The Bucket List

What Is That?

A 'bucket list' is a list of things that you intend to do before your body ceases to function and you are forced from the physical realm. I was recently tagged by new family member, @anjkara and @saffisara, to participate in this challenge. Now, I didn't see any particular tag to use, so I'm going to use both of the ones I have seen - #bucketlist and #bucketlistchallenge. I think it's good to have goals, regardless how close or far away they may be to you. So, my list:

Oh Ya...

  • First and foremost - Date a super sexy vampire. Hopefully, she turns me and can't live without me, so I can actually get the rest of my bucket list checked off!

Hell ya!

  • I want to build a house on the moon. I've said it before and I'll say it again, why are we still arguing over such petty things like religion and skin color? I can't have my house up there until you idiot world leaders get over your egos and really become leaders.

  • I would love to hang glide through the Grand Canyon!

  • Does anyone else want to travel the world in a submarine?

  • Have my own submarine built.

  • Meet Halle Berry and ask if she'll wear the Catwoman suit for me.


  • I want to visit every pyramid across the world. Even the ones down in The Amazon and ones hidden under the water - hence the submarine.

  • Build an immovable dynasty that I can hand off to my children.

  • See great grandkids.

  • Have a real queen and reside in a real castle. Not necessarily made of old stones, some polished granite or onyx would be spectacular.

  • FINALLY - I want to be in the top ten of STEEM witnesses. Not top 50, not top 20, TOP TEN. I ain't hiding shit. I'm out here. I'm real. I'm with you. I feel you. I been there. I am there. I'm hungry. Make me the face and let's take this whole thing to the moon. This platform needs someone that the rest of the world can relate to. The world needs Batman. And I'm Batman.

I'm really

This was fun, hope you enjoyed it and read between the lines. I'm not sure how many I'm supposed to tag to do the challenge so I'll just throw out some random names and hope they see this and feel like taking part. We'll start with @sircork, @avesa, @thekittygirl, @dreemsteem, @mikeshuh, @edthecanadian, @bethalea, @christheaudioguy, @tattoodjay & @thekitchenfairy. Have fun ladies and lads, be YOU and STeeM On!


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png

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