Graduating Life with Honours - Chapter Eleven


Graduating Life With Honours  

Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom


My Spirit name is White Walking Feather

My vessels name is rob in the pagé family 

Copyleft 2015, 2017 

This book is free and to be shared with my brothers and sisters,  no matter how rich or poor they may be. I do grant to every spiritual  being the right and permission to distribute this work freely with the  condition that any copies or adaptations are also bound by a copyleft  agreement and will not be sold or commercialized in any way    and remain unaltered. If you are not familiar with copyleft, you  can read more about it at  


If the Spirit moves you to support my work, I will accept gifts of energy so that I may continue to write, explore, create and share along  my journey. Donations can be made through White dot Walking dot Feather at or I also accept steem as well.        


February 6, 2015 – Prerelease   
April 12, 2015 – Final Release Version 1.0
October 12, 2017 - Updated Release on Version 1.1        

Chapter Eleven 

The Original Trust


Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it. - Chief Seattle  

When we step into the full power and authority of who we are, we are not done. With great power comes great responsibility and as such we have a duty to others when we get this far. The question is, “What does that duty entail and what boundaries are there in the execution of those duties?” When we move from being dependent to acquiring independence, we walk away from a child receiving benefits and privileges from a parent, and step into an individual accepting duties and rights instead. Those duties have been outlined by a trust that the Creator set up, which is known in all cultures all over the world. The problem is that we have ignored that trust and the associated duties for far too long.    

Throughout a decade of research into the legal system, I have run across many people talking about trusts. In fact, one could spend a lifetime studying about the systems' trust laws. Rather than getting into all the fictional legal mumbo-jumbo about trusts, I would rather just talk about the basic constructs of a trust, so that we can relate it to our relationship with the Creator.    

In a trust there are three parties involved: Grantor, Trustee and Beneficiary. The Grantor is the one who has ownership of a specific piece of property and he gives it away for the benefit of the beneficiary. The Grantor makes an agreement with the Trustee. That agreement usually stipulates that the trustee would hold onto the property and make sure that it is protected for the benefit of the beneficiary. That agreement stipulates that the Grantor trusts that the trustee will fulfil the obligations to the beneficiary as laid out by the Grantor. Should the Trustee fail in his duty in any way, that would be a breach of trust and the legal system usually takes those breaches very seriously. I say usually as I have noticed that those trustees are getting away with a lot lately and as such, faith in the legal system has been diminished considerably.    

Growing up I thought that the politicians in the political system were the trustees, responsible for looking after the assets of the people, for the benefit of the people. Our ancestors being the original grantors in that trust and ourselves and our children being the beneficiaries. Through years of research and much soul searching, I had to conclude that these trusts are not set up that way at all. The beneficiaries are the global elite and they work hard to hold the people as the trustees in that massively unbalanced and unfair trust arrangement.    

By this point in the book, most of us should realize that this is all a fictional game to begin with. A game to take possession of all the land, water, air, minerals, animals, plants, and even all the people (human resources), and then turn the people into slaves to do the bidding of the global elite. They accomplished this because we did not realize who we are, our relationships with each other and the earth and our duties to all. In reality, our duties are nothing like what we have come to believe from the legal system.    

Many individuals find it difficult to leave the fictional system as there appears to be no place to go otherwise. However, if we see ourselves as the divine spiritual beings that we are, then in fact there is a place to go to embrace our life purpose. There is a trust that was set up right in the beginning. We just ignored it for so long that we forgot it was there.  

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. - Genesis 1:28-30

I need to break this down so that we can see the grant and our relationships to all life, including the earth herself, animals and plants. In this original trust, the Creator is the grantor and granted the fish of the sea, fowl of the air, every living thing upon the face of the earth to Man. That grant came with very specific terms and conditions. We were to replenish the earth! The word replenish means to be full, abundance, to satisfy. A word we use in modern times to describe the same idea is 'prosperity'. That places Man as trustee of all life on earth, including Man as the beneficiary. That means we have a job to do! The Creator stated that we can use the fish, plants, beasts and all that creepith as food (meat) to sustain our bodies. But that did not mean that we can rape and pillage the earth in the process. I would also suggest that there are specific life forms that we are not to eat while we are trustees of the earth. Scripture specifically mentions the great whales and I do believe there is a reason for that. To explain, I need to use a simple chart.      
Illustration 23: Relationship between levels of consciousness   

I created a simple diagram to show the different levels of consciousness that we are familiar with. As I suggested before, the Spirit formed all that is in this Physical Realm, right from our current understanding of the sub-atomic Higgs Boson God Particle, up to Mother Earth herself and the heavens, which we know little about. I suggest that the level of consciousness exhibited by each of these levels increases as the organism gets more and more complex. There becomes a point where the organisms' consciousness reaches a threshold of self-awareness. Man definitely obtaining that threshold. I would suggest though that the great whales mentioned in scripture, along with dolphins, great apes and elephants also have obtained that level of self-awareness.    

