Graduating Life with Honours - Chapter Four

Graduating Life With Honours  

Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom


My Spirit name is White Walking Feather

My vessels name is rob in the pagé family 

Copyleft 2015, 2017 

This book is free and to be shared with my brothers and sisters, no   matter how rich or poor they may be. I do grant to every spiritual  being  the right and permission to distribute this work freely with the   condition that any copies or adaptations are also bound by a copyleft   agreement and will not be sold or commercialized in any way and remain   unaltered. If you are not familiar with copyleft, you can read more   about it at 

If the Spirit moves you to support my work, I will accept gifts of   energy so that I may continue to write, explore, create and share along   my journey. Donations can be made through White dot Walking dot  Feather  at  

February 6, 2015 – Prerelease   
April 12, 2015 – Final Release Version 1.0
October 12, 2017 - Updated Release on Version 1.1 

Chapter Four 

Spiritual Realm

Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. - Plato     

A couple years ago a hereditary chief and a couple of his brothers, all from Manitoba and North Dakota area, came to visit me while I was teaching a class in Edmonton. I invited him up to address the group and he shared a bunch of stories that moved me considerably. One of those stories had to do with a time when the U.S. government was sending their military out to slaughter the indigenous people. The U.S. solders were confused because when they went into the indigenous camps, the men, women and children would have big smiles on their faces, joy in their hearts and look up to the stars with their hands reaching up like a child being picked up by their parent. They knew they were about to die at the hands of the U.S. military and the soldiers could not figure out why they were so happy. What they failed to realize is that the indigenous had such a strong spiritual connection with the Creator that they knew that when they died, they would once again return and be with the Creator. To the majority of the U.S. military this concept was completely foreign to them. It was not until much later that some of the chiefs realized that if they all left to be with the Creator, that there would be nobody left to protect Mother Earth. It was this that initiated their fight for survival. Not for their own survival, but for the survival of Mother Earth. Today we find a strong movement called 'Idle No More' and I suspect most people think it involves the rights and protections of the indigenous peoples. I suspect that deep down, their spirit is moving them to action because Mother Earth is in danger and she needs some significant help by those who have dedicated their lives to being stewards of the Earth. They know that they have a duty to protect Mother Earth and ensure prosperity for all. It is no different than what I just shared in the last chapter.    

This is not merely a physical process that we are seeing taking place. I believe there is much more going on than what can be seen with the eye. Sure there is physical harm being done every day to people, the Earth, water, sky, etc. However, I believe there is also a huge spiritual component to all that is transpiring. The problem is that some of those who do not recognize or believe in the spirit or the existence of the Spiritual Realm, to some degree, behave as if only the Physical Realm exists and ignore the Spiritual Realm to the detriment of themselves and others.    

I once read a story about an event a few hundred years ago when the Spanish first came to Central and South America. The indigenous people there were almost entirely submersed in the Spiritual Realm. They could only see the spirits of the trees, animals, water and sky. The story talks about how the medicine man was the one individual who managed to get to the point where he could see both the physical and spiritual and was relied upon to translate between both realms. It was the medicine man who saw the sails of the boats when they came to shore. The others could not see the physical manifestation of the boats and as such they were very easy to capture, turn into slaves or slaughter.    

I believe these stories and with all that has happened to the indigenous people all over the world, we have lost the capacity to see and relate to the spirit of all those around us. We have been enticed to spend our entire life governed and influenced by the fiction to the point where most people have a hard time separating fictional constructs from the physical. Billions of dollars have been spent and countless wars waged throughout history arguing about who's creator is more powerful.    

The sad part is that due to the rise of the Fictional Realm over the last few thousand years, but most prevalently in the last couple hundred, there has been a huge shift away from the spirit in favour of the fiction. The fiction has become the new god to most people. I say that with confidence as I continue to observe how much time, money, energy, wars and resources are spent, to protect entities that do not even exist. The very concern that the hereditary chiefs had about the destruction of Mother Earth is continuing because the new gods being worshiped focus on greed, power, wealth and high standards of living over anything else. The good news is that some people are starting to realize that their fictional god may be a big mistake and people are starting to wake up to these truths.    In a paper written in 2005 by lawyer John Borrows, entitled “Crown and Aboriginal Occupations of Land: A History and Comparison”, John wrote:  

Over the last couple of days as I’ve listened to the Elders, I have begun to understand that what I’ve learned about Aboriginal peoples and their situation in Canada has largely come from written sources, from books, and there are a lot of things that were embedded in my legal education that I haven’t overcome. The most important one, I think, is that law school indoctrinated me with the belief that the Crown is all powerful, and I think that’s a real problem, because I think legal education [has] a tendency to regard the Crown almost in the way that the First Nations people regard the Creator—as being the source of all things.     

