For the lazy ones or those who never read properly anything or the ones who don’t want to think things on their own and demand only ready answers or suggestions: look for the words written in bold, aka Bolded words.
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What's my name?
Insaneworks almost wasn’t Insaneworks. It could have been Insaneforks. Then it should have been a comic series. It’s a good thing that when considering a name, you can always decide to write words wrong and make that your thing. And if someone asks, it always was intentional. Intentional words. Or between friends – IntWords.
Insaneworks has a band. (Hasaba) And as was written in the prologue (part 1), all you need is a name and everything else will sort out itself. So Insaneworks truly has a Functional band. The band is called Räjähtävät karvaperseötökät. In English: Exploding hairy ass bugs. Or Exploding bugs which have hairy asses. The words räjähtävät and karvaperseötökät were chosen so everyone else (not Finnish speaking people) could use the phrase Unpronounceables. All thou the letter ä (a With dots) is really easy to pronounce. If you speak American English, you already know how to say the letter ä. Just say: have, last or match. So there you have it. (Uhave) You pronounced the letter ä. The letter ö is a bit harder to explain so it’s best to just Move on. Our band Räjähtävät karvaperseötökät cant wait to participate the Olympicks. Some kind of skiing or jumping of a high slope. Then our bands name would be written: Raejaehtaevaet Karvaperseoetoekaet. Or would have been written back in the 80’s and 90’s.
Perse (ass) is a funny word to Finnish people. An ancient town, Persepolis has to be partly Finnish. So partly translated it means Asspolis. (Asspolish could also be a good punk band name.) According (Cording, Cord Inc, Ording, CorDig, Ordin) to Wikipedia, Perse, Persa or Perseis is an Oceanid and consort of Helios in Greek mythology. So maybe it doesn’t matter if the word you invent to your company is a Finnish rude- or swearword. So you don’t need to google it. If the word happens to be a swearword (Earworld) in Finnish, one thing is for sure: you get lots and lots of Finnish customers to your online store. Finns do like their swearwords.
Speaking of punk bands, some have really got it how to invent a good name easily. Close your eyes, go out, walk a while and if you didn’t get hit by a car or an angry bicycleist... bicyliiist… bicyclist, open your eyes an take the first two words you see: Lähtevät Kaukojunat. Departing long-distance trains. (Trans Trains, Dep Trains, Trains in Transition, Depressed Trains.) And if you are scared to go out, you can start channel surfing. Pick words you see or hear. If you don’t know how to channel surf, you can pick random words from Copuol. Compoud puking olm. Another perfect example of an excellent name. Or the Finnish version: Yoo. Yhdyssanoja oksentava olmi.
So you can come up with a name that tells nothing about the skills of your band members or company workers, or then again do the opposite. Invent a name that perfectly describes how good you are or what you do. Like the Finnish bands Kakka-Hätä 77 (Need-to-poo 77) and Oranssi Paska (Orange Shit). Perfect! Superb! Inventious! Excellent! It’s always a good idea to write down the first word you come up with, ad couple of numbers and some colour. 1234 Violet Thirsty. 99 Red Balloons. Power Blue 3000! Green 900 Ladder. Awesome Black 101. ANCO, UR BAN, DoTheOp, Venta, Four Violet, Ralloon, Some Black.
What does your company do? How doest it do that? What are your future plans? What is your ambition? Goal? Take a bunch of words. Combine, distort, cut and paste. Play with the words.
And if you still haven’t got a proper name for your band, company or product, stop thinking about it. Do something else.
Photo: CC BY-SA