This just in!!!

At 8:16 am this morning @mama-pepper gave birth to a healthy baby...

Baby Boy Pepper provided by @rigaronib

Yep, it's a boy!

Here is an image of the weight.

There was a partial abruption on the plaacenta, so from about 4:30 am on @mama-pepper had some bleeding. The baby looked fine on the monitors, so we just let the delivery process continue.

@mama-pepper was a champ and had her fifth all natural vaginal birth. We still are deciding on the name, but he's a healthy little guy and Monster Truck now has a brother. If you guessed boy on my gender guessing post, I'll get the 1 STEEM prize to you in the next few days.

For the actual birth, mama squatted down in front of me and I caught the baby. After that, the nurse called the doctor. ;-)

In total, @mama-pepper wound up losing about 1.25 liters of blood, which was about 1/4 of her total blood supply. A lot came out after the placenta, but all ended up going well in the end and both mama and baby are doing great.

Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and support! What a day!

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