Graduating Life with Honours - Chapter Ten


Graduating Life With Honours  

Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom


My Spirit name is White Walking Feather

My vessels name is rob in the pagé family 

Copyleft 2015, 2017 

This book is free and to be shared with my brothers and sisters, no matter how rich or poor they may be. I do grant to every spiritual being the right and permission to distribute this work freely with the condition that any copies or adaptations are also bound by a copyleft agreement and will not be sold or commercialized in any way   and remain unaltered. If you are not familiar with copyleft, you can read more about it at  


If the Spirit moves you to support my work, I will accept gifts of energy so that I may continue to write, explore, create and share along my journey. Donations can be made through White dot Walking dot Feather at or I also accept steem as well.       

February 6, 2015 – Prerelease   
April 12, 2015 – Final Release Version 1.0
October 12, 2017 - Updated Release on Version 1.1       

Chapter Ten 

I AM the Resurrection


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller 

So far I have described three realms that make up what I believe is the essence of who we are. I understand that the Fictional Realm only exists in the mind and that the mind is a small part of the consciousness that manifested when the Spiritual Realm merged with the Physical Realm. I have no idea if the mind is a result of biochemical reactions in the brain or if it is a result of our interaction with our Spirit. Perhaps it is a combination of both. I don't know and I work hard to answer those questions. This chapter is my exploration of who I am and my relationships with all aspects of my being.    

I will be the first to admit that exploring the Spiritual Realm is very difficult. After all, how can I have a relationship with something that I did not see or believe in for over 35 years of my life? Science focuses on the Physical Realm almost exclusively, as their primary tenet is observation. The scientists have come up with some absolutely brilliant and ingenious devices, techniques and technology in order to accomplish that task. The mind is absolutely brilliant when it is put to work in this way. I know for a fact that I have benefited from that genius as I sit here, writing a book on a laptop, that will be read by people all over the world due to the black swan we call the Internet, using power from my solar system, in a house that has no gas burning furnace but instead captures and stores heat from the sun.    

I have read and seen individuals involved in the scientific community express that the deeper they dig, the more spiritual they become. They talk about how science has peered so far into the cosmos and so deep into the structure of atoms that their work is starting to morph into philosophy. There comes a point where science ends and philosophy must take over, for I believe science can only explain all that is physical, within the Physical Realm. At some point the lines start to blur at the edges of the Physical Realm as they realize Spirit is behind the veil. That is okay for me as I can accept the importance and limitations of science. I grew up most of my life with a complete faith in science and that I felt all the answers to life can be found there. I have since discovered that life is far more than what can be explained in the Physical Realm and in about 2004, I started exploring other more philosophical approaches to explain what life was all about. I had a feeling there was way more to life but for some reason I could not physically explain what I was feeling.    

What I am sharing in this book is nothing more than my own experience and my own way of explaining what I feel, see, think and believe. As with everything in life, it still comes down to the individual taking responsibility and embarking on their own journey of discovery.    

A few hundred years ago, a man by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci contemplated the essence of man when he drew this famous Vitruvian man.     


Illustration 12: Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man
Even though Da Vinci drew this to highlight the physical proportions of man, what I found very exciting was that I see more in this picture than just the physical. What I found very interesting is that this drawing shows two bodies in a circle and a square, which could also represent the physical and the spiritual. So if the physical body is merged with the spirit, how do the two bodies communicate with one another? What is the relationship and how far does this interaction go?    

I had to meditate on these questions as I did not know how to explain what I felt or saw. What came to me was to show this relationship not from the front as Di Vinci did with his Vitruvian Man, but rather from the side. I introduced this concept already in Chapter 6 when I talked about the difference between Spirit, Man, Human and person.  

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness – Genesis 1:26  

Illustration 13: Man, created in the image of God.

This came with some profound implications for me as I realize that as a spiritual being, I am a child of the Creator and when the physical body was formed, it was formed in the image of our Spirit, "our own image". The Spirit is the driving force behind the manifestation of all matter. So when the physical body was made, it took on the image of the Spirit, for the Spirit is the driving force behind the animation of the physical material. Without Spirit, the flesh could not do or be anything.    