I am very happy to see that some people are starting to see the fiction for what it is. So the big question then, “What is my true relationship with the Spiritual Realm and the Creator?” I think people have been asking that question for thousands of years. The problem is that for many of those years most people could not read or write and as a result they were susceptible to influence or coercion by those who chose to take advantage of their vulnerabilities. These charlatans were able to interpret the will of God for their own benefit and place themselves in a position of power and influence over those who were illiterate. What better way to control people than to tell them what the will of God is based on your own interpretation? I believe every single organized religion of the world plays this game, the worst being the Roman Catholic Church. In fact, those individuals who wear the masks of the church are so lost in the fictional realm themselves, I really question whether they realize it or not. The Roman Catholic Church is the first organization to implement a business model to their organization, a very simple corporate model that is still effectively used today. My big burning question is; do I really need to read and write in order to explore my relationship with the Creator? Do I really need somebody else to interpret or tell me how that relationship should unfold? Is it their responsibility to mold the types of relationships that I have or is it mine? For me, I have come to the realization that I AM 100% responsible for all my relationships and as such it is my job to explore my relationship with the Creator and all it contains.    

I've already shared my views about the Bible and how I don't trust a lot of what it says. The reason I don't trust it is that it conflicts with my core beliefs about my relationships with myself, God, family, friends, Mother Earth and all that the Earth contains. What I did instead is establish a core foundational principle that I decided to live my life by. If I run against ideas, concepts or beliefs that conflict with those core foundational principles then I have a choice; engage critical thinking processes, evaluate the new idea and decide whether I will change my principles or reject the idea. The process I went through to recover from depression is exactly the same but does requires the will to do the work. I went through 18 weeks of dismantling flawed constructs that I believed in in order to rebuilt a whole new construct. The old constructs resulted in much pain and suffering, where the new constructs resulted in way more happiness, peace, freedom and love. Making that level of change though is hard work, very uncomfortable and painful. Not a task to be taken lightly.  

I've discovered that having a code to live by produces specific results. My goal is to produce love, joy and peace. That can only be accomplished if I establish some specific boundaries and principles upon which to live by. The old principles resulted in supporting the flesh where my new principles are leaning more towards the spirit. That is my goal. That is what I constantly work on to accomplish. I still have much to tweak but I believe I am getting there.    

Having others establish the standards or principles upon which we live our lives has failed miserably merely because it is way too easy to blame others should something go wrong, and the temptation to control or benefit from others is too great. It also results in a mindset that others know best and to be honest, that is counter to the whole purpose of our being here. When contemplating my relationship with the Creator, how can I even come to terms with what and who the Creator really is if I don't explore that relationship for myself? Talking to a friend about my relationship with the Creator is like two cells at the tip of my finger talking about their relationship with me. Is it possible for those two cells to consider all that I am, let alone what I do, how I do it and even to contemplate my own consciousness? How can I possibly contemplate the full scope, breadth, and consciousness of the Creator when I am limited by the physical constraints of the Physical Realm from where I am making these considerations or observations? This requires a leap of faith because it is not possible to fully comprehend the full scope of the Creator and the Spiritual Realm using the limited senses and capacity of the physical body.    

In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.'- Psalms 56:11       

I made a realization that it is not possible for me to physically or intellectually know and see all. Despite that realization, I continue to explore my relationship with the Creator and what it means to me. I also recognize that everyone else is in the same boat. What I have found though is that all the information and help that I need to get through life is provided for me. All that is required is the eyes to see and the ears to hear.    

Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?' - Mark 8:18     

We are stubborn beings. If we come across new information we often reject it because it does not fit in with our view of the world and what we believe. To consider new information or new ideas requires the will to confront ourselves. This is what is meant by having the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Without the will to confront ourselves and challenge those sacred cows that help define our lives, we will remain stuck and lack the capacity to grow.  All the information is not in the Bible. I have come to realize that everything around and inside of me is God source energy. The Creator is communicating and interacting with me at all times. He does not wait until the 7th day of the week to make himself available should I choose to spend some time with him. I have a direct one on one relationship with the Creator every moment of every day and that brings great comfort to me. I did not see this until a few years ago. 

