Living with Deliberate Choices - Getting Off Autopilot

Cited from Pixabay.

When life becomes that tick-tock, punch-in, punch-out way of life you can find yourself bored as crap. We have the tendency to go on autopilot. What does that mean? That means fall into our unproductive ways. Fall into the old ways of doing things. We all have comfort zones and we often lie to ourselves along with rationalize things. We often self reason and self argue.

When you live outside of your comfort zone things can get better. This is important if you are feeling stuck in some way. If you are a in a stuck mode in life then this is for you. If this is not for you then close this window and now, let me continue.

Cited from the Inevitable you.

When you are on auto-pilot in life you are following old patterns and old worn out ideas that no longer suit you. Our habits and patterns are really running on auto-pilot and it takes a shit load of cognitive work to break those cycles. It is possible cognitively running new patterns and it is possible subconsciously. It is just very difficult in a cognitive sense, yet it takes practice and work. Let's face it. Have you ever learned a new instrument? Perhaps a new sport that you have never tried? These are all coming from the conscious mind that is the very place where it takes effort and work.

When we are on auto-pilot. We stick to what is comfortable unless you live by deliberate conscious choice. That means making decisions going against your faculties of the subconscious mind or the comfortabilities of your life.

If you want to argue the right for your comfort. Then go ahead. Feel free. There is gold in discomfort. That means when we come out of our comfort zone we grow more than ever. Even if it can be painful on an emotional level. Why? We meet resistance withnin ourselves.

We are often our biggest issue. We have all the excuses. The "Buts" and The "Shoulds." We will find and argue tooth and nail for comfort. Well let us take a good look at our comfort zone where safety is concerned. On Maslow's Hierarchy of needs you will take notice that comfortable is at the bottom of the pyramid and self-esteem is higher up. It is important let's not ignore that. Let's just understand the relationships of things.

Cited from Smashing magazine.

The comforts in your life are quite personal to you, different, and pertain to your own life story. So, discomfort to one person is not discomfort to another. In that frame of reference let's understand that it is different.

Allow me to break down some of the understanding here.

1.Comfort zone is comfortable.

2.Change brings growth while painful, or not it mostly our perception of things.

3.We are what we are taught.

4.Our minds are deeply programmed and we are a function of our programming.

5.We can get off auto-pilot.

6.Auto-pilot is that stuck-ness. That same old, same old patterns of life. That same unhappiness in our lives when we keep re-hashing the past. That old pattern and that old belief. That old way of looking at things.

So what is a person to do? We make deliberate choices. We live deliberately rather than falling into our old habits. We run new patterns, or break old ones. Behavior and thinking is a pattern and we keep running the same patterns thus giving us the same thing again and again. All you have to do is make new choices and stick to them. Avoid waffling. The subconscious can be re-wired that is another topic. We can educate ourselves slowly and that is the first step to re-wiring the mind. You just have to be very very very discerning of the information you choose.

1.Your life is attached to old programming.
2.You can re-write your program at anytime.
3.You can execute the program at anytime or the right time.

This is not a how-to blog post. This is an awareness blog post.

Try this exercise to understand the subconscious mind versus the conscious effort.

Recite the alphabet as fast as you can......

Now, recite the alphabet every 7th letter.

The 7th letter is the conscious effort or cognitive effort. The reciting of the alphabet as fast as you can is subconscious you have been doing since a child.

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