In part of the Original Grant, the Creator specified that we could use lower level life forms to feed our bodies. The lower on the consciousness scale, the more of a servant the organism becomes. However, just like any King, we are judged based on how well we treat our subjects. Right now, as we rape and pillage the earth, we will be judged poorly. Mother Earth, being a higher consciousness as ourselves, along with the Creator, may give us a swat if we don't get back on track with our duties. We all know what it is like to live under a tyrannical king. The Fictional Realm has made it very clear over the past years what tyranny feels like. Well if we take a look at our relationship with the lower consciousness life forms, we have been tyrannical as well. Even though we are to have dominion over them, we are not to disrespect or abuse them. They are there to serve us in our quest to raise our consciousness level and fulfil our life purpose and duties under the Creators' trust. That requires that we have a healthy relationship with them so that we can communicate. We are not to force our will against any life form. We find food by asking permission from a lower consciousness life form to ask them to sacrifice themselves for the nourishment of our body. Then we are not forcing our will (murder / evil) but instead they willingly give to their master (gift / love). When we accomplish this level of relationship we suddenly honour the spirit of the organism and that is an expression of love that comes forth through the universal mind through our heart. Ownership of plants, animals, land or the earth herself shows disrespect and is, in my opinion, a form of force and is not loving at all.    

So with the lower consciousness life forms, they are our servants, we are their masters. It is our mandate as trustees to honour and respect all of our servants and ensure they all are prosperous. I believe that when we accomplish a successful relationship with the lower consciousness life forms, we help increase their consciousness. It is our job to help them accomplish that goal. So what about those life forms that are already consciously self-aware? Are we their masters too? I don't believe we are. Our fellow man as well as whales, dolphins, apes and elephants are on a similar path and journey. We are all on a quest for higher levels of consciousness, life experiences and expressions of love. Perhaps they too have a duty to replenish the Earth or even help wake us up to get us back on track. Killing these individuals is, in my opinion, murder (evil act) because they are self-aware. I don't care what the excuse is or how we justify it. We violate the sovereign spirit of any self-aware individual by ending its life, even if we have his / her consent. They are here to help us recognize that we are not alone and that we can work together to help one another achieve greater experiences and higher forms of consciousness. We are to work together as a team to fulfil the duties under the Creators' trust! That also means that we should be consciously aware of other life forms that do acquire self-awareness and invite them into the family when they achieve such a great milestone!  

As for our relationship with Mother Earth and the Creator himself, we are servants. It is our job to sacrifice ourselves for our masters as that is the highest form of love we can show. It is our duty to learn the ways of our masters. They made laws that we are to learn and follow. Mother Earth follows the Natural Laws of the Creator, but she too has her own laws. How all the life forms interact and are governed is up to her as she is a sovereign being in her own right. How the wolves organize themselves is their attempt to follow natural law. How bees or ants organize themselves follows similar natural laws. How everything, including ourselves interacting together, is a system so complex it is beyond our comprehension, because it is being governed by a higher sovereign consciousness than what we are currently capable of seeing. However, it is still our duty to figure it out and live within those boundaries. For us to contemplate the consciousness level of Mother Earth is much like my example of two cells in my toe contemplating me. Our physical bodies are part of this earth as the nutrients that make up this body came from the Earth herself. We are but a single cell in a much larger, more complex and higher conscious organism that far exceeds our own. Our bodies are indigenous and our Spirit is the sojourner. Hence we are in this world but not of this world. The air is her breath. The water is her blood. The plants and animals are her flesh, hence the scripture reference to meat for us to eat. The rocks are her bones. She has dependencies as well: the sun. We are here to work together and to help one another. It is our duty to do so. She is sick as she has cancer. That cancer is us and we need to heal so that she can heal.    