When I turned 18 I rejected the Roman Catholic Church in an event that caused some friction in my family. I told people I was atheist or agnostic for many years. It was not until a few years after my recovery from depression that I started asking questions. The biggest question was: “What is the point to all of this? What is life all about?” That is when I started to explore my relationship with God and found that all the pain and struggles I went through were in fact required to prepare me for my life purpose: to teach people about relationships. When I discovered the truth about my relationship with the State I struggled for months and I was angry and frustrated. I always felt that the State was all powerful. I could not see past this view. So I asked for some clarity.    

One day I was heading to work and I got stopped by the train. The train was still far along the tracks. All I could see was the front light and my mind was focused on what the true nature of Government really was. When the train crossed in front of me I broke into laughter and much relief came over me. What was so funny? Well when I saw the train down the tracks, all I could see was the lights and the engine. We have all been taught how dangerous trains are and how long they take to stop. However, when the train passed me it had absolutely no cars behind it. It was just a single engine. For me, this represented the concept that governments have nothing behind them. In fact they have nothing and are nothing.    

This whole experience is what started my work towards realizing that the power of the fiction over our minds is nothing but smoke and mirrors, an illusion. I believe God gave me that experience to help introduce this concept but it required that I have the eyes to see this message. I see and hear many ideas and concepts in this way. I am starting to have a lot of fun with it as I build a relationship with God in this way. I'm sure if anybody was watching me they would have wondered what was so funny, but I found great humour, joy and relief while I watched that single engine roll across the road. It felt right. The feelings I got from the experience helped confirm for me the truth of what was shown to me. It is the feelings that I feel that gives me the most intimate connection to God than any church, book or individual could ever do.    

I do know some people that can see little bits of the Spiritual Realm just like the indigenous did a few hundred years ago. I also know some people who can hear things as well. Our current cultural model may even view these people as crazy and perhaps that is why our hospitals are full of people who see or hear things that are not 'normal'. Just because the vast majority of people cannot see or hear things, does that mean those that can are crazy. Perhaps we should question those who cannot. The problem is that our current models of thinking and believing are derived by the majority of people and I suggest that it is the majority that are in fact the ones that are lost or sick. 

Our society is hooked on drugs. I believe that at least 99.9% of all people who take pharmaceutical drugs for mental illness like depression are masking cognitive behavioural issues and are, in fact, not suffering from any physical or chemical imbalance in the brain. Just as I was saved by changing my core beliefs and views, most others can find the same relief from hell on earth so that they may experience joy, peace and freedom. What is required is some skills and most importantly, the will! Most people lack the will to consider these kinds of changes until they experience a disturbance strong enough to make their discomfort strong enough to act. Most would rather deal with discomfort that is familiar than to take a leap of faith into the unfamiliar.  The core constructs that I talk about are very simple. I govern myself and my relationships on two simple principles:  

'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.    - Matthew 22:36-40     

The thing that most people don't realize, and in fact view as being selfish, is that the very first thing I had to do was learn how to love myself first. How can I love anybody else if I don't love myself? I cannot. I've proven that. Prior to 2001 I did not love myself and my life was a disaster. Broken relationships, burned bridges and all kinds of carnage as a result of my abusive, passive/aggressive behaviours. After July 2001, when I conquered my depression, I worked very hard to demonstrate my love for myself and my dedication to healing. For me, love is not an emotion but rather a way of life all driven and sourced from spirit. Love requires action. So for me, that meant preparing healthy meals, doing my own laundry, spending time on my relationships with myself and others. It meant doing things that I don't like doing, but doing it anyway because it is important and meaningful. In time I grew to appreciate those things. I hated doing laundry for years. Now, it is no big deal, mainly because I see the value in it. I know that this is one thing that I can do to show that I love myself.    

It was not until I had come to a point where I could look in the mirror and say 'I forgive you. I love you”. Very powerful for me to be in a position like that. It was not until that point that I could then consider exploring my relationship with my wife and kids or God. After all, how can I love anybody else if I don't love myself first? I cannot. For the spirit to express love, self-love must come first.  

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. - Matthew 7:12    

Most people are aware of this passage, except simplified into: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I would suggest that it be expanded to include do unto yourself as you would do unto others. So when I established my foundation for how I was to govern myself, I had to take myself into consideration first and build from there. I now realize that the core of who I am and the principles upon which I will live this life is founded on a solid spiritual relationship with myself and the Creator first. Then I can express who I am to all the relationships outside of myself on a foundation that is built on solid ground. A foundation where the Spirit expresses itself in the physical realm requires truth, vigilance, diligence, empathy, love, forgiveness, faith, and peace.    

