Graduating Life with Honours - Chapter Thirteen


Graduating Life With Honours  

Conscious Self-Governance in God's Kingdom


My Spirit name is White Walking Feather

My vessels name is rob in the pagé family 

Copyleft 2015, 2017 

This book is free and to be shared with my brothers and sisters,  no matter how rich or poor they may be. I do grant to every spiritual  being the right and permission to distribute this work freely with  the condition that any copies or adaptations are also bound by a  copyleft agreement and will not be sold or commercialized in any way   and remain unaltered. If you are not familiar with copyleft, you  can read more about it at  


If the Spirit moves you to support my  work, I will accept gifts of energy so that I may continue to write, explore, create and share along my journey. Donations can be made through White dot Walking dot Feather at or I also accept  steem as well.          


February 6, 2015 – Prerelease   
April 12, 2015 – Final Release Version 1.0
October 12, 2017 - Updated Release on Version 1.1     

Chapter Thirteen 


O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small    – a Breton fisherman's prayer   

I recognize that the process of dismantling foundational structures in our lives is very scary and can also leave one feeling very vulnerable. This feeling is normal and should not be suppressed or avoided as it is an important part of the journey towards freedom and self-governance. Most people will avoid this feeling at all costs and this is the main reason why the State continues to grow in size and power. It is because most people don't want to experience this level of vulnerability so they go back to the State, begging it to look after or protect them. I want to provide some ideas that can help the individual to work through these feelings and find the skills to govern the power of I AM. So now that we dismantled those foundational structures, it is time to build new ones, based on the spirit of love, peace, freedom and prosperity.  

Now that we can see the spirit of who we are, it is important to build a solid foundation upon which we can live our lives. In the past, we depended on the state, religion and other external fictional constructs to tell us the standards upon which we should live our lives. This approach has always failed because we have externalized the moral and ethical standard and as such we ended up being completely detached from it. Not only that, but those institutions have also watered down and diminished those standards. However, if we reject the standards that have been codified in statutes, regulations and church dogma and instead build our own moral and ethical standard, then we have claimed it for ourselves and we have a much stronger tool upon which to govern ourselves with. I would suggest that it would also be much higher than what the state could ever get away with because the state must find the lowest common denominator for such standards. It needs to build a box big enough for most everyone to fit in. By establishing our own standard, we have the opportunity to rise well above the standards set by the state or religious organizations!  

When I declared my sovereignty from the state, one of the first steps I took was to establish my own law form. If I fail to do this, the state can assume that due to a lack of law form, I would fall under the default law form of the state; their statutes and regulations. This is a basic principle of trust law that was codified in the 1985 Hague Convention on Trusts. When I established my law form, I chose Matthew 22: 37-40. Since the fruit of the spirit is what I want to infuse into my life and how I live it, I felt it very important that I build my foundation on love rather than statutes and regulations. The State never uses the word 'love' in their laws, so I refuse to accept their 'laws' as the foundation of my life. Since holding State documents like birth certificates, driver's licenses and social insurance cards are evidence that one is at war and holding a military post, it was critical to resign that post and declare peace. Force, no matter the form, against another sovereign is a declaration of war. Peace must be declared and supported at all costs.    

When I took these important steps, I found that my views of other people had to change. My bias and discrimination towards others was confronted in a significant way. That was further reinforced when I read a book called “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism” by Bishop John Shelby Spong. This book helped me realize that it is my duty to evaluate everything that I do, see, read or say about others. Bishop Spong stated in his book:  

The Word of God in Scripture confronts me with the revelation that all human beings are created in God’s image and reflect God’s holiness. All human beings means all human beings … all human beings. Men and women, homosexual persons and heterosexual persons, all races, nationalities, and persons of any ethnic background, all communists and capitalists, rich and poor, old and young, religious and nonreligious, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus, atheists and agnostics – all persons reflect the holiness of God, for all are made in God’s image. How can I enslave, segregate, denigrate, oppress, violate, or victimize one who bears the image of the Holy One?    How can one worship the source of being, the great “I AM”, except by having the courage to be the self God created each of us to be? The Christian is the one called so deeply into life, into love, and into being that he or she can say with a Christlike integrity, I AM!  