I see my relationship with the Creator as a very intimate connection with God source energy. That relationship can be demonstrated using a very cool technology, where scientists use lasers to create three dimensional holographic images inside crystal. You can spin the crystal around to see the image from any angle. What most people don't realize is that if you break that crystal, the image remains intact in each fragment. The image is not lost at all but duplicated in all the pieces. I view my relationship with the Creator in much the same way. I see no reason to discount the idea that God wanted to have children. As a dutiful parent, his offspring are spawned by giving up a piece of himself and that is, what I believe, is the essence of our Spirit. We are not the Creator but we are an important part of the Creator as we were created in his image and are his children. For me, with scripture talking about man being created in our image, viewing who we are in this way makes sense for me and I find great comfort in being able to have that type of relationship with the Creator. As a parent, I am absolutely convinced that he is putting us through school right now so that we can learn how to be conscious, self-governing, responsible, accountable, adults. It is our job to learn how to have healthy relationships in order for us to graduate from these school lessons.    

So how does the physical body communicate with the spiritual body? I ran into the work of Sabrina Reber, the author of 'Raise your Vibration', a compilation of spiritual wisdom to help activate and integrate the Christ Consciousness within. She explains that the seven chakras are the seven trumpets as described in Revelations.     I found the idea intriguing and yet missing something. There is still only one body in her picture and it does not really explain the relationship between the physical and spiritual body. So I decided to take her work one step further. Here is a simple portrayal of a trumpet. If we had only a single body it would look something like this.       

Illustration 14: Representation of a trumpet 

When I drew this picture I quickly realized that the horn is only half of the image and that is why I knew Sabrina was missing something. I saw that if you placed the horns together, small ends butted up, the horns form a tunnel. Since we are dealing with two bodies here, physical and spiritual, we must account for two trumpets, one from each.  When I put the trumpets together it seemed natural to close the ends together.         


Illustration 15: Two trumpets fitted together to form a tunnel 

Illustration 16: Closing the loop on the two trumpets 

To complete the diagram, it was a simple matter of connecting the lines to form a torus. Imagine if you can, a multidimensional portal or tunnel at each chakra point so that the Spiritual Body can connect, communicate and share information and energy with our Physical Body? Lots of people talk about opening up our chakras and for me I really struggled with this concept until I realized that if these tunnels were blocked, energy and information could not flow back and forth. Our Spiritual Body would then be cut off or restricted from our Physical Body. The Physical Body would then be left up to it's own capabilities to deal with this world and the realities within it. 


Illustration 17: A three dimensional representation of a torus.

The implication of this is that an inter-dimensional Spirit can interact with a three dimensional body through worm holes in space/time and allow energy, thoughts and feelings to flow back and forth. We cannot 'see' this but I believe we can definitely 'feel' it happening. As we discipline the mind and focus on our feelings and get in touch with the true essence of who we are, I believe we can then start to have a much more meaningful relationship with our Spirit and have our Spirit guide us through the more advanced lessons that we have yet to experience. The trick is to maintain the balance between the physical and spiritual bodies and that is where the Christ Consciousness comes in. The Christ Consciousness is primarily about love and being centred and balanced. Christ knew that there was a duality at play and many of his teachings were there to help us recognize this duality and come to terms with it. The duality between the physical body and the Spirit is lost on most of us right now because we are so consumed and blinded by the fictions that we have manifested in our lives. That is why he said in Matthew 22:21:    

Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.   

He knew that all things fiction belonged to the fiction. Caesar is a representation of the fiction. However, everything in the physical and spiritual realms belong to God and as such, knowing the truth and maintaining that balance is critical should we wish to enter the Kingdom of God.    

The duality between the physical and the spiritual realms is a huge part of our lessons here on Earth.    