So when I look at what is going on in the world, I don't see wars, environmental destruction, financial chaos, etc. Instead I see a whole bunch of people who are lost, hurting and completely disconnected from their true self, their spirit, and not sure how to bridge that gap. I see people, as a result of the disconnect with spirit, lashing out at others because they are hurting, scared, lost, blind or deaf. I see people with the ability to do the work but lack the will to confront their own behaviours and make any significant shift in their views of themselves. As a result, all that we see out in the world is nothing more than a reflection of all that is within.    

I chuckle because most people complain that God does not provide all that we need. Since when do we know what we need? Most assume that God provides all that we physically need. However, what if God is not interested in the physical needs but rather the spiritual needs? What if he uses the physical to help mold the spiritual just like what we do in a martial arts class? What if some physical suffering is needed in order to accomplish a specific spiritual growth or accomplishment? Do the needs of our physical being conflict with the needs of our spiritual being? If so, I suspect that the spiritual needs come first for that is the primary reason why we are here. The Physical Realm is nothing more than a kindergarten class and we are the students learning how to have healthy relationships. Just as in a kindergarten class, we are learning how to share, love and get along. Lessons that a few people are failing right now and that I failed for many years of my life.    

Funny thing about this school we are in. The same lessons keep popping up over and over again until we learn the lesson. When we learn the lesson we then move onto the next lesson. This has happened over and over in my life and when I finally figure something out, the obvious pops out and slaps me in the face. I'm sure it has happened to all of us at one point in time or another. Why did I not see that earlier? Well, is it because I was not ready to see or hear it because I did not have the eyes or ears? For years while I suffered from depression and suicide attempts, I had people confront me about my own behaviour and I rejected them all. I was angry and frustrated. I blamed everyone else for all my problems.    

In order for me to open up, it required that I crash and burn first, before I got to the point where I surrendered and told myself that I have to change or I am going to die. All the lessons I learned from that point on were exactly what people were telling me the whole time. Why did I not see it before? I believe it is because I needed to experience the crash to wake me up so that I could see and hear properly. I was unwilling to surrender my old ways as they served a specific purpose that I was not willing to let go of at the time. I did not live my life guided by Spirit but instead by the mind of my physical body.    

I needed to experience the addictions, depression, the immense pain and suffering in order for me to break free of the belief that my mind knew best. I needed that experience so that I could break free in order to relate to others who are going through the same process I went through. It was important in order for me to learn how to empathize with others. However, I also have grown to appreciate the experience because I believe it was designed to prepare me for what I was sent here to do. How can I possibly accomplish my life’s work if I don't have the tools and experience to do so? This is a perfect example of how the spirit's needs came first even though the physical vessel suffered as a result. It suffered greatly and nearly died on several occasions and I am for ever grateful for the experience. There were times where I had no food or shelter. I literally slept in a car because I had no place to go, no money to get there and no food to eat. Most people would view those experiences as God being evil and unloving. I, however, accept those and my new experiences as tough love because it is necessary in order to grow as a spiritual being. It helped me break free from the armour that I built up around me through most of my life. I dedicated myself to the physical and intellectual and completely ignored the spiritual and emotional aspect of my being. That choice nearly killed my body but resulted in tremendous growth for my spirit. Since then I have embraced the emotional and spiritual aspect of who I am and I actively explore all areas of who I AM.    

One of the biggest questions I faced was in regards to my relationship with the Creator. It took me a long time to come to that point of knowing and it was through a combination of intellectual work but more importantly, a feeling that allowed me to find that connection. A deep and profound feeling of comfort and peace flowed through my body. Over the past few years I have come to depend on my feelings to find my way through all the information and events occurring in the world right now. How can I tell if something is true for me? There are so many lies, distractions and half truths, how can I filter through all that stuff? My intellect can easily lead me astray and that was a painful lesson to learn. Since then I have come to trust in my feelings, especially those that seem to emanate from my heart. 