I had to confront myself in how I view the world and especially each other. I know deep in my heart that we all find ways to demonize individuals or groups of people in order to justify our treatment of them. We must go through this process because to recognize the divine in them would negate our ability to force our will against them. We would not be able to kill millions, take what is in their possession, segregate or exclude them from the riches we enjoy if we saw them as beautiful, spiritual, divine beings. This demonization process has taken place since the beginning of time and is so ingrained in our psyche that we don't give it any conscious thought. To step into the power and authority of I AM requires that this behaviour be confronted and addressed. It is in our nature to categorize and group things together in order to form conclusions. However, in doing so we assault and diminish everything or everyone in that group. We fail our brothers and sisters because we did not spend the time to get to know them and see them for who they are. Instead we judge them based on characteristics of a group. The danger is that individuals within the group are at a major disadvantage and great harm is perpetrated when a single individual within that group acts against the others.    

This is exactly why the state is at war against groups of people rather than confronting specific individuals. The people wearing the masks of the state, media and other fictional entities, depend on our tendency to make these assumptions in order to justify their wars. Have we become so lazy that we are no longer willing to see individuals for who they truly are? Have we become so detached that we are not willing to reach out and bridge the gap that has formed due to our lack of will in regard to doing the work to form healthy relationships? I still struggle with these issues and it is something I consciously work on to this day. It is not easy. However, when we all take these issues seriously and recognize that we are all divine and should be treated like the sacred beings that we are, then our view of the world must change and that is what will change the world. If we fail to do that, then a piece of who we are dies in the process. I think John Donne said it best in his 1623 paper called “Meditation #17”:  

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.  

When we discriminate, even in the slightest way, we harm a piece of ourselves because that harm was done spiritually. The energy of harm does not necessary have to manifest physically. We may have grown up with the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'. However names do hurt because the pen is mightier than the sword since it wields ideas that cannot die. The idea of spiritual harm can be best described with this example. If I lust after a woman, even though I did not touch her, speak to her or even come close to her, my Spirit is what has violated her spiritual sovereignty and divinity.    

But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. - Matthew 5:28  

This is where mental discipline comes in. It does not matter how many statutes and regulations the state passes. We must recognize that we are and always have been 100% responsible for our thoughts, actions and behaviours on all levels of our being (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual), whether we can see it or not. Whether we believe it or not. We cannot grant to somebody else that responsibility. We can try to blame them, but the responsibility remains and all we do is injure others when we blame. In the end we are always responsible for our own action or inaction.    

To recognize that all the categories we use are fictions in their own right, we are faced with the reality of facing our relationships one-on-one. These relationships are in constant flux and change. People mature, grow, get hurt, move, change and even die. Nothing is static and I wonder if that is why the state is such an attraction for people, because it provides them with some form of stability and familiarity in their lives. Ironically, the state struggles with the full dynamics of our social interactions because the changes are so frequent and complex and since the state is too large, static and political, it fails to keep up with those changes. The state is always behind and will never be able to address the dynamics of our relationships.    

We have outgrown the need for a state and it is time that we consider other alternatives. The state has grown old and needs to be placed in a museum where it belongs. It is not that we are rejecting the masculine in doing so as the state is not and never did represent the healthy masculine energy. It is harmful and evil. It has served a specific purpose for thousands of years and it is now time to wean ourselves off the teat of the state and figure out how as adults, we are going to move forward. So what would a dynamic, ever changing group of sovereign, self-governing, balanced, centred, adult individuals look like and how would we be able to resist infiltration and corruption from those who are interested in control, greed and power?    

What I found in my research and by talking to others is that there are examples successfully exercised for millennia by indigenous peoples all over the world. These examples show us how we can work together in groups without forcing our will upon another, how we can resolve disputes and protect the individuals and their families. It all starts with the individual, which is a concept completely opposite of the state.    

When we evaluate our relationships with the order of creation, the Creator being all that is, was or ever shall be, we end up being next in line. The individual, the I AM is the highest authority and power there is on this earth. Given there are 7+ billion people, that is a lot of power. But nobody has less or more authority because we are all divine spiritual beings. We were not created with the same skills or abilities, so we all bring unique gifts and talents as we live out our lives on this planet. If we view this as an organizational chart, it would look something like this.     

Illustration 25: Representation of hierarchy of all mankind

As you can see, nobody has any more or less authority or jurisdiction, as each individual is responsible for themselves. This is very different than our current system which was best displayed with this 1911 edition of Industrial Worker, created by the International Publishing company. It was created to show the caste or social stratification and economic inequality created by our modern systems.    