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other – Galatians 5:17  

The Christ impulse is to find a balance between the two for the merging of the two is what created the Man and is the source of our consciousness. We need both but my priority is to ensure decisions are made through Spirit. I know that my physical body has a finite life and understanding, so I work hard to not succumb to the needs of the flesh at the risk of my Spirit. So how do I lead myself by the Spirit rather than the flesh? The intellect of the physical body is, for the most part, centred in the brain. Yes, there are other places on the body that have brain cells and cellular memory as well, but for the purposes of this discussion I want to focus on the physical intellect, the mind. This mind is a very good memory storage device, calculator and evaluator. It can question, ponder, create, imagine and evaluate. The sciences are a testament to the power of our intellect. We need the intellect to solve many technical problems that are rooted in the Physical Realm. It allows us to work through many challenges in our lives. However, it is limited to the Physical Realm and as such, makes decisions without any consultation with the Spirit. I lived many years of my life completely dependent on the intellect and it was a living hell. It took me many years to realize that my feelings (separate from emotion) were an important factor to consider when making decisions. But what are feelings all about?    

If we contemplate the idea that the torus is a multidimensional gateway to our Spirit and that feelings are the Spirit's way of communicating with the physical body, then why not utilize that conduit when making decisions in our lives? To utilize these conduits to Spirit, that motivated me to make sure that my chakras were in balance too. They are all important, but the heart chakra, the middle of the seven chakras, is where we can balance them all. When I draw out the picture where we centre ourselves between the physical and the spiritual and balance ourselves between the seven chakras we find a stunning image appear – the cross that we all must bear if we want to graduate life with honours. 


Illustration 18: The cross that represents the Christ Consciousness (being centred and balanced)

This is a representation of a centred individual in balance and expressing the Christ Consciousness within themselves. The real cool thing about this is that when we balance the chakras and open them up, we will find the heart chakra opens up even more so that we can then gain access to the Spirit's mind which can also be called the Universal Consciousness. The heart is the gateway to the Spiritual, universal mind and where our attachment to each other resides. Here is where the universal feeling of brotherhood comes from, because we are all attached to the Universal Mind while we are also experiencing our individuality.    

I believe that is why Christ is always portrayed with the image of a heart on his chest. When we open up to balance on the heart, and learn how to feel and listen to the heart we can then start accessing the universal knowledge that we have been cut off from our whole entire life. Making decisions using the Universal Mind, rooted in love, then resolves a lot of problems we face here in the Physical Realm. 

I placed the devil within our physical mind as I believe the energy of the resistance and temptation is within our physical mind. That is why it is so important to train hard to have the discipline so that we can command the mind and not succumb to the temptations we face in the Physical Realm. Being lost in the mind also makes it very difficult to hear or feel what the heart is trying to say.  


Illustration 19: Physical and Spiritual Minds     

There is a lot of duality in life that needs to be addressed and balanced. Just as we need to find balance between the physical and spiritual, we also need to balance the masculine and feminine, night and day, up and down, summer and winter, life and death, love and fear, etc. Part of the Christ Consciousness is to find a balance between all these dualities in our lives and find ways to go with the ebbs and flows of the natural cycles we find in the physical realm. The challenge most of us will have is recognizing that the balance must start within ourselves first.   

Let's take the masculine and feminine as an example. What characteristics do we associate with that energy? Some common words or concepts to explain the masculine may be as a provider, protector or hunter, driven outside of the individual and focused. Where the feminine is related to nurturing, caring, birthing, focused inward and inside the individual. Females have a very strong propensity for expressing the feminine energy where males have a strong masculine energy. However, each individual has both within themselves and I believe our goal is to bring these two energies into balance within ourselves.    

I was an extreme masculine individual for most of my life. So much so, I rejected completely the idea of being a nurturing, caring individual. I rejected all feelings, suppressed them at all costs, essentially rejecting the spiritual and emotional aspects of my being, focusing only on the physical and mental. I was taught that men don't cry. I dove into the intellect to completely avoid feelings at all costs. Any expression of caring or feelings resulted in me feeling very uncomfortable, so I would do anything to avoid any situations that would result in those feelings being expressed. It cut off the heart completely. I often would use emotional outbursts like anger, guilt or shame to mask or cover the feelings. I found through my recovery process that getting in touch with my feelings and learning how to express them in a healthy way was a huge revelation for me. I figured out that men do cry and that it is okay for men to cry. It is also acceptable that men have feelings and can express them to other people, no matter who they are.    