This was not possible 15 years ago as I completely ignored that aspect of my being. I now know deep down in my heart that there is a Creator and that my relationship with the Creator is of utmost importance. I trust that feeling implicitly. I don't believe that the Creator is some big old guy up in the sky somewhere. That does not feel right to me. What feels right is that the Creator is everything and everywhere, permeating all aspects of my world. When I take a look at the sky, trees, animals, water, moon and stars I am gazing into the physical manifestation of the Creator. I see the Creator within myself too. My spirit is God source energy making me a child of God. I know this because it feels right. I feel it when I explore my relationship with His creation. I believe that despite my lack of access to any memory prior to my spirit binding itself to this physical body, there are signs, hints and help out there to guide me through this experience. What I currently desire is the ability to gaze into the spiritual manifestation and start working on that part of my relationship with the Creator through the Spiritual and Physical Realms. I ignored creation for so long by fully being immersed in the fiction, I now have an opportunity to fully explore my relationship with creation and all those on this journey with me. I long to gaze into the heart of all those who share this physical experience so that I can see and hear their spirit speak to me. Forming relationships on that level is what I desire most and what I believe will be the most rewarding and enriching to experience.  The indigenous people have helped me a lot to realize that everything has a spirit. Some people can see it and I look forward to being able to see it too one day. The rocks, trees, water, air, animals and Mother Earth herself all have their own spirit. It is a part of our experience here to interact and play with God himself, through spirit.    

Is it so difficult to believe that we are the offspring of the Creator? Why wouldn't God want to procreate just like any other life form? As a self-governing adult, the Creator is making sure that his children are going to be able to govern themselves when they grow up. I contemplated this idea for many years and I recently realized that there would be nothing worse than an immortal child with no fear, no concept of boundaries, no respect or appreciation for others and no empathy. With immortality what consequences would there be to teach with? That level of immaturity is extremely dangerous and self-destructive. What better way to teach all those lessons than to experience life as a mortal being in an environment that is dripping with consequences of our actions?    

It is not even remotely possible for my intellect to fully comprehend the scope of who I am, my spirit or my relationship with God. The vast majority of scientists spend their whole entire lives dedicated to exploring and explaining the Physical Realm without even the slightest recognition or contemplation of the Spiritual Realm. There are a number of scientists though who are starting to realize that there is a grand design and intelligence behind the Physical Realm and many are finding that science will soon involve philosophy to explain those relationships that cannot be observed or measured but yet still can be experienced. After all, seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.    

Just like that single cell on the tip of my finger contemplating its relationship with me, I am still faced with contemplating my relationship with Spirit and wonder what it all really means. I don't have an answer to that. I do believe that is my job to figure that out through the physical experiences I face here on earth. The answers will come as I progress through this time line and embrace each challenge with love and a burning desire to learn and grow. Now that I realize that the physical body is nothing more than a tool to teach my spirit how to be a responsible, accountable adult, I can significantly change the point of view of what life is all about and how I approach life. Fear becomes an emotion that is more easily conquered allowing me to take risks that I would not have considered in the past. Complacency is a behaviour that no longer has the same significance it once did, as wasting life is like wasting opportunities to learn, experience and grow. My relationship with others is now significantly different now that I recognize the truth of this existence and what experiences mean to the spiritual growth of each individual I share time with. My relationship to animals and plants are also viewed very differently as they are not merely physical things but spiritual beings in their own right that must be honoured, respected and given the same opportunities to grow and experience as well.    

I chuckle to myself at times because I have vegans who confront me about eating and butchering meat. They view that as cruelty to the animals or even murder, yet they are okay with eating plants. The contradiction that I see is that some people think that only animals have feelings or spirit, but that is not true. Plants have feelings and a spirit too. So do rocks and all other things including Mother Earth. Once we can step back and accept that they all have feelings and a spirit, then does our treatment and behaviour around them change? It should, if we have the ability to empathize with them. Empathy will be an important skill to have should we want to graduate from this kindergarten class with honours. Scientists are showing that plants have feelings and can also express pain and fear. Not like animals, but in their own way. There are also some people who connect plants to sound systems and play the music of plants. It is absolutely beautiful music. What is stunning is that the plants teach each other their own songs, which shows that they can also communicate with one another. So I would be the first to admit that the more I learn, the less I know. My own ignorance of what is truly going on is astounding. So to assume that plants don't have feelings is, in my opinion, short sighted and reckless. As a result, it is my duty to honour everything and recognize that spirit permeates this entire physical existence.    

Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, showed that our intent and our words can even have a profound impact on water, a substance that most would consider has no life, no spirit or no feelings. However, what Masaru Emoto has shown is that when we inject thoughts of fear, anger or pain, the water molecules end up with very ugly, black, horrible formations. When we use words like love, joy, peace, happiness, the molecules end up forming very beautiful, bright, brilliant formations.       

