Graduating Life with Honours - Chapter Eight


Graduating Life With Honours  

Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom


My Spirit name is White Walking Feather

My vessels name is rob in the pagé family 

Copyleft 2015, 2017 

This book is free and to be shared with my brothers and sisters, no matter how rich or poor they may be. I do grant to every spiritual being the right and permission to distribute this work freely with the  condition that any copies or adaptations are also bound by a copyleft agreement and will not be sold or commercialized in any way and remain unaltered. If you are not familiar with copyleft, you can read more about it at  

If the Spirit moves you to support my work, I will accept gifts of  energy so that I may continue to write, explore, create and share along  my journey. Donations can be made through White dot Walking  dot   Feather at or I also accept steem as well.     

February 6, 2015 – Prerelease   
April 12, 2015 – Final Release Version 1.0
October 12, 2017 - Updated Release on Version 1.1     

Chapter Eight 

Back to Basics

I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means – except by getting off his back.    - Leo Tolstoy

As that courageous teenager, taking those first steps towards moving away from our parents, whether physical or fictional, our first responsibility is to ensure that we can provide for our self, the basic necessities of life. Our physical vessels require shelter, water, food and clothing. Part of being independent requires that we acquire the skills and resources to provide all of those basic needs. Our biggest challenge is to find sources for these needs rather than being dependent upon our parents or others to provide them. Building, hunting and gathering on the most basic level are skills that will vastly increase one's chances of survival. In our current society, those activities have been relegated to store fronts who hunt and gather products for us through the corporate machine. All we have to do now is walk down an aisle and choose which products we want. The process of delivering those products to the shelves have left our environment devastated and the people devoid of any skills to provide for themselves. People are very unhappy with the fascist, plutocracy approach to providing for the children.    

For years I have watched people challenge our political, military, religious, economic, food and financial systems, because things appear broken and people all over the world still suffer, despite all the technology we have at our disposal. People think the system is broken and that if we can replace some of the people, change policy, and initiate a few changes, we can fix it. Even despite thousands of years of revolutions to topple dictators and other harsh rulers, we still end up with the same types of challenges a few hundred years later. The challenge we face today is no different. First we need to accept and recognize that the systems that are in place right now are not broken. In fact, they are working exactly as designed and I believe the end game of that design will be upon us soon. Should we rebel against this current system, which has started already all over the world? If we don't recognize the root foundations of those systems, then we are doomed to repeat the cycle and we will not escape the trap that has been set by the power brokers in this world. In order to break this vicious cycle we must first contemplate the foundations of our current systems and rebuild our lives from a very different paradigm. Yes, that means completely dismantling our relationships and rebuilding them from the ground up. This requires that we get back to the basics so that we can at least survive the transition and then build a whole new way of life after the old system has been dismantled.    

In order to do that, we need to do some work so that we can confront our current behaviours, learn from them, figure out why we are doing what we are doing, come to terms with our involvement and then come up with alternatives so that we can build healthy, strong, meaningful relationships as fully responsible, accountable adults, living healthy, happy, prosperous, interdependent lives.  

I've put a decade of research into these issues and the conclusions I have drawn are very simple. One of the foundational principles of our current models is that it is based on scarcity rather than prosperity. The whole corporate model depends on scarcity of a commodity. If there is more commodity than there is demand for that commodity then the price of that commodity drops which negatively impacts corporate profits. If there is not enough commodity for demand then the price goes up which is a boon for profits. Those involved in this corporate, scarcity model are then dedicated to ensuring that there is always not enough. That way they can demand higher prices and profit from the scarcity. Those who own and run corporations are absolutely focused on either increasing demand or decreasing supply to ensure they have the market cornered on a commodity. If they can do both then they end up with huge profits.    

The real scary thing is that people are so focused on making this model work that they would capitalize on anything and turn it into a commodity. I think most of us would agree that the basic necessities of life in the Physical Realm would consist of food, water, air, clothing, shelter and social interaction. It would make sense to most of us that those necessities of life should be available for all. Every single man, woman and child on the face of this planet requires all of these in order to ensure physical survival. Would it surprise you to realize that every single one of these necessities has been turned into a commodity and capitalized on? Lets take food as an example. In the 1950's and 1960's food production was very high in many areas of the world. It was a result of the war efforts to increase production to feed the war machine. Families were encouraged to grow their war gardens and they did very well.  When the war was over there ended up being a huge surplus of food. To the hungry and poor of the world that would appear to be good news. However, in the scarcity corporate model, this was a huge problem. It resulted in commodity prices crashing and lots of farmers having troubles paying their bills. The Canadian government's response to this crisis was to put together a task force and figure out what can be done to avoid this problem. The result of those efforts was a report released in 1967 called “The Federal Task Force on Agriculture”. They admitted that the most efficient unit of producing food was the small family farm. Here is an excerpt from page 21 of that report:  

