Bucket List Challenge ~ Ten Possibilities!

Another challenge! This one is the Bucket List Challenge and I believe it was started by @nomadicsoul in this POST. I was tagged by @c0ff33a in his POST. Thank you @c0ff33a..I think..lol!

You would think this would be pretty easy but I don’t want for much so it took me awhile to come up with ten things. I wanted to keep it realistic. I mean who wouldn’t want to win a lottery jackpot or have world peace?! I think they are more along the line of “wishes”. So, I tried to come up with a do-able list that was more than a “wish”. I guess I’m suppose to name 10 things now so lets get this party started!

  1. I’ve always wanted to go visit Montana so I guess I will start with that one. Don’t really know why but something I’ve just felt in my heart.

  2. I would love to see the Northern Lights just once in my lifetime.

  3. This one may sound a little crazy and it’s possible that I would chicken out but I’ve always wanted to do a tandem parachute jump. I know weird and with my luck, it would not end well..lol!

  4. Have a little place in the country with a big barn. I’ve always lived in the city/county but I’m a country girl at heart! ❤

  5. Ride a zip line!

  6. Get a nice, clear photo of a real UFO...yeah, I went there! 😊

  7. Find Sea Glass on a beach.

  8. Finally, take that trip to The Biltmore with my husband.

  9. See both my children successful and happy. ❤ 😊 ❤ 😊

  10. Get this dang foot fixed so I can walk better and do some of the things on this list!

There you have it! Sorry if I bored ya’ but wanted to keep it real!!

I think I’m suppose to tag some people so I will tag @debralee , @johnnycopper1 , @ninahaskin , @redheadpei and @orionsbeltbuckle. I promise I won’t get upset if you don’t do it and I know a couple people I tagged aren’t on very often..he he! xoxo

All photos courtesy of Pixabay



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