my Bucket list

My bucket List

I have been tagged by @lymepoet and @saffisara to join the bucket list challenge and I thought this was a good motivation for me to put together a new Bucket list, I did have one close to 2 decades ago that I worked on and did quite well at and achieved I think it was 8 out of 10 on that list over a 7 Year period, so this post will be my opportunity to start a new list which I will come up with now.

and just as I was finishing off writing this I was also tagged by @enginewitty

asleep in the park.jpg

Sony A6500 32mm F5 1/30 ISO 2500
Click here to view larger

This first photo may not seem relevant to a bucket list post, but it actually is and I will get to that later but this is a shot of someone sleeping on a park Bench in Central Park that I came across in Central Park one morning and since I dont have a photo of a Bucket to go with this post I thought I would share it with this post.

I have no idea of the story behind this person and why he was sleeping on a bench, I didn't get the impression he was homeless but rather someone who had decided to stop there and rest for a bit

Before I start on my Bucket list I must say I have had a few bucket lists in my life, but back before the movie The Bucket List came out in 2007 and the term Bucket list became popular.

I think the last time I set myself some goals of things I want to do was in the late 90s so I am really overdue to make a new list so thanks to @nomadicsoul for creating this post and for @lymepoet @saffisara and @enginewitty for tagging me which has spurred me to do this post and make a Bucket List for myself.

My Bucket list

1. Do More to help people in need

I do help out with a few charities of my choice each year but when I retire I would like to use some of my free time to actually physically go and help with some things that I feel help those in need, my initial thoughts would be helping out at a food bank or Kitchen for the homeless, and also another area I would like to help out is by being a volunteer at one or more of the MDA Youth Camps which I have seen through watching and supporting the MDA telethons over the years

2. Buy a Full Frame Camera

3. Write a children’s book with the adventures of Bahbahra


I have been slack with photos of my little sheep Bahbahra (photo above Incase you are wondering) but I used to take photos and make little stories around the photos, and many friends andmy wife reminds me of this occasionally have told me they were fun and I should make a book of little stories and photos of the adventures of Bahbahra, maybe again when I retire this is something I can find the time and confidence to seriously focus on it.

4. Explore and photograph more of New England

5. While doing number 4 focus on finding lighthouses

As I love lighthouses and have taken so few shots of them

6. Also related to number 4 also get out and find and capture shots of some of the amazing Waterfalls all over New England

7. This year grow on Steemit and move from Minnow to Dolphin

** and lastly put more thought into and expanding my bucket list which is fairly short**

Appreciate what you have_.jpg

Sony A6500 50mm F5.6 1/15 ISO 800
Click here to view larger

Now this second shot was someone sleeping on the ground along the Highline walkway, and this person did look homeless to me and is more relevant to this post than my first photo perhaps, whenever I see people like this sleeping on the street or in Parks it makes me feel for them and whatever has happenned in their life to bring them to sleeping in this spot and hence heightens my first item on the bucket list.

I Will leave the tagging open to anyone who reads this and feels like partaking in this challenge

But while working on this post and my Bucket List I began to wonder if making a Bucket list gets harder as you get older when I was young I would make list of things I hoped to achieve and some I did and some not but the world seemed wide open to me, now with my health issues and not being able to fly without risking getting sick it seems to have restricted my ability to come up with a wish list as I know some of the more adventurous things I may think of but now I most likely will not be able to do.

For example one of my goals when I was young was to get out of NZ and visit at least 5 Countries, which seemed so unlikely at the time, but I did achieve it and in fact made it to over 60 Countries, and even to all the Continents, but although I would still love to see more of the world I know with my own and my wife’s health Travelling to far is not something I can seriously wish for.

And the other thought that came to mind while writing this is

is making a bucket list easier when your Single and fancy free?

As I was making the list of things I was always thinking of things that I could do with my wife or without having to be away from here for more than a few hours, not saying that if I really wanted to I couldn’t head out for a few day trip on my own it's just something I would choose not to do, and it made me think about this.

Ohh well thats more than enough rambling from me with this post and I am glad I got at least a few things on my list to challenge me particularly when I retire.

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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