatively quick, and this time, it's the dream job he wants. He's really happy about the change. In order to motivate and retain their talents, finding their talents the best position to fit in their need is key for success of a company.

After the shepherd made enough money to go on with the travel, he left the crystal shop. He ran into an Englishman who was looking for a real alchemist. They went on the trip together and got to an oasis. The shepherd met a beautiful girl and fall in love with her. He wanted to get married with her and stayed, but the girl knew the dream of the boy and encouraged him to move on. The girl knew that if the boy left, he may not come back anymore. but as she loved him that much, she let go of him and waited patiently at the oasis for his return.

I understand what true love means, but I disliked the plan for the girl. Why can't the girl leave oasis and pursue the dream with the boy? Why has she stayed in the desert and be a desert woman waiting endlessly for the boy to return? Maybe you will argue that the boy is the key character of the book, that's why the arthur sacrificed the girl and didn't allow her to pursue her own personal legend. Like in the traditional role, woman suited to stay home and take care of the family. There is a town in my hometown call "Shiting". Around 20 -30 years ago, it was a famous "living widow village", because most of the male adult went to South East Asia to do business and left their family behind. Even though they would still send money back home, which explained why the village was so prosperous in economy with a lot tall building houses. But for those wives, what was the meaning of their marriage other than material? Their main responsibility was to raise up the kids by themselves alone and at the meanwhile take care of the old parents. They were waiting for their man to come back endlessly just like the girl in the book.

The shepherd finally met with a true alchemist and found his true self with help of the alchemist. At the end of the book, the shepherd was once again robbed and lost the gold, But he incidentally over heard from the head of the pirates that the treasure he was trying to seek was all the time in the ruined church where he had original dream back home.

There are occasions when we try to pursue higher goal and didn't see what we have had, at the end of the day, we may have found that what we want is actually with us all the time, right with us. I believe you may have heard a lot real stories, where people worked as hard as they could to purchase their career, at a price of their family, love and health.

Same in pursuing love, people always crave for what they can't have and neglect what they have had. They didn't realize that they may be after someone that they had imagined in their mind, someone who may have never existed.

In general, this is a good book. As said, different people will have different take away. If you are interested in this, I would suggest that you find the book and read it yourself. Enjoy reading. and pls feel free to share your opinions.

这次在 @travelgirl 的文章 "跟我做一些小礼物#4- 简单Swarovski 耳环"中,我留言说可惜对金属过敏,否则我也去做个戴。@nationalpark 问我会不会对黄金过敏?他说他记得有人说自己对金属过敏,除了黄金。所以他开玩笑说她可以做试金石。人体确实很奇怪。我还真的不对黄金等贵金属过敏。但其他金属的耳环只要戴上去就会发炎发痒。看来我也可以做块试金石了。

不过玩笑归玩笑,@nationalpark 的话倒是让我想起一本很不错的书。是我老公推荐给我看的。由巴西作家Paulo Coelho所著,叫《The Alchemist/冶金术师》。我看的是英文版,不知道是不是有中文版。虽然说整篇文章有很重的宗教味道,但其实挺鸡汤的。看过此书的人对它褒奖不均,很有争议。

对于我来说,这本书对于追梦的人来说还是有一定的激励作用的。小说讲述的是一位西班牙牧羊少年追逐自己的梦想/使命的故事。在罗马尼亚吉普赛女郎和老国王的指引下,西班牙牧羊少年,卖了自己赖以生存的羊群,离开自己熟悉的故乡开始了一段奇幻的追梦过程。书里“个人的天命/使命”指的是那个你一直追求的梦想。当你追随着自己的心,努力去朝着自己的梦想努力的时候,整个世界都会帮助你的。 这也是这本书的主轴。













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