The process of learning how to express the feminine energy within myself saved my life. I realize now that it is important that each of us know how to express both the masculine and the feminine so that we can bring these into balance within. This is not a black and white type of situation we find ourselves in. Some males are very masculine and others are very feminine. Within the male organism, it is our job to bring these into balance. Just as there are females who are very feminine and others who are very masculine. They too will find it important to bring those energies into balance too. When I found the balance, I was more capable of having a healthy relationship with my wife. She too found that balance within herself and as a result we can now have the masculine and feminine energies flow much more easily within ourselves and between each other. When those energies are out of balance within a relationship, the relationship suffers.  

We were able to successfully break the paradigm models that were holding us from fully expressing and exploring who we are. Now that we have done that, the energy is no longer blocked and it flows easier. There are some days where I am more masculine than feminine. There are other days where I am more feminine than masculine. The real comforting thing is that it is okay to have these ebbs and flows within myself. I now find great comfort living within the natural flow and allowing myself to be able to experience both.    

To find the balance of the Christ Consciousness within ourselves, it will require that each of the dualities we face in our lives will need to be confronted and addressed. Finding a way to have a healthy relationship with the paradoxes in our lives is part of the challenge and the duty while we are here. We can choose one side or the other and become complacent, or we can choose to ride the waves and explore these paradoxes and what they really mean to our self and our existence.    

There is one truth that I have learned that reminds me that I am still a child and that I have much to learn. That truth is that the more I learn, the less I know. What that means is that as I open new doors of knowledge and understanding, a whole new world opens up which would require many lifetimes to explore. The reality is, I am no where close to fully learning or experiencing the full scope of who I am, my relationship with myself, the Creator or others. As a result, I realize that it is not humanly possible for me to fully express or communicate all that I am, since I have no idea the full scope of who I am due to the limits of this physical vessel. As I explored already, I know that I am not a person or human. Now I realize that the full scope of who I am is not Man either. To use words to describe something, diminishes that which we attempt to describe due to the limitation of words. All I can really do to express who I am is to use the words that God used while he was talking to Moses.  

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM    – Exodus 3:13  

In the diagram below, I represent all the unknowns with all the question marks. When I draw a circle around it all, I get closer to being able to describe or express who I AM. I believe it also comes closer to what Christ has been trying to teach us to accept.    

The challenge is that our mind and our physical bodies can be a huge temptation and distraction from what our Spirit is working on accomplishing. The three temptations of Christ is a perfect example of how these temptations can come to play. I will be blunt here, the devil is not some 3 dimensional apparition that appears but rather is the mind itself playing tricks on us. What was required to not fall for these temptations was mental discipline and a firm command and knowledge of self. If we are going to be able to command the physical mind then it is important that we have the training to ensure that the mind does our bidding rather than the other way around.    

When Christ was tempted by the devil, he issued a simple command 'go away' and that allowed him to avoid the temptations. How many of us have that level of discipline to be able to control our minds in such a way?  The idea of the I AM and the Christ Consciousness is not new. I believe Christ first taught us this in his teachings. I don't feel that we are supposed to turn Christ into a deity and worship him much like those who participate with organized religions do today. I feel that Christ was showing us how to accomplish ascension and in order to do so, it requires a lot of work and tribulation. Christ saved us once already through his own sacrifice and experiences of death, resurrection and ascension. It is now our turn to save ourselves by following his example and duplicating the process. Just waiting around and praying is not going to result in being 'saved'. We need to get off our asses and get to work so that we can accomplish what we came here to do. Exploring who we are and stepping into our power as the I AM is the doorway. Once we recognize the true nature of the I AM and learn about who we truly are, the passages below take on a whole new meaning.  

