New Books Tuesday: Feb 20

Many people know that Wednesday is New Comics day. Somewhat less known is the fact that Tuesday, in the US, is New Books day.


This weekly post highlights some of the books being published on any given week, usually in the science fiction and fantasy genres, both YA and books for adults. I am VERY likely to miss cool new books, so please feel free to tell me about them in the comments. Sometimes these will be books I've read a pre-publishing copy of, but most of the time, they will not. These are books I find notable, but I certainly don't read fast enough in English to be able to read all the cool books that come out every week.

Black Mirror Vol 1 edited by Charlie Brooker


I don't watch Black Mirror. Life's too dark for super depressing tv shows right now. But I'm super intrigued by this anthology, edited by series creator Charlie Brooker. Cory Doctorow, of the authors selected for the anthology, is especially perfect for this.

The Armored Saint by Myke Cole

Myke Cole is an author I've not read, but who certainly has a large readership. He was also one of the authors named in the comments to the post that spurred my own post last week. So why am I highlighting his work here? Because I found his response commendable, and wanted to highlight it.

Pride and Prometheus By John Kessel

It's Pride and Prejudice mashed up with Frankenstein, which sounds like it could be awful. But Kessel is a very skilled writer, and this has been positively reviewed, so it could actually be good!

All the Names They Used for God: Stories by Anjali Sachdeva

I'm an uncomplicated man. If you want my interest, just say a collection is "for fans of Kelly Link," and I'm automatically intrigued. This collection sounds pretty darn great, and I am keen to read it.

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New Books Tuesday


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