When we interact and learn the systems that govern Mother Earth, we can then participate to bring prosperity. The problem is that our intellect has far exceeded our consciousness and that is getting us into trouble. We have advanced so far from an intellectual point of view, we have not stopped to consider the consequences of our actions. This occurred because we got disconnected from the universal mind when we got lost in the Fictional Realm. Those lost in the fiction are not consciously aware of the harm they are doing. They are so preoccupied with what they can accomplish, they rarely stop to ask or see if they should or evaluate the impacts of their actions. This was an idea that was shamelessly taken from the hit movie 'Jurassic Park'. Our intellect must be in balance with our consciousness to maintain Christ level consciousness.  

It should be rather simple to evaluate whether we are stepping outside the parameters of the trust that was setup by the Creator. Are we replenishing the earth? In order to do that, prosperity must be the economics of that goal. Considering we live in a model of scarcity, I would suggest we have strayed far far away from our duty. Just looking at the number of species lost over the past couple hundred years would suggest we have failed miserably in our duty. Take a look at our fellow man, the vast majority of whom live in slums and squalor.  

A steward is defined as 'An official who controls the domestic affairs of a household, supervising the service of his master's table, One who manages the affairs of an estate on behalf of his employer.'  

For me it seemed clear that the Creator, being my master, granted all that is here (his table) in order for us to manage it for him, for the benefit of all! This is his house as he made it very clear he owns it all in Leviticus 25:23. You see, the terms of the grant were very clear. We were to ensure that we “... replenish the earth.” (Genesis 1:28). That means as stewards, we are supposed to ensure prosperity for all, not just for a select few. The problem is that as stewards of the earth, we abdicated our duties and responsibilities to the kings of the world and created fictional constructs so that we could benefit from less responsibilities and duties in order to acquire protection, safety and security (benefits and privileges). We abandoned our duties and turned our backs on the Creator, just as I had talked about in previous chapters and which was outlined in 1 Samuel 8. We went from being adults and regressed back into being children.  

When we did this, we also abdicated the authority and jurisdiction that was granted to us in order to fulfil our duties and obligations. We granted that authority to a small handful of men and women on this planet. The point that most people don't realize is that our own free will choice put us under the jurisdiction of the king which meant we have abdicated our duties and responsibilities granted to us from the Creator. Scripture talks about the consequences of that choice and I would suggest that much of what is written in scripture is about those consequences and should not be used as a rule book for how we should live. The reality is, God sent a special angel down to take care of all the kings and to rule over the kingdoms of earth. We are confronted with the reality of that truth when we read about Christ's 3rd temptation:  

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. - Matthew 4:8-9  

What I realized is that God made another trust where he granted the kingdoms of the world to the Devil. This does not mean the land, earth or all the animals as that was already granted to Man. This grant was very specific. The devil has the right to the kingdoms and must not be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom. Remember the actual kingdom belongs to God but the royal power or kingship was given to the devil because we abdicated our duties and responsibilities. The realm that the Devils Kingdom resides is within the Fictional Realm only! Christ rejected the Devil's temptation because he knew that being a King over all the fictional kingdoms was contrary to stepping into his true power as the I AM and showing us what it would take to accept the Creator's original trust and the duties associated with it. He knew that his true duty was to God and to replenish the earth, not to rule over it. That is why most alternative research shows that the kings and presidents of the world are into worshipping the devil as that is the trust they have accepted in their lives.    

The kings and the popes of the world have succumbed to this temptation and as such I firmly believe that they are in league with the devil. Many authors writing about end time prophecies talk about how these institutions are the sources of the anti-Christ and the false prophet, which makes sense considering the dark energy behind what we are witnessing today. These people are holding offices which are corporations, essentially are dead bodies. Now with all these dead bodies, who is responsible for them all? Would the devil be an appropriate term to use? Does it not make sense that the devil would use his army of walking dead marching over the face of the earth to fulfil his bidding and harvest all those lost souls? These animated zombies are those who are still stuck in the fictional realm, believing that they are persons rather than the truth of who they really are. It is these individuals who will do whatever it takes to protect the system and attack anybody who threatens the system in any way. The courts are the gatekeepers and they will do anything to scare or intimidate people into staying in the system. That is why you will see court case after court case involving freemen and sovereigns making arguments in court that the king does not have jurisdiction and case after case they are ruled against. Remember that there are many cases that do not have any rulings. Those are the cases where these individuals are winning but because there is no ruling, there is no precedent setting case to use or share with others in common law. When the courts lose, they make sure those losses are not made public or do not make it onto the record as that would wake up the masses and show them how the whole system is smoke and mirrors.    