The family farm has given valuable service in opening up and settling the country and has been the backbone of rural society. In addition, it has been credited with being the most efficient unit for agricultural production. There is no doubt that interested and dedicated management and work by the operator and his family have wrought wonders. (author's emphasis)

This is absolutely true. In Russia, Dr. Leonid Sharashkin, English editor of the Ringing Cedar series of books, did a presentation where he showed that in 2003, agricultural land use in Russia was split up where the corporate farms used 83% of the land, independent farms used 10% and food gardens used up the remaining 7%. He made a point to suggest that the 7% used by the food gardens were the poorest quality land, reserving the best land for the corporate farms. As a result of that land use ratio, the corporate farms produced 43% of the food, the independent farms produced 6% and the food gardens produced a staggering 51% of the food.    

Can we feed the world? Absolutely. However that is not in the best interests of corporate profits. So instead, the recommendations of our corporate elite to our governments have been to restrict and manage production in order to profit from it. To accomplish that goal, they need to reduce production so that there is no prosperity but managed scarcity. This protects the profits. However, the results are that those who cannot afford the food have suddenly lost access to one of the core basic necessities of life. It is a violation of the individual's Spirit and our mandate from the Creator to ensure prosperity for all when policies like this deny access to a core basic necessities. I would also suggest it is a violation of rights granted to mankind by the Creator.  

Here is what some of the recommendations outlined in chapter 1 of the 1967 Task Force on Agriculture report says. I highlighted the key points:  

The main principles of our recommendations, spelled out in detail in later chapters, are as follows:

 The surpluses must be controlled and reduced to manageable proportions by reducing production drastically, if necessary.
•  Where alternatives exist, production resources must be shifted to more promising market opportunities. Where such alternatives cannot be found, land and other resources must be retired.
•  Governments should provide temporary, limited programs of assistance for the crop switching and land retirement, necessary to cut surplus production. At the same time, this report emphasizes programs to expand demand, particularly on the international scene.
•  Agricultural subsidies and price supports that are not effective and efficient in achieving worthwhile high priority objectives should be phased out.
•  Younger non-viable farmers should be moved out of farming through temporary programs of welfare, education and provision of jobs in other sectors of the economy. Older farmers should be given assistance to ensure that they have a least a “livable” standard of living.
•  Improvement of management must be encouraged by providing seed money for management training, provision of information processing systems, market and price forecasts and other management tools.   
•  The organizational structure of agriculture both in the government and private sectors should be rationalized. Management by objectives, program planning and budgeting, cost benefit analysis and other modern management techniques should be adopted. Every public policy should embrace these principles and procedures.”   

This is the basis for creating the industrial food production system we see today and it reflects the foundational core beliefs of the current system. Despite all the dogma spewing out of corporations and governments today, we as a people have the capacity and technology to not only feed the world but many more billion people on top of that. However, that is not in the best interests of commerce, capitalism and greed. So at the cost of losing millions of people to starvation every year, it has been justified to turn food into a commodity and to profit from it. Poverty and starvation will never be resolved despite our constant requests for politicians to address these issues. They cannot fix these problems because of core foundational designs in the system.  Dr. J. N. McCrorie, a vocal critic of the 1967 Task Force on Agriculture report, presented a speech in November 1970. In that speech he had much to say about this report. This statement was, to me, the most pointed:  

You will recall that the treaties our ancestors signed with the Indians are almost one hundred years old to this year. And those treaties, no matter which way you look at it, contained the following provision: The people who had habitually inhabited this part of the world were to be forced off their environment, they were to be enclosed in rural ghettos to be known as reservations, and they were to be given a guaranteed annual income of five dollars per head per month along with a number of other social security benefits. Now it is not without irony that within a hundred years, the population that replaced the Indians is now itself to be faced with a similar fate. 

Why are we facing a similar fate? Because we are slaves to this feudal system. We are not free to govern ourselves and we are caught up in a framework that depends on scarcity in order to survive. The food we do produce is only for those who can afford to pay for it which is an idea that is morally and ethically corrupt. We have the knowledge and technology to turn this around and end up with so much food that we would be giving it away to all who need it. We have the skills and knowledge so that everyone could grow their own food for free. That would be the loving thing to do and that would ensure that we are replenishing the Earth as we were commanded to by God. This is, after all, one of the lessons we must pass in order to graduate from this class.    

The problem is that we are looking at this model from a physical point of view rather than a spiritual point of view. Our spiritual growth and maturity depends on us finding ways to break through this scarcity mentality and find ways for every single being to prosper. The food gardens in Russia proved that we can out-produce all the commercial farmers with less than 10% of the land use. That number is staggering when one considers that those food gardens had the worst land too. Imagine what we can do if we had access to the best land as well?    