I AM the bread of life – John 6:35    
I AM the light of the world – John 8:12  
I AM the door of the sheep – John 10:7    
I AM the good shepherd – John 10:11  
I AM the way, the truth, and the life – John 14:6  
I AM the resurrection – John 11:25  

Illustration 20: Representation of the full scope of 'I AM'

I don't think he meant that we bow to him but rather follow his example. To bow down to him would be a violation of God's first commandment.    

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.    - Exodus 20:3  

The word 'gods' is defined as 'judges, rulers, divine ones'. As we are all divine in our own right, would that be enough to convince most that participating in the fiction and worshipping Christ or anybody else for that matter, be enough to violate this commandment? After all, Christ did come to make being human, divine.    

As I have said before, the physical body is mortal, the Spirit is immortal. Due to the immortality of the Spirit it cannot die but it does experience jeopardy when it lives here in the Physical Realm. When the physical body stops functioning, the spirit is then released into the Spiritual Realm and is free to then have another physical experience. Some would call this reincarnation. I do believe that what happens here can have an impact on the spirit. We need that jeopardy in order to take this experience seriously! How else can an immortal spiritual being learn how to have empathy, love and compassion if it does not experience what it is like to be mortal and experience the opposite? There are many stories in our culture where immortal beings go through this experience and it humbles them.    

So what is the difference between spirit and soul? I see the soul as being the result of the physical and spirit joining and manifesting our current consciousness. Just as that union produced Man, it also produced the soul which is the consciousness of that Man. I believe that this results in a unique experience each time we reincarnate, as it allows us to experience and witness something different each time. The current manifestation of man and soul is the unique merging of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of being for this one unique lifetime.    


The ego, or 'I' is the self-awareness that each of us experiences in our lives and is a reflection of the manifestation of the soul during the merging of the physical and spiritual. I reject the idea that it is our job to kill the ego. I think there is a huge misconception of what the word ego means. I get the sense that most people associate an out of control mind with the word ego, that being somebody who is selfish and egotistical. Instead, I want to get to the root of the ego word meaning 'I', the conscious, self-aware, thinking individual. My goal is not to kill the ego, but rather to celebrate it and recognize the significance of that achievement and how divine it really is. I do want to confront being selfish or egotistical as those are all rooted in the intellect where the devil can tempt us. But that is very different than killing the 'I'.    

Teachers like Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc have all attempted to teach us these important lessons. The organized religions that built up around their teachings would suggest that we all believe we are all sinners and we are going to hell should we not follow the dogma of the church. Steiner, Leo Tolstoy and others have helped me shed the dogma of religion and come to terms with who I really am and how important, unique and divine I AM. Equally important is to recognize that each and every single individual on this planet are equally unique, important and divine! 

I AM the resurrection – John 11:25    

The dogma of religion would suggest that 'Jesus Christ' is the resurrection. However, I'm not entirely convinced that is true. The word 'I' comes from the Greek word 'egō' which means 'I, me, my'. The word 'AM' comes from the Greek word 'eimi' which means 'to be, to exist, to happen, to be present'. Given the context of all that I wrote so far, would it be safe to conclude that if I shed the Fictional Realm and embrace all that I AM and accept that I exist, have I not done what Christ asked of us, and as a result I ended up resurrecting myself? I believe that is to be the case. If we accept the concept and then choose to permit that higher level of consciousness to permeate and meld with our own consciousness (a marriage of sorts where we are the bride), then we can then start duplicating what he did.  If we reject the fictional constructs, which are dead bodies and accept our living spirit, have we not resurrected ourselves?  After all, resurrection is rising one from the dead.      

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. - John 14:12 

When we start walking that higher path, then we start experiencing the miracles in life and start moving towards goals that were set out for us by our Spirit long before this soul was manifested. Those miracles will be larger and greater than what Christ even accomplished during his time here on Earth.  We can live full, complete lives, just as the plants and animals do on this planet. However, it is up to us to rise up and challenge and confront ourselves to perform beyond the basic programming of the Physical Realm.    