I laugh at people who ask for proof of these truths because they cannot find any. I laugh because there is no proof other than the testimony of people who step away. The zombies want proof of what it takes in order to be free but they will not find any until they find the courage to step out for themselves and see the truth from within. The solution is not 'out there' for them to find but instead it is and always will be 'within'. Matthew 12:28 'But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. ' Luke 17:21 'Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. '  

However, once one steps out and rejects the jurisdiction of the state, then it becomes very clear to me that there is a profound and important duty that must be undertaken. That duty is to step into and accept the responsibility of being a steward in the Creator's original trust and to work towards having a healthy relationship with the earth and all the plants, animals and people on this planet. The duty is to work toward prosperity for all and do so through an expression of love, compassion and empathy. This cannot be accomplished within the system for it is designed for the dead and functions on a foundational premise of scarcity rather than prosperity. Those are the tricks and tools of the devil and we have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.    

Men have accepted to hold office within the constructs of the dead. The Pope may appear to be a highly spiritual man, but in reality I believe he and the fictional, dead office he holds is the biggest deceiver of man and spirit. He holds an office that claims to be the Viceroy of Christ and a fisherman of man. He fishes for all the lost souls in the world and he has found a lot as most souls here on earth have no clue as to who they are. They are truly lost. In turn the Catholic Church has also become the most wealthy and powerful group of corporations on the face of the planet. If they were truly interested in being proper stewards within the Creator's original trust, they would take steps to teach people how to fish and give them the tools and resources to do so. They would share the wealth and resources to bring prosperity to the entire planet. Instead they just give people fish and build further dependencies to perpetuate the problem. Most charities in fact take this approach, for the charity business is very profitable.    

I also find that most people want to avoid being trustee because the trustee pays! When I contemplate what Christ did, I am forced to conclude that the greatest payment was already made by him during his sacrifice. Christ is a trustee too and he paid the biggest price. The amount we have to pay now is merely our time and energy to do the work. We don't have to sacrifice our own lives but merely get the work done. I don't think people are afraid of work. But they are afraid of inconvenience. I am not afraid to stand beside Christ as a trustee. I am willing to pay with my work and energy to fulfil my duties as trustee so that all can benefit, including myself.    

Deep down, our heart and our Spirit knows what to do. Those feelings come gushing out every time there is a major disaster or when people are in pain and they need help. We instinctively know what to do and if things get bad enough it moves us into action and we then give generously. That action has always been to help those in need and is a foundation of prosperity. It is almost instinctual for us to help out. What is required to maintain this in all aspects of our lives is the courage to step out of the fiction and embrace this beautiful and powerful gift that was granted to us by the Creator and which resides in each one of us; to fulfil our duty to be good stewards to all that are here. This cannot and will not be accomplished through our current models of religion, corporations, charities, etc. When we accept our responsibility to be a steward of the earth and all that lives upon it, then we have stepped into our proper role and duty. This will require that we learn how to listen, see and hear. Our mind and emotions are loud and must be dampened in order to hear what nature and others are trying to say to us. The Spirit of our fellow man as well as the water, air and land, all the way up to the plants, animals and Mother Earth herself is screaming. Their spiritual voices cry out loud yet the noise in our minds is so deafening we cannot hear them. That noise is because of our own pain and suffering that must be resolved first through hard work, confrontation, disturbance and discipline. Once we accomplish that, then we can step up and start to do some meaningful work and healing because we can actually communicate with the Spirit of all that is here. Our mind is so loud it has made us deaf and blind. Deuteronomy 29:4 'Yet the LORD hath not given you a heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.' Only when we accept Christ Consciousness and discipline the mind can we then use our heart to perceive. Only then will we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear all that is going on around us. Only then will we be able to step into the original trust that was set up by the Creator. It was never dismantled. It was always there and is waiting for the few courageous people to step into the roll of trustee and get to work. The trust is waiting for people to accept the duty and responsibility of being proper stewards. The work in front of us is great but very doable. If we can learn how to have healthy relationships and accept the duty of being a loving steward of God's creation, the mother of our physical bodies, then we have a much greater chance of Graduating Life with Honours! 

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