The same goes for energy. There are guys like Nicola Tesla who discovered forms of energy that can literally be drawn from the ether or the Earth herself. He felt that there was an abundance of energy that it could easily power industry and private homes without the use of coal, oil or any other forms of combustion. However, the bankers at the time, mainly J.P. Morgan, realized that with such abundance, he would not be able to profit from it as he could not put a power meter on these concepts. So he conspired to shut Tesla down and destroyed all his work.    

There are many authors out there who write constantly about all kinds of ideas, concepts, technologies, etc that draw upon nearly unlimited forms of energy that would transform this world forever. All of these technologies and ideas have been suppressed for years and people murdered in order to ensure that the scarcity model continues to function. Thousands of patents sit in the patent office and never got off the drawing board for the same reason. For if any prosperity were to manifest it would spell the doom of the current models and destroy all the wealth, profit, control and greed of those who benefit from the current models.    

The goal is, in my opinion, to find ways to step away from the scarcity model and embrace prosperity and establish an environment where all these ideas can be worked on for the betterment of mankind. My wife and I felt that in order to do that we had to change our current relationships with the current systems and explore what that would look like to live in this way. After all, I don't know anybody who has complete prosperity and has no dependencies on the current system. There are a few stories out there, but nobody that I could talk to or learn from directly.    

To get to that point though, we went through our own personal journeys to explore the foundational principles upon which we govern ourselves. I don't know if somebody could change all their relationships at the same time. For us, it took 15 years to get where we are today and we still have much work and learning yet to do. We know that the next generation can do it in a fraction of the time it took us.  When we make changes to the basic foundations we live by, it requires a process of stepping back to evaluate those foundations. Evaluating and changing how we provide shelter, food, clothing, water, waste treatment, energy, heat, etc requires a great deal of disruption while making changes.    

Each of those basic foundations are under deep control by the corporate or government agencies and it is a challenge to address these issues under the current environment. There is no interest in establishing independence as that is bad for business. Dependency is a critical component to building a profitable business. To take a leap like this is daunting. Most children will refuse to make this leap without the push of a parent.    

Children are very much emotionally and mentally immature and not able or willing to fully comprehend the scope of their relationships and the consequences of making specific decisions. So it is the parent's responsibility to guide the child through the formative years so that by the time their physical body is mature, so too are the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well. Most of us don't make it there, so we find other parents to fill the gaps. People who own or run the corporations and governments just love to have people be dependent upon them for they can make a lot of money and control a lot of people that way. There is a lot of money, power and influence as a result. Dependencies at this level is the name of the game. These fictions can only survive if people are dependent upon them. What does a business love to have? Customers who are dependent upon them for goods or services. Those organizations who have lots of dependent customers end up being very profitable. They call it customer loyalty, I call it dependency.    

Making the shift

For me, I needed to hit rock bottom before I decided to surrender the old ways and consider new ways of viewing my relationship with myself and others. It took time, but I found ways to learn how to love myself. I believe that if we can find ways to truly love ourselves then we will, by extension, find ways to remove all the dependencies we have in our lives and find ways to love ourselves by providing for ourselves. Once we become independent, then and only then can we explore establishing inter-independent relationships with other independent people. If we want to shed our dependencies, I believe we must first learn to grow up and start working on having a fully functional, balanced, independent life.    

I have a few basic exercises that I give people to help them with this process. These processes helped me when I recovered from my depression. I will go through three exercises that tie in with one another very well and should give people a great start on removing their dependencies and taking active steps towards being independent. It will be difficult if one is not willing to admit that dependencies exist and that is where the biggest challenge exists. So let's start with the first exercise that should help.  

Each week consists of 168 hours (7 days * 24 hours a day = 168 hours). Over the next week, document how much time you spend doing your day to day activities. After a week, add up the different categories and if you want, chart them on a pie chart. Here is my chart from 2000, just before I went into the Day Treatment Program.       

Illustration 10: Time allocation while I suffered from depression

In this chart you will notice that I spent nearly 90% of my time sleeping, working, or absorbed in an entertainment media of one form or another. The rest of the time was spent doing some odd things around the house, eating and spending a little bit of time with my family. Does this seem a little off balance to you? Here is a chart of my time a few months after I was finished with the Day Treatment Program (Illustration 11). Does this seem a little more healthy? I can testify that I spend way more time now on myself and my family than I ever have in my life. I think this exercise had a significant impact on me because it put the truth in front of my eyes that I could not deny. It forced me to look at how abusive I was to myself and how little time I spent loving myself. Until then, I refused to admit that I had a problem and if I could not see it then it was easy to justify my behaviours and lie to myself. This was reinforced by doing this next exercise.       