Illustration 26: Pyramid of Capitalist System 

When a single individual has established and activated their kingdom, it is then up to them to work on forming alliances with others. The most intimate relationship, other than with the Creator or ourselves, ends up being with a spouse or our mate. That first alliance has a good chance of being successful if a number of factors are addressed: the feminine and masculine energies are balanced within the relationship, each individual respects the sovereignty of the other, and both parties have good communication skills so nobody gets lost within that relationship. It is hard to not lose one's self in these relationships and especially to not become co-dependent. Maintaining independence in this level of intimacy is indeed magical and almost mirrors the union within ourselves between the spiritual and the physical.    

Remember that the only way to separate the physical and spiritual bodies is for the physical to die. When we enter into unions it should be taken with equal reverence and seriousness as the only way to separate the two is through a death. Only the Creator has the authority to make such a determination. Matthew 19:6 “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder”. When this union takes place you now have the power of two sovereign individuals formed together as one flesh to exercise the authority and power within their kingdom. As a king and queen, the royal family is now formed and the kingdom is occupied by this royal family. It is, was and always will be the most powerful union on this planet short of the Creator himself. It is the family that has been under attack for thousands of years as those who engage in evil acts knows the power of this union. That is why they usurped the power and authority of this union through their 'legal marriage licenses'. It was an attempt to get their fictional entities as a party to this union as legal marriages are a three party agreement where lawfully the Creator intended it to be a two party union. To return to the lawful union, it requires that the fictional entity be removed.       

Illustration 27: Marriage of two sovereign individuals   

When the family unit is formed properly, its sovereignty and authority is assured. It is then up to the family to then form further alliances to find security and support. Other family members, neighbours and close friends are often relied upon to work together for the betterment of the family. This does require that each member be independent in order to form these inter-independent relationships. However, the additional benefit is that should a member of the family not be independent, the family can provide and protect that individual. The reality is; we cannot be 100% independent for our whole entire life. We came into this world completely dependent upon our parents and given our current social and belief structures, most of us will leave this world equally dependent. However if we work hard to live life properly and we are properly stewarding the divine vessel we possess, there is no reason that we should lose our independence even in later years of our lives.   

Illustration 28:  Goal is to obtain and maintain inter-independence.

There may even be certain events that happen within our lives that put our inter / independence in jeopardy, such as illness or accidents. The results of which force us back into dependency or even into crisis where intervention is required in order to save our life. We have not always depended on the state to provide that level of security. For thousands of years, our family and community members were the ones that provided the support, and at times intervention. They looked after those who are dependent. That is the duty of the members within that community. By asking the state to do that for us is an attempt to shirk those responsibilities and pass them onto others. It also explains the rapid growth, power and influence of the state over the past few hundred years as the state struggles with the huge influx of duties and responsibilities that nobody else wants to deal with. Our families can deal with this duty. However, depending on the burden of responsibilities, more help may be required.    

That is why many families reach out to other families to form clans. The relationships between the individuals within clans are looser and even more dynamic than within the family itself. However, the clan usually has enough people to provide all that the individuals within the clan require to live happy, healthy, successful lives. If not, then clans do work with other clans and form tribes and many tribes form a nation.       

Illustration 29: Top down approach to forming a nation

Please note that healthy nations (fictional constructs) are formed following natural law and the order of creation. What that means is that the people form the nation with all the authority and power resting with the individuals on top rather than a country formed from the top down, where all the power and authority rests with a single individual. Therefore, only the individuals are sovereign, not the clan, tribe or nation. Those fictional constructs are servants to the people and as such cannot be sovereign. It is this point where I object to several attempts by people around the world to form republics as they do so by issuing declarations on behalf of the people to form top down structures. These attempts have no authority or jurisdiction from the people to do so and depend on silent acceptance and participation. This is the basis for the cycle of tyranny to keep forming as one system is rebelled against only to form another system, set up exactly the same as the first. In order for us to break this cycle, we must find it within ourselves to accept the authority and power within and govern based on that authority rather than some centralized command and control system. Democracy or even a republic risks violating the divine sovereignty of a single individual through the will of the majority. Everyone deserves to have a veto should decisions be made that would violate or do harm against the minority. To do otherwise results in the organization devolving to mob mentality.   