Martial arts has taught me that our body, mind and spirit are capable of doing way more than what we think we are capable of accomplishing. Sure, we can do just fine with the default settings we were born with. However, with some knowledge, training, hard work and perseverance, we can establish a performance level way beyond what is provided naturally by default. Martial arts and sports are great examples of people obtaining excellence through physical achievements. There are huge lists of people who obtain excellence in other ways as well. If we are satisfied with the default then there is no way we are going to obtain any level of excellence. As such we will end up with the default rewards with this incarnation, a mediocre life or for some; slavery. The Christ Consciousness is a protocol to obtain a level of excellence that far exceeds the natural default settings we were born with. What is required is the will to pursue that level of excellence.    

When we allow the Christ Consciousness to enter into our lives, we allow the fruit of the Spirit to influence how we live our lives. Galatians 5:22 – 23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” My heart tells me that as I evaluate my relationships in my life, these qualities are essential to ensure that I honour the Spirit of this life. As a result, condemning people for homosexuality or other stone-able offences does not resonate with me despite what the Bible says. Love thy neighbour as thyself means that once I get to the point where I love myself, I will love others and recognize they are doing their best to accomplish this balance, despite where they are in their lives. This is unconditional love and this is what Christ was trying to teach us when he rescued the prostitute. John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” We have no authority to send somebody's physical body to a grave, terminating the soul and sending the Spirit back to the Spiritual Realm. That is the biggest violation of love there is.    

As a result, why would I criticize and bash homosexuals or any other identifiable group of people? I would be harming myself along with others if I ever did anything like that. I work very hard to support and encourage. That is the higher ground that Christ talked about in his teachings. His encouragement was for us to embrace a much higher level of training so that we can accomplish what he did and more. That level of training to be a natural artist as well as a mental artist, emotional artist and spiritual artist is all encompassing, gruelling and extremely rewarding if we accomplish it all.    

What it always comes down to is choice. I decided to engage some critical thinking and decide for myself what I would believe or reject. I have to filter everything through how I feel because the mind is horrible at making decisions due to so much temptation. I decided that I would base my key decisions in life on a simple premise: The solution is simple and it must be rooted in love and the fruit of the spirit. Whenever I am confronted by new information, ideas or concepts, I engage the intellect to fully analyze the information. I then meditate to quiet the mind so that I can access the universal mind to make sure it feels right before I act upon it. If it is not an expression of love or tough love, then I will not participate. Much of what I see out there does not fit with that expression and as such I refuse to participate with our current models and systems.    

I have to be careful though. Being centred and balanced does not mean static and just straight up and down or rigid. Have you ever seen a martial artist practicing or performing their art? Even to this day I am amazed at the beauty and grace of the human body when it is in motion. Despite all the moves, flips, turns, contortions, etc. the artist is always centred and balanced. The dynamic flow of the body through all the patterns demonstrates physically what I am suggesting we are to do with all aspects of our being.    

These concepts are not considered within the mainstream. The mainstream medical system, for example, mainly focuses on the physical symptoms of the body and treats with drugs or invasive surgery. However, a balanced and centred approach would consider all aspects of being and identify the root cause through the symptoms being presented, whether that be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. The medical industry is not interested in healing. They are only interested in fictional and physical dependency so that they can make profits. But to approach healing from a Christ Consciousness perspective, we would need to address the whole body and all the bodies to obtain optimum health. Without that approach, one risks either having a deficiency or toxicity situation, which is often experienced by physicians. Yes, it is possible to have too much medicine which would also make you sick.       