Illustration 11: Time allocation after recovery from depression

On a separate piece of paper, write down all the things that are important to you. You can even prioritize and sort the list if you wish. Once you have that list done, put it beside your time chart on where you spend your time and compare the two. Do they match? If so, then I suspect you are fairly happy and satisfied with your life. However, if they do not match, I would suspect that there are some problems. Here I was confronted with the truth of this question and the reality that I did not spend my time on the things that mattered the most to me. Instead I got distracted by addictions and all other sorts of small things in my life so that I can avoid how I felt or avoid growing up and being a responsible, accountable adult. I avoided confronting these issues with the truth because that would mean that I would have to make some significant changes to how I govern myself and where I spend my time. I worked hard to continue being a child so that others would look after me. I found it much too easy and convenient to lie to myself because I did not want to do the work. It was easier to have other people worry or take care of things that I did not want to do. Admitting to the truth meant saying sorry, forgiving and letting go of all the crap in my life. I found that it was easier to deal with the pain and suffering than the unknown because it was at least familiar. I refused to change for so many years because I was more afraid of the change than I was with the pain and suffering that I was going through.    

For me, it really helped to have other people involved. People who are not afraid of confrontation. I was terrified of confrontation. It scared the hell out of me. I avoided it at all costs. Not anymore! I now see the value of confrontation … as long as it is done in a loving way. Having family and friends to call you on your shit will go a long way towards making significant changes in your life. Again, it still requires the will to do this work. It is harder to lie to others, especially if they can relate completely to what you are going through. Truth of this matter; we all go through the basic challenges in our lives. We are not as alone as you may think. So let's get it out in the open and start dealing with it. That is why I am so open and vocal about what I went through. I know there are others out there that can completely relate to what I went through and for that reason alone, I believe that is why so many people resonate with my story. I'm not telling you what to do, but rather sharing with you what I did. If it does not resonate then great. If it does, then great. Either way, I share because I can and because I want to. I believe it is my divine purpose in this lifetime and to do so helps me learn and grow in class too.    

So now that you have done those two exercises, I am sure some of you found out that the time you spend is not congruent with the priorities in your life. One of the biggest lessons I found was that my time is the most valuable gift I could give anyone, including myself. I spend a lot of time on myself because I am very important to me. An old teacher of mine once taught me that the only two true investments one can make is in education and health. All the other things we considered 'investments', whether that is the stock market, real estate, etc. are actually nothing but gambling. I would suggest that they are also misguided attempts to participate in the feudal, scarcity, corporate game currently being played in the Fictional Realm. However, if one spends time to acquire knowledge and optimize their health (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) then one can truly utilize that to then assist others and give of their time.    

For me, time is the most valuable thing and in my opinion is the best expression of love there is. That is why I spend a lot of time on me, because if I don't then I am not demonstrating the value of myself and my own improvement as a Spiritual being. I do it so that I can then fill myself with love so that it overflows and can then be given to others. The problem that I found was that I was so busy working and surviving that I had no time for other people. That is yet another trap that we found and why we changed our relationship with the corporate and government scarcity models. It had to do with time. Time for me is an expression of energy. Where do I spend most of my energy? That includes the actual physical work that I do but it also includes the energy of my feelings, emotions and thoughts. Do I dwell on all that is wrong with the world and do I get all angry and upset? If I do that then where is my energy going? However, if I dwell on all that I desire, healthy relationships, prosperity, love, peace and joy, then where is my energy going? I'm not saying to avoid the problems. What I am saying is lets confront the problems, deal with them and move on so that we can enjoy life and live. We are so busy that we don't have time to live.  

Again, we can use the physical to practice and reinforce these concepts using the same principles I learned in the martial arts. Here is another exercise for you. In regards to your physical energy, the current system has beautifully turned that energy into a commodity and represents that commodity using a tool called money. Money is nothing more than a representation of your ability to create and work. You have been turned into a commodity and you may not even be aware of it. The good news is that because of that conversion, it is very easy to see where your energy goes. Make another list. This time, document how much energy you have and where your energy goes. If you are not sure how to do this, just document where all your money goes. Taxes, utility bills, food, clothing, rent, mortgage, gas, entertainment, etc. Don't forget bank fees, insurance, etc. Once you have your list made, take a look at all the items. Notice something interesting about it? Have you noticed that the vast majority, if not all of those items are services and products delivered to you by a corporation of one form or another? Make no mistake about it, government is a fictional entity and as such functions as a corporation as well.    

