Good Things and Not-So-Good Things About E-Books - E-book vs. Print Book 2

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In my previous posting, I wrote "Good things and not-so-good things about print books". Some people complain about print books: too heavy, easily torn, get dirty, too small prints... Then, e-books can make reading more pleasurable experience to them? Well, find out for yourself below!

Note: I usually read using Kindle app. I sometimes use Cloud Library but I prefer Kindle. So the list below is more or less about Kindle e-books. For other e-book readers and e-book reading apps, it might be a different story.

Good Things about E-Books

1. Your own study at your fingertip
You can have your own study filled with books at your fingertip. Literally. E-book reader is relatively lighter than a print book, yet it contains hundreds of books in it. It's light enough to bring around, easy to grip in your hand. Even if you live in a tiny studio, even if you hate hoarding stuff, you can have thousands of books in your home.

2. Where was I? You don't need to remember the page.
When you open an e-book, it automatically opens the last page you were reading. You don't need to remember the page nor to dog-ear it.

3. It's easy to highlight and write notes.
Even when you don't have any pen with you, you can easily highlight and write notes. You can even choose which color to use: yellow, blue, pink, orange. And of course, you can always erase or rewrite hundreds of times without messing the page. It also has bookmark function, which makes you find certain page instantly.

4. It's easy to share
If you find certain sentences of the page impressive, you can easily share it with a few touches of button to twitter or facebook.

5. You can see the sentences people underlined the most
Kindle lets you know which sentences people highlighted the most. If it's the same part I also liked, then it gives me some pleasure that I can't quite explain. It's almost like reading the book together with someone I don't even know, and share our thoughts about it.

6. Easy to buy, easy to borrow.
Snowstorm? Thunderstorm? It's okay. The weather can't stop you. You can always buy books under the cozy sheet of your bed. Rain or shine.
The same goes to the library books. You don't need to come and go to the library with a backpack filled with tens of books, threatening to tear open. If you use "Digital library", you can borrow and return e-books at home. Even at nights or holidays, too!

7. You can read the book right now!
Sometimes I'm engulfed by the sudden intense feeling that I have to, want to read a certain book in the middle of the night. If you're someone like me, you don't need to wait until the next morning or for the bookstore to open. You don't even need to wait for the delivery guy. With just a few touches, you can instantly read the book.

8. No more late fees
If you're an active library patron, it's very likely you owe the library many late fees. E-books are automatically returned to the library right after the due date (or due time, I must say). No more late fees or payment for lost items.

9. Useful for those who study English
It contains dictionary in itself. If I encounter a vocabulary that I don't know, all I have to do is touch and press the word. It shows pronunciation and meaning, even provides Eng-Kor dictionary if I choose.

After I get used to this function, sometimes I want to press the word on the pager I don't know even if it's a print book. ;-)

10. You can read a book even if you don't have one. Even if you don't have a e-book reader.
You have 30 minutes between schedules but don't have a book with you? No problem. You can read a book whenever you want, even if you don't have a book nor e-book reader with you. You can use Kindle app in your cell phone. Nowadays people always take cell phone with them whenever they go, even when they go in bathroom.

If you open Kindle app, you can open your own library and read books.

11. You can edit pages in which way you want
You can change the font, size, margin, background color, brightness in which way you want. It's basic function but one of the best features I like. Small prints make my eyes tired easily. I prefer a little bigger size.

Personally I like Bookerly font. It makes reading easier for me. I like the background setting Sepia and margins narrow.

12. People around you can't possibly know what book you're reading
When you're reading print books, people around you can see the cover and know what book you're reading. But as for e-book, they can't. They can only see the black back cover of the e-book reader.

Sometimes when you're reading a book in public, such as cafe, subway, etc., you don't want others to know what book you're reading. For example, a coloring book called Fifty shades of Red. You can even read Your boss is an idiot in front of your own boss.
(I made up these book titles. If there is any book that has the same title, it's totally coincidence.)

13. Hands free!
When you're reading print books, sometimes books are closed by itself if you don't hold the pages down. For e-books, that's not the case. It comes in handy especially when you're cooking, your hands are covered with flour, and you're trying to read recipes in a cook book.

Not-So-Good Thing about E-Book

1. Not touchy feely
I see e-books are easy and good and everything. But sometimes you simply want to just touch the real pages of books.

2. The pleasure you get looking over the bookshelf
How to organize, rearrange books in your bookshelf is one of the good hobbies for book lover. With e-books, you can't do that.

3. Only I can read
I can't lend, bequeath, sell e-books.

4. You likely end up doing other things, such as surfing the internet
If your e-book reader has internet, or if you read e-books using cell phone just like me, it's likely that you end up doing other things: surfing the internet, reading Steemit posts, replying other Steemians' comments, checking out your schedule...

I love print books and e-books equally. As long as you read, it doesn't seem to matter if it's a print book or an e-book. What do you think?

If you want to know more about print books, click below.
"Good Things and Not-So-Good Things About Print Books - E-book vs. Print Book 1"


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