Illustration 21: Balance necessary to maintain optimal health

A good healer will recognize that there are energies at play that go far beyond the physical but yet manifest physical symptoms. I found this acutely true through my depression. I experienced over 20 years of depression and throughout that time I was constantly sick. I suffered from one ailment to another on a constant basis. Was there anything physically wrong? No, and despite years of drugs, I could not find a way to address the symptoms. The root cause was cognitive (behavioural) rather than clinical (physical). I refused to accept the truth and I went through multiple drug protocols in order to address the symptoms I was experiencing. Treating the physical body for an issue that is not physical is inherently dangerous and irresponsible. However, once I surrendered and changed my cognitive behaviours and way of thinking, all the physical symptoms went away.    If we accept the teachings of a Spiritual master, we will then start to recognize the benefits within our lives. Just as my physical body is now capable of performing way better than it ever has as a result of martial arts training, I also feel younger, stronger and more virile which allows me the opportunity to then have the time and energy to help others obtain the same. I could not have accomplished any of that if I did not recognize and honour all aspects of who I AM and start living in harmony and balance with what it means to be me.    

The I AM is the culmination and cooperation of the physical body working with and in harmony with the Spirit through the manifestation of my soul. Any attempt to separate or disrupt that harmony is something that needs to be confronted. I don't ever want to slide backwards into those old behaviours, beliefs and thought patterns. So I chose two words to remind me of what it takes; vigilance and persistence. I have dedicated my life to being forever vigilant with regard to the words I use and the people I spend time with so that I don't ever go back to the living hell that comes with the old ways of thinking and behaving. I do know though, that I will have some up and down days. That is just the normal ebbs and flows of nature. On the down days I will persist knowing that I will get out of it and move on. Those down days used to last for a few weeks. Then I got them down to a few days. As of now, I have them down to a few hours. I see much progress despite the intense stress that comes with all the work that we do out here.       

Illustration 22: Dr. Wilhelm Reich's four-beat cycle 

Dr. Wilhelm Reich has really helped me come to terms with the ebb and flow of nature. He explained it with the four-beat cycle: tension – climax – discharge – relaxation. Reich suggested that everything follows this cycle, whether it is a cell dividing or the expansion and contraction cycles of groups of organisms in nature.   

The challenge I find is that if I don't recognize and respect this cycle, then the energy flow ends up getting blocked and then I get sick. This past winter was a good example of that. If you associate the four seasons to the four-beat cycle, you will find that spring = tension, summer = climax, fall = discharge and winter = relaxation. With an unusually long winter, the relaxation phase was much too long and I found myself in tension but yet my environment was still in relaxation. This discontinuity with my environment really caused problems for me emotionally and physically. That discontinuity is due to my holding onto the mechanical time devices of our mechanical, physical world (calendar). I was able to get back into sync again once winter released it's grip upon the land and spring came. Nature had no problem with it, so I still have lots to learn in this regard.    

I bring this up because I see many examples of systems that do not flow with this natural expansion and contraction process. If we take a look at graphs which shows world population trends, money in circulation or any other exponential growth curve, you will notice that these show a system not in balance. Natural laws will soon be applied to them as these systems cannot continue on building more and more tension without having a climax and start discharging. An unlimited energy buildup is not possible and dangerous. If we were to attempt to bring these systems into balance we would be faced with great opposition. Instead I believe it is our duty to point out the problems and prepare for the eventual correction that is undoubtedly due to arrive. I know I feel it. I feel the charge building and building within many of the fictional constructs. I thought the time would arrive many years ago. I've since stopped trying to predict when it happens. Only the Creator knows that. Instead, I spend my time working on being as independent as possible so that I can deal with the climax and discharge that is due at any time.    

Resurrecting ourselves from the death in the Fictional Realm requires that we contemplate the full scope of who we are and our relationship with it all. It then puts into perspective our relationships with others and with the Creator. Each and every single one of us is faced with exploring the simple question: Who Am I? I for one am just starting to explore that question and as such all I can really do is answer 'I AM that I AM'. There are no words to describe what or who I am and no name can ever do that description justice. All I can really do is explore all aspects of my relationships. As I explore these questions I am confronted about how I am going to govern myself. I recognize the fiction is sadly ill equipped to address these types of questions or issues. So a higher authority must step in to govern the process of exploration. That higher authority is Spirit and without it, this work could never take place. The spirit of I AM is to love. Resurrecting ourselves to embrace this higher consciousness level of I AM is what will change the world for ever.   

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