Illustration 2: Water molecules forming from 'Thank You' intent  

Illustration 3: Water molecules forming from 'I will kill you' intent

Is this an example of the power of our dominion over the earth, or is this an example of how we can affect the spirit of others with our own intent and how important words, thoughts, feelings and prayer really are? We are, after all, very powerful creators in our own right. To suggest that we don't influence others with a mere thought, emotion or feeling would be dangerous. It also suggests that there is indeed a spiritual consequence to what we do. That is why it is critically important, as a responsible, accountable steward of this earth, that we recognize the spirit and feelings of everything around us. Having a healthy and meaningful respect for all plants, animals and the Earth herself will have a profound impact on how well we do in the years to come and goes a long way towards the growth of Spirit after it departs this Physical Realm.    

I believe that all life here is provided by the Creator in order for us to learn how to express ourselves and work on our relationships. Recognition that everything here has a spirit means that I must take a very different approach than I have in the past. Can I just go and cut down a tree with no regard for the tree? Sure. However, what are the consequences, physical and spiritual? I may not even know or appreciate the full scope of what I have just done. However, if I recognize that the tree has a spirit and feelings, then it is my duty to communicate with it somehow, so that I can ask for permission first or at least give thanks for the sacrifice it has made in order to sustain my body. All healthy relationships require respect at that level which can be expressed through prayer, gratitude and appreciation. Ignoring the tree and forcing my will does not foster a healthy relationship.  

I read a book called 'A Language Older than Words' by Derrick Jensen. The main message in his book was how to learn to communicate with animals using their language. Animals do communicate with us, but they don't use words like you or I. Instead they have a language that far out-dates our own capacity to communicate using words. He showed that the animals want to serve us and are willing to sacrifice themselves in that service. However, it is our job to listen to them, ask permission and give them time to prepare for their sacrifice. If we fail to build a relationship with the animals we will fail to communicate, and as such we will force our will against them, which violates their spirit. His views had a profound impact on how I view my relationship with animals and by extension, plants. He suggests that we are disconnected from the physical world because we are blind to what other beings are trying to say to us. We have forgotten how to communicate with all the life forms on this planet resulting in violating the very spirit of those animals through forcing our will against them. I agree with the views that Derrick wrote about in his book. Our minds were so preoccupied with the Fictional Realm, we have completely disconnected ourselves from the Physical Realm at the expense of the Spirit. We now have a very violent and disrespectful relationship with the physical world and all life on it which then results in the complete violation and deep seated harm of the Spirit.    

How many people out there know how to really talk to plants and animals? Not many, and I would suspect that most of us would consider those that do as being crazy or 'out there'. Those who wear the masks of government or health care may even want to give those people drugs because they are not 'normal'. The fact is, I want to learn from those that do speak and communicate with plants and animals. I would love to walk through the bush, and have them share with me what they are feeling so that I may start to get in touch with those long hidden and forgotten feelings that will allow me to reach out and communicate with these other spiritual beings that are all around me. For me, I find that this process requires a quiet mind and being consciously aware of my body and how it feels. It requires being aware of slight variations in its function in order to notice any changes. It is difficult or impossible to do that when my body is pumped full of pharmaceutical drugs or the mind is focused on other things. So healing the body and getting to this point requires a lot of work on all levels of our being.    

I believe one day I will get there. Who knows, perhaps one day I can see their spirit and hear them talk to me as well. Either way, I have a deep respect for all that is around me, now that I see beyond just the physical and recognize that everything around me has feelings and a spirit to interact with. I may not fully comprehend the full scope of what I'm talking about right now, but I believe it is my duty to explore this throughout this lifetime. I believe it is my duty to bring balance between the Physical and Spiritual Realms so that both can find full expression and be equally valued and appreciated in a relationship that is only now starting to form on a healthy and balanced basis. To fully love another, requires that I also see and hear what their spirit is trying to say to me. To honour the spirit demands a whole new level of consciousness and awareness to contemplate. It deepens the relationship and makes it far more complex. I recognize that there are physical consequences to my actions and when I consider the spirit of all those around me, I am now also faced with the spiritual consequences which are far more important and carry a deeper meaning that we may not fully understand. I for one will not risk ignoring the spirit as I believe that the fruit of my efforts will not be born here in the physical but rather in the Spiritual Realm after my physical body returns to the earth. Even if I am wrong, it does make for a richly rewarding and interesting physical experience during this lifetime.

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