I think it is important to recognize that it is our duty to resolve our disputes with our fellow man. Part of having healthy relationships is the ability to deal with conflict and gain a brother as a result.     

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.    - Matthew 18:15-17 

The 'church' in this context is literally defined as 'an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating'. Church does not mean a religious group or building. It is the duty of the people to participate in resolving conflict between our brothers and sisters. If the individual will not hear or see the errors of their trespass, then they are to be treated like a foreigner, stranger, tax collector.     

To have the people come out from their homes requires that the people participate in the process of deliberating on matters of trespass (injuries). Rather than depending on a private business to provide court services as we do today, it is our responsibility and duty to provide such services. The beautiful thing about the people doing the work is that it cannot be infiltrated by corrupt or greedy people as it is completely disbanded afterwards when people go back to their homes. I suspect that only the honourable, fair and loving people will be asked to deliberate as we all have a choice as to who will hear our testimony. When the deliberation is done, the people go home and get on with their lives.    

If the matters involve groups of people, then why not convene a group of people from multiple clans. A jury of 12, which holds a majority of a Grand Jury of 23, could then sit and resolve these issues. If the matter is bigger then a Grand Jury would be gathered. The biggest matters, involving issues at a national or international level would require a Sanhedrin (71). These are all courts of the people. No 'judges', 'lawyers' or 'politicians', just people. The key point is that at no time is the will of the people forced upon those asking or seeking council. No jails, no hand cuffs, no police. The individual can accept or reject the council of the people with his own free will. However, he does so at his / her own risk. Rejection of council may end up with the individual being ostracized from his family, clan, tribe or nation and turned into an outlaw. After all, I would not want to continue a relationship with somebody who continues to steal, murder or rape people. However, if he / she has the will to change and better themselves, then lets get to work and help them out.    

That places a huge burden on people to find creative and meaningful ways to solve problems within their lives. It requires participation and the will to speak up and work on solutions. It also requires the vision to see past the symptoms of the problem to see the root causes and address them accordingly. It is not easy and I don't believe it was meant to be easy. We must live our lives and ensure the prosperity of all, including at least seven generations into the future. We have a duty to ensure the future is protected as well. Albert Einstein said “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” I suggest that we cannot solve our problems with the same consciousness we used when we created them. I have no doubt that when more and more people resurrect themselves and accept Christ consciousness, the solutions will present themselves brilliantly. I have complete faith that we have enough brilliant people to solve the problems of the world, despite the attempts of the greedy, corrupt and sick to prevent it from happening. Every day, more and more people are finding the courage to engage at this higher level of consciousness despite the risks, fear or consequences. Courage at that level will change the world for the better and I am deeply encouraged by it all.  

There are many out there that have a hard time with what I am proposing. What about all the murderers, thieves and rapists out there? How can we fight this evil without using force? To be clear, violence cannot be resolved through violence as it ends up only being self-fulfilling prophecy should we choose that route. Only love, compassion and empathy can break the cycle. Leo Tolstoy best said it when he wrote “Those who neither struggle against violence nor take part in it can no more be enslaved than water can be cut. They can be robbed, prevented from moving about, wounded or killed, but they cannot be enslaved: that is, made to act against their own reasonable will.” Christ also said it this way:  

Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. - Matthew 18: 21-22 
And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.    - Matthew 5:40  

For the longest time I had a really hard time understanding how this would resolve greed without force. I propose the idea that since Spirit created the Physical Realm, Spirit can create anything it needs within that realm. Prosperity results which drives down the price of commodities within the capitalistic system since supply outstrips demand. By believing that the Physical Realm is finite, we inadvertently place a high value on items within the Physical Realm, resulting in us creating scarcity which drives up prices. At that point, the law of supply and demand kicks in and results in the price of which we value most being commercially expensive. We turned what we value into capital, which attracts the greedy and their desire to obtain it all. The sad realization is that our materialistic world is a long, long way away from any form of redemption and there is a lot of work required to turn that around.    

By recognizing that the only thing of true value is our spiritual expression of love, and our experiences here in this Physical Realm, all the earthly possessions end up being merely temporary. The only true value is the divine Spirit that is here to express itself and explore relationships. That is why forgiveness and selfless giving are the only ways to address the evil in the hearts of men. The irony is that the greedy lust and yearn for that which has no spiritual value at all and that is why they fail to find the kingdom of God within. Only the meek who recognize these truths will inherit the earth after these truths unfold and resolve themselves.    