Once you have your list, you can convert it into an action plan. You want to live an independent life? Then all you have to do is find ways to remove your dependence on all those corporations by looking for ways to provide those goods and services for yourself. Prioritize the list by sorting it based on how easily you can take responsibility for each item yourself. Start knocking off the easier ones to free up resources, money and time to address the harder items. That way, instead of your energy going towards those corporations, you can keep your energy and focus it towards yourself, your family and all those you feel are a priority in your life. You will find, just as I have, that once a lot of those dependencies are removed then that also significantly reduces the need for the full time job. Once that is gone then you have all kinds of time to work on that list of items you feel is very important in your life and to help others when they need it. Once our basic needs are meet, I find people are more than willing to donate the rest of their time to help others. Now that would change the world! Our participation in the system is nothing more than running on a hamster wheel to feed energy into the cogs of industry to serve a small group of people. The system takes all that energy and transfers it to others leaving you with 'at least a livable standard of living', as the 1967 Task Force on Agriculture report says it.    If we don't address these issues soon, everyone will be working two or three jobs just to survive, leaving no time to live. There is no quality of life when everyone is working just to survive.    

For me I realized that I can only use what is available to me. I would love to get my hands on unlimited energy devices, cars that run on water, or all the other technologies that have been buried, suppressed or classified. Let's face it, the scarcity model does not want any technologies or ideas out there that support prosperity and does not fit into the scarcity model. Doing so would completely wipe out their industries, profits and influence on the populations of the world. At this point in my life, I had to work with solar power, rain water collection, grey water treatment, composting and other such ideas that would still work in my efforts to remove my dependencies. We chose to build an earthship mainly because the concept was mature, being 40 years old, and the architect, Michael Reynolds, has done a lot of work to make them as self-sufficient as possible with materials that are already laying around. What better way to make a statement than to build a house from the waste products of our current culture? Waste in this culture means prosperity for us because there is so much waste that the corporate machine is willing to give it away or pay people like me to get rid of it. Earthships and other building methods that use this waste are excellent ways of building homes which fits well into the prosperity paradigm. I find it very ironic once one contemplates the corporate world.    

I made a lot of mistakes throughout this project of ours. One of the biggest was to start on the house first. We built a garage to live in while we worked on the earthship, but when the money ran out we realized that we made a huge mistake. One that we are paying for even to this day. The mistake was not getting gardens, livestock and other tools in order to establish our own economy and building a home much too large. We spent our capital to build a large house when we should have spent the capital to acquire tools and build our economy and let the proceeds of that economy pay for the building of a much smaller home and all the other expenses we had. So if I had to start over, I would live in a temporary shelter and build the buildings, fences and all the infrastructure I need in order to grow all our own food and provide surplus for others. I would pick up my own tools to be able to mill wood so that I have lumber to build buildings, house, furniture, etc. I would tool up in order to be able to do repairs and other such tasks as well. Let's face it. Things break down or wear out and being able to fix them myself would save me a lot of money and support our independence. It would still take time, but now that we are unplugged from the system, we have time to spend on tasks like that. With all that experience I would have many skills I could then offer to other people as well. The benefits of this approach would have made life a lot easier.    

Please know that in no way am I suggesting that everyone live like us. I cannot and will not tell anybody what they should or should not do. I think that would be inappropriate for me to do. The reason I share this information is in the event that others resonate with our way of life, so that they can see what it is like before they make the leap. This process touches on or impacts every single aspect of our being and is not to be taken lightly. However, with small steps and a willingness to learn and change, most people should be able to remove those dependencies. Also remember that most of the first world functions on instant gratification. The process of removing dependencies takes time and does not provide much in the way of instant gratification. What we have done is not instant, convenient or easy. It requires hard work, lots of time and patience and a very healthy relationship with all involved. Many get caught up in the romance of off grid living and quit due to the reality of living this way.  

When I was on the hamster wheel, working the 9-5 job, every day was the same. I would get up, shower, eat, commute to work, put in 8-10 hours, come home, eat, watch some TV, go to bed. On weekends I would scramble to get as much stuff done around the house as possible because I knew that during the week I would be busy. That routine went on for 20+ years of my working career. I knew that if I stayed working I would be doing the exact same thing even to this very day. The mechanical timing of that type of lifestyle is very unnatural. Nature does not flow in an on/off, digital way that our calendars and clocks produce. Nature has a very fluid, dynamic, rhythmic process to it. Nature is in constant motion and change, nothing is the same way from moment to moment. On top of that, once I started to observe, feel and watch them, I could see the multiple cycles that we take for granted, which have great purpose and meaning. The easy ones were to notice that on a sunny day, those were the days to do laundry and run the saws to build stuff. When it is cloudy then that was time to find other tasks to do such as chopping wood, cleaning pens or other activities that did not require solar power.    

The challenge for us was learning to let go of forcing our way through life as we were taught to do within the Fictional Realm. Trusting in the Creator and having faith in the natural flows of nature is very uncomfortable and takes a lot of time to deprogram the corporate programming from our behaviours. It has taken years to deprogram ourselves and even to this day, little threads of doubt and fear seep in from time to time.  

