To The Moon As A Robot; My Grand Plan

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I sincerely thought I was ready for it. Maybe I was, mentally and not physically. I was going to go on a traveling marathon for two weeks.

It started with the 144 km trip from Lagos to Ibadan on Friday 10th February 2017 which took about 2 hours 50 minutes, followed by a 306 km journey from Ibadan to Benin City early the following day (I was out of the house by 6 am).

The journey to Benin city lasted for a little over four hours and these journeys were by road. I arrived Benin exhausted and my body rebelled. It took a full day of rest for me to get back on my feet.

It must have been a weird experience for my body. Something it had never done before now.

Once I recovered, I began touring the city. There was really nothing picture worthy (according to my shitty standard, that is) so I have none to share.

After five days in Benin city, it was time to travel back to Ibadan. The goal is always to go with the first bus of the day and to do that, you have to be at the park before 7 am.

I had been up since 4 am because I was yet to pack my bags (I always do this! Last minute packing). Luckily, I met the first bus and my 306 km journey back to Ibadan began a little after 7 am.

We arrived Ibadan around 11 am and I began my 144 km journey to Lagos within 30 minutes of arriving Ibadan. It was a really long day and I could not sleep till about 12 am.

The interesting thing is that we had to be out of the house before 6 am so we could be at the airport to pick up the person scheduled to arrive for 6:30 am.

It was the second consecutive day of waking up early to be on the road.

After we were done at the airport, the 144 km journey back to Ibadan began.

On getting home, I felt really tired but was still able to cook and stay chatty till I fell asleep. I woke up to a very cold weather, with my nose blocked and my head pounding.

I had caught the flu.

What?! I was so weak and could hardly do anything. Having a headache and blocked nostrils isn't the best of combos.

A few minutes ago while laying on my bed feeling annoyed because of my inability to come up with a post for Steemit, I wished I was a robot.

I have my reasons so hear me out before you stone me.

This Is Why I Want To Be A Robot

Robots Don't Fall Sick

A robot can perform at optimum levels 99.9% of the time while my best moments as a human are not even at 90% of my capabilities.

Yes they may have technical glitches but that again is the human fault and not theirs.

Robots Have No Emotions

This emotion thing can be really messed up. Especially with its ability to cloud your judgement.

Isn't it so sad that with all my "superintelligence", something has abstract as 'emotions' can reduce me to nothing and make me start acting irrationally?

Robots Always Do What They Have To

I have been unable to curate, comment, or read on posts for a couple of days now. I was initially going to write an apology but now I feel that by being a robot, I won't offend or disappoint people thereby canceling the need to apologize.

Just look at how effectively bots vote on posts you ask them to, at the exact time you ask them to! They rarely disappoint while I rarely not disappoint.

Everybody Wants A Bot

Must be a great feeling to be wanted by tons of people all around the world. Whether these people know how best to express their love for bots or not won't be anything to bother you because it's what humans do.

As a bot, I won't be bothered because I know it's the humans that have not the knowledge of what they really want.

Robots Are Not Afraid

As a robot, I can explore other planets without fear. I would have been the first on the moon, on mars, and every other planet humans think they might be interested in.

Without fear, I would be able to do anything and everything.


This post is taking me forever to compose because it feels like there is some construction work going on in the same place my creative ideas used to reside.

I really hope I get better soon because there's still more traveling to be done this week and the next!

If you have any idea how I can "botify" myself, please share. Can't wait to read your ideas.

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