The idea that we can create anything in the Physical Realm and as such let go of all that we have traditionally considered valuable, like possessions, etc., is an extremely difficult barrier to overcome. This absolutely requires a leap of faith in the Creator and in ourselves and all those around us. To let go of all our attachments to physical possessions leaves us feeling vulnerable once again. If we don't deal with the feelings of vulnerability properly, we risk making decisions out of fear and end up enslaving ourselves as a result.    

Fear of physical death, theft or pain associated with the evil acts of others is most likely one of the last and most difficult barriers to overcome. It is often too easy to intellectually justify forcing our will upon others in order to avoid it, resulting in us demonizing love and embracing the very behaviour we abhor. The modern court, police and jail systems are a perfect example of how this manifests. Most readers would agree that the system is broken but not sure what the solution is. For me, it is clear that the solution is to stop participating with these evil acts, stop justifying behaviours that use force to address evil acts and find other alternatives for addressing the evil behaviours of others and let go of our earthly attachments. How can we resolve all the pain, suffering and evil without using force?  There are tribal stories circulating around for the past few years that talks about this very issue. A healthy family, clan, tribe or nation would recognize that if a single individual has a problem, the whole group has a problem. Rather than throwing them away in a jail for months or years, these tribal members would drop what they are doing and spend days sharing how much the individual is loved and how their contributions have made a difference to the members within the tribe. The individual is not ignored but instead loved and helped. There are hundreds of different ways to deal with addictions, anger, pain, greed and suffering using love and tough love. I firmly believe that the vast majority of people act out because they hurt. To heal the past will take a monumental effort on all our part, but we need to stop the injury so that we can all heal.    

Many groups are starting the process which is very encouraging. Those that want to prevent this have gone to great lengths to convince us that we need the state, but that is not true as the state can never express love as it is a fiction. As such it lacks the capacity to solve the problems we have been asking it to solve. Only the people will have the power, resources, authority and capacity to do this ourselves. It will be chaotic at first as many people work out their place in these new relationships. Many individuals will try to take advantage of the chaos in order to obtain more power and control. In the end, we must resist the temptation to be saved by some system or organization and find the authority and power within ourselves for salvation. I firmly believe that when enough of us get together to form a solid, functioning nation of self-governing, inter-independent individuals and demonstrate that this not only works, but can be governed with love, compassion, peace, freedom and prosperity, then people will be willing to make the transition.    

Technology is not going to save us through this process either as it too lacks the capacity for love. Technology is merely a tool for us to use as an expression of our spirit. To depend on technology to save us is nothing more than idolizing a false god. Many people worship technology, government, corporations, money, etc., but in the end, they are farthest away from their Spirit or the Creator.  So does this all mean that we just sit back and just let the greedy violate the world? Absolutely not. It is our duty to bear witness and rebuke those who engage in evil acts. In doing so we were commanded to not bear false witness. So that requires that we observe, watch, record, write and testify as to all that we witness. As more and more people take up the duty to bear witness against evil, those that engage in evil acts will then be confronted on their behaviours with tough love. It does not require a court of law to do this as the court of the people is at hand through the power of the pen backed by the authority and power of Spirit. The more people we have engaged in standing as a witness against others, the more difficult it will be for those to keep in the shadows and keep secret their evil activities. The economics of love, prosperity, peace and freedom is very different than the economics of commerce, scarcity and greed. It will take time to learn the new economics.  Building healthy, vibrant inter-independent relationships based on love and mutual respect and dignity requires the will and the ability to do this work. For all those who have the will and the ability, I stand beside you as a cheerleader to help encourage you along your path. For all those who have the will but lack the ability, I will share all I can to bring the tools and knowledge to you so that you may acquire the ability to do the work. For those who lack the abilities despite all we can do, the rest of us have a duty to help you in any way we can. However, for all of you who have the ability but lack the will to do it, I send my thoughts and prayers. For until you can find the will, I cannot help. The sad part is that I must watch millions of people go through great disturbance in their lives in order for them to reach a point where they surrender their old ways and acquire the will to change. Nobody can force that process. It must come from within.    

Let this book stand as my testimony to what I have witnessed so far in my life and that I love you all. 

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