We find that we now live within the natural cycles and are much more at peace with ourselves and others as a result. The cycles within the Fictional Realm are not natural and as a result it causes much stress and anxiety. I suspect that is why people like getting out into nature on their holidays. Most of us would recognize the daily cycle of night and day. For us, it is more than that because depending on the time of year, the day could be 7 hours long or it could be 18 hours long. Difference being between winter solstice and summer solstice. Mixed in with that are the lunar cycles and that impacts not only the plants and animals but our own moods and biological functions as well. Most women can relate to this as the lunar cycles govern menstrual cycles and some would suggest that men are also affected.    

What we found most interesting is the seasons. In the city we would work no matter the weather. Out here, what we do depends on the weather and time of year. Spring is all about birth, renewal and rejuvenation. It is a time to hatch chicks, plant gardens and clean up after a long winter. Summer is all about growth and long summer days. We have lots of power to build new infrastructure and repair anything that we need for winter. Fall is all about harvesting, storing, canning and reaping all that we sowed in the spring. Winter is all about rest and planning for next year. What would life be like if we started living based on these natural cycles instead of the mechanical cycles we currently use? I find that much of our stress and anxiety is based on the fact that we no longer are in harmony with nature. We are so disconnected from it that we had to find ways to cope and those are no longer serving us. We have immersed ourselves so deeply into the Fictional Realm we have lost touch with the fact that we are in possession of a biological vessel that functions best when connected with nature. Our time has been turned into a commodity by the Fictional Realm and it is important to maximize productivity in that realm. Are we really here to be an input to a machine? I don't think so. However if you have been enslaved to the system, that is exactly what has happened. If you feel like you are a slave to your job then you most likely are.    

My wife and I have gone to great lengths to remove ourselves from that and explore our relationship with nature. The result has provided us with a very interesting and peaceful insight into a relationship that most people have completely walked away from. Our physical bodies are a part of nature yet most of us view ourselves as being an external observer. Nature needs us and we need nature. I believe it is not possible to grow up to be an independent adult without that connection. We have been with nature now for nearly ten years and a lot of healing has taken place during that time.    

We found it is extremely important to surrender to the ebbs and flows of nature. Rather than fighting with it, we aim to go with the flow and work with it. We recognize that our desire to have fresh tomatoes on our table all year results in corporations doing all they can to provide fresh tomatoes. They will use all kinds of chemicals and other nasty processes to deliver what we want. So in the end, we are responsible for all that others do to our food because I demanded that they do that. How? By purchasing the food out of season or purchasing food that was not even grown here. I supplied the demand and they supplied the commodity. I have nobody to blame but myself if they had to use chemicals, bio engineering and lots of fuel to deliver what I demand. Since I am responsible and I no longer want to support such behaviour, I choose to work hard to grow our own food and eat food that is in season or do what ever steps are necessary to store or preserve food that is not toxic or harmful to me, my family or the environment upon which I depend on so greatly. Going out and protesting how others behave without changing my own participation seems to be rather counter-intuitive.    

We are learning how to harvest food from the aspen forest that we live in. Just as the indigenous have done for thousands of years. We also recognize that we are completely dependent upon plants and animals for our survival as we can experience winters that last anywhere from a few months to what happened in 2013 where we had 210 days with snow on the ground. The farther north one goes the more dependence there is on animals for survival. The Inuit in the north is 100% dependent on animals. No plants grow up there at all, so they depend on animals to bring those nutrients up from the ocean instead. Once we realize that we can live within these cycles I have no doubt that the world can feed us all. But we must get plugged back into nature to do it. Our commercial food production systems are not sustainable, not honour the spirit of the plants or animals, and are so concentrated that their activities become toxic. Just as our own activities in the cities are toxic. Whenever we concentrate animals in small centres like commercial barns or cities the waste that is produced is more than what the environment around them can handle. That toxicity then becomes a problem. Rather than dealing with the root cause, which is population density, we instead deal with the symptoms.    

When I talk about getting back to the basics, what I am talking about is that we should be focusing on the root causes of our issues rather than just trying to mask the symptoms that are produced by our actions. The same goes on whether we decide to confront ourselves on our behaviours, our relationships with our spouse, our health, our environment, etc. We are so focused on the fact that we can do things, that we rarely stop to ask the question of whether or not we should do them.    

The foundational principle of our current systems are designed to enslave us. Physical slavery did not work because the slavery was too obvious. This new form of slavery makes it appear that we are free, but upon closer scrutiny, it is very clear that we are not free at all. The slavery we are involved in today is so subtle, so covert, that the vast majority of people don't even consciously recognize it as such. As long as they can move around and buy their stuff, then they really don't care. However, if one is subject to another person then that is tantamount to slavery, especially if that 'other person' benefits from the energy, work or production of that individual.    

