The feeling of Accomplishment - Bucket List Challenge

1: Watch our Kids graduate High school and do something they are passionate about

Since Wes and I got married when I was 16 years old, I got my GED to finish up my High School career. My dream always has been to be a mom and a wife...I have done this and am succeeding at now I am finding new things I can dream about and work towards. I cannot wait to see our kids graduate, and grow into successful adults.


2: Live with out Fear

I grew up with parents that went through a lot. My dad's mom passed away when he was a young boy and his father bounced from wife to wife to fill the void..messing with my dad's whole childhood. My father starting smoking, getting into drugs, and drinking around 11 years old. He never learned what a good Father looked like, or how to treat a woman correctly. So there were a lot of tough moments we all lived through (and still do) as he figures it out.
My mom had a father that was extremely abusive and violent. He once threw her across from their kitchen through their living room and ultimately busting through their screen door to the outside (she was a young teenager at the time I believe) it severed her Achilles tendon and he left her to bleed out. Her mother, ran to her aid as quickly as she could. Her mother was disabled and she did the best she could.
My mom married young as well, (not as young as I did) but, it was to a man whom would be a vision of Satan on earth. He attempted to kill my mom more than once and when my mom finally ended up leaving him, he kidnapped my sister (4 years old at the time) and took her states away from Utah to Ohio, hiding her for 4 years. My mom had no idea if my sister was dead or alive or where she was. During all this time, this man hurt my sister in more ways I cannot even describe. My mom found her at the age of 8, she had been in a foster home for a year and had her sperm donor had been placed in prison for life.
Sooo...I was raised to be afraid of life. My goal is to get out of that mentality.

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3: Write and Publish my book

I am working on it, I honestly need to spend more time on it. The book will be such a great tool for families all around the world dealing with Military situations and PTSD. My goal is to have it completed by the end of the year and start working on getting it published. This will have my whole heart and soul attached to it.


4: Truly love myself inside and out

Because of how I was raised, you can imagine my mom's self worth and self value was about the size of a little molecule. It rolled off to all of my siblings and I, and we all learned our worth was not much to be had. Wes has always been amazing at making me feel great about myself and Addie (big surprise) has always been my biggest complimenter. She is so great at seeing me for who I am and letting me know it. With each day, as I grow and learn who I really am, I am seeing my worth and am beginning to love myself unconditionally.

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5: One day, I want to watch our grand-babies be delivered into this world and welcome them with their first kiss (Wes and I will fight over that..LOL)

Raising our kids has been such a pleasure and the thought of watching them become great parents one day gives me goosebumps. It will be the most satisfying moment to watch their love expand into parenthood.


6: I want to inspire other people to love themselves unconditionally too

With the work I am doing on myself, I hope it inspires others to do the same. Put in the same amount of work and encouraging them along the way.


7: Experience Travelling the world with my crew

This is one thing that I won't back down on. I want our kids to experience the world before they have to become full blown adults. I want them to see miracles and beauty they would not see otherwise. I cannot wait for the moments we see the northern lights, help the needy in other nations and meet all the friends we have made here on Steemit across the world.


8: See the northern lights in a glass igloo...

Have YOU SEEN THIS?? There are glass igloos that you can sleep in, lay there and watch the sky...AHHHH!! That would be