The modern slave does not even realize they are slaves and in fact they will do almost anything to protect their master. They will report anybody not cooperating with the system to the authorities just to maintain the illusion. They use parental tools such as withdrawal of benefits or privileges to manipulate behaviour. If you did the exercises earlier, you will notice that you work for benefits and privileges. The vast majority of people work hard just to maintain a minimum standard of living. The global elite will allow a few to have billions of dollars, but in the end, the system is designed to maintain the flow of energy from the masses to the elite. That flow of energy must not be disrupted. The centralization of those systems is nearly complete now that international trade agreements are in place, world financial systems are nearly all centralized, political organizations are bound by corporate agreements, and the religious empires are consolidating. I would estimate in a few more years, if no intervention takes place, we will see the completion of those plans. The reason is not for the benefit of the people, but rather the benefit of the masters.    

Political systems have been the primary tool of choice for control. Just as in 1 Samuel 8, the people rejected God in favour of having a king. The consequences were outlined in that passage. Today we find Supreme Court rulings that say that they have the authority to govern due to the consent of the governed. We consent by our participation in their systems, applying for benefits and privileges and abdicating our responsibility to look after our own basic needs. Exactly what 1 Samuel 8 said. There are literally thousands of web pages online that can help people wrap their heads around this concept. Lots of videos too, including ‘UNGRIP’. If we rebel against the system and install new political leaders but keep the system, then we will fall pray to this again.    

How about walking away from the system and choosing to govern the self with God as our master? Would that be enough to break the cycle and the hold that tyranny has on our current political systems? This idea scares the hell out of most people. Mainly due to us being taught that anarchy = chaos = death and destruction. Anarchy in fact only means an absence of government, but does not necessarily mean an absence of governance. We as Spiritual beings have the capacity to govern ourselves. That means to implement self-imposed limitations to ensure that we maintain a balance. After all, organisms that are not balanced and in control could potentially consume the world, just like our current political, economic and financial systems are doing. In fact, I would suggest that our current systems need a whole bunch of people who are governing themselves, to confront those who participate with these fictional entities and to apply a level of sanity that has not existed for a long time. If this fails to happen, Natural Law will ensure that balance is restored and we will not like the consequences of that action. So we face a choice, do it ourselves or the Creator will do it for us.  

To withdraw consent requires growing up and learning how to govern the self and be independent. I will cover in a later chapter, what would be involved in withdrawing consent to being governed. Suffice to say, it is not an easy path as there is a lot of resistance in place to keep the slaves in line. However, I found great comfort and courage knowing that even if they detain, jail or kill my physical body, they can never capture or detain my spirit. It is my spirit that is now driving my desire for freedom and self-governance, despite what the rest of the world is doing. Standing on principle is hard work and comes with much criticism. It is my spirit that has helped me to confront all that is involved and press forward despite the fear.    

I realized a few years ago that the web of slavery runs through every facet of our lives. Politics are there to give the illusion that we are choosing our destiny, when in fact we are giving our power away to representatives through an implied power of attorney. That is why politicians are not legally obligated to their constituents. In fact, they swear an oath to serve the Queen, not the people. The ministers who are appointed out of the winning party are, in fact, not ministering to the people, but are ministering to the Lieutenant Governor or Governor General. The Prime Minister is nothing more than the top minister for the Governor General. The Governor General's office is a corporation sole and as such, with each new Governor General appointment by the Queen, the corporation is then draped over the body of the new individual who was appointed. This process creates a corporation sole which is a corporation held by one individual, and that individual is doing it on behalf of the Queen, who is also a corporation sole.    

I have come to believe through my research that the Pope is also a corporation sole which claims to own at least half of the world. So when you vote or participate in the political process, no matter where you live in the world, you are feeding the political machine your energy. A machine of fictions and make believe structures, designed solely to take the energy you gave of your own free will and use it for the benefit of the elite. Want it back? Stop giving it away. The whole surprising thing about all of this is that for most people on this planet, it is all done by deception in the attempt to have us participate with our own free will. That is what the benefits and privileges are all about. The elite offered all these great things and we accepted because it is more convenient than doing it ourselves or with other groups of people.    

Debt Slavery  

The vast majority of people are in debt via tools called credit cards, mortgages, lines of credit, etc. Did anybody force those upon us? No. In fact we went to them to apply for them. We begged them to give us money and we agreed to give them even more money in exchange. Did you realize that money is nothing but a fiction and in fact the banks created that 'money' out of thin air? The banks provided no energy or assets in those transactions. There was no equal consideration at all as the banks did not offer anything of equal value to the agreement. We offered our time and labour which is the most valuable thing we have and they offered nothing but a fictional promise which in the end has no value at all. They used a fictional construct to modify your behaviour so that they can siphon energy from you, which you willingly agreed to. You signed papers of your own free will. They then took those papers and made millions off of it through a process called fractional reserve banking and other fancy financial tools to trade those documents on the open markets. They created great wealth as a result and the poor and middle class are enslaved to payments and have to work jobs to earn more fictional money in order to meet those obligations.    

If one was to work through all the items in the lists we made earlier and removed all our dependencies, would we necessarily need to work those jobs? Most of us don't even like our jobs so what would you do with your life here on earth if you were no longer tied to a job? I quit my job in 2007. Now I decide what I do, rather than having a boss and a government agency dictate what I have to do. I no longer have a huge duty to work for the fiction because I have very little fictional obligations. This is, by far, the biggest trap I have experienced in all my years of living. Debt and money seems to be the biggest challenge, even for myself.    

I find to this very day that I just can't seem to get over that emotional and mental requirement for money, mainly because I feel a strong desire to keep my phone and internet connection so that I can stay in touch with people and interact with them. I justify it by the belief that I need social interaction with others in order to maintain a healthy emotional and mental state of being. I believe we are social beings and social interaction is important for our health. Because of those beliefs I have been unwilling to let go of some technologies. Until such a day that I can pay for my phone bill with a few dozen eggs or the service is offered for free, I'm not sure how I can break my need for money.    

We did sell everything in order to get rid of the debt though. We started over and built everything we have here out of pocket. We have no mortgage / death pledge hanging over our heads. When we manage to make a little bit of money, we trade with others right away in order to off load the fiction in exchange for something that is physical. We would rather deal with the physical and spiritual than the fiction any day. So for us, it does not make sense to hold onto it for any length of time.   

Fiction of Religion  

Religion is a touchy subject but I'm going to address it anyway. Nothing gets people riled up more than standing on one side of the fence versus the other. Holy wars have been fought over simple disagreements or differences of opinion. My view is that religion is yet another tool in use to segregate and control the population. Religion is yet another business designed to funnel energy from the people into a central location. It is particularly powerful because they often use guilt and shame in order to maintain control and compliance. They convince the sheep in their flocks that they are sinners and that they need to support the church in order to obtain salvation. There is a whole raft of other techniques they use as well, but that would take up a whole entire book. Suffice to say, organized religion is very different than being spiritual. I believe it is my responsibility to have a direct relationship with the Creator rather than have somebody else tell me how to interpret that relationship. I don't trust most ordained ministers or priests. Most of them have given their allegiance to other men and signed over their churches to the state in order to obtain tax free status. As a result, they too are governed by the state and are not allowed to even marry people using a simple spiritual ceremony. Try getting married now without signing the 'legal' papers issued by the state outlining how the marriage is a three party contract, between husband, wife and the state. The minister or priest will tell you they are not allowed to do spiritual ceremonies any more. Does that not sound telling on their own relationship with the state?  

I could also cover institutions like public schools, social services, police, courts, employment insurance, workman’s compensation, insurance, pensions, etc. The point is that all these benefits and privileges are designed to enslave us and take our power, whether we are aware of it or not. There are some jurisdictions that have completely privatized all these services. Do you think that the system has a vested interest in putting people in private, for profit jails, despite what they have done? I recently read two articles where two judges were sent to jail themselves because they were finding kids guilty just so that they can receive kickbacks from the owners of these private prison facilities because of the profits involved. When our compassion for others is jeopardized due to our desire for profit, the spirit is doomed. So despite how hard some of these ideas are, it is important that we confront ourselves honestly and openly so that we can really evaluate why we participate with these types of people. It does not matter if it is legal, what matters is if it is ethical and founded out of love. Does it honour our own spirit and those of others? Once we decide to govern ourselves at this key, foundational level, then we have come to a foundation that we can re-build the rest of our lives with. However, this requires a lot of work, soul searching, questioning everything we do, say and think. It confronts us at levels we may not necessarily be ready for. As these issues result in recognizing that the majority of the things we have, were obtained through fictions, deception and fraud. To fix all of that requires great change and sacrifice. Right now, I find that most people are not ready to go down that road. Things in this life are not tough enough yet to instigate that level of shift in people's thoughts and behaviours. That disruption is on its way. I believe it will arrive and at that point people will be faced with a stark reality: change or deal with the consequences, not only to your body but to your spirit. For those decisions will be contrasted more and more as these fictional constructs start to break down and cause disruptions the world has not seen before. So the choice is to be proactive and do the work now or wait and do the work later. As with everything in our lives, it all comes down to choice and recognizing that good communication, and a willingness to compromise, forgive and make mistakes is mandatory. Most importantly, it requires building a very intimate, foundational relationship with nature, something that most of us have completely lost due to our devotion to the Fictional Realm. Without those basic relationships, we will struggle or even perish when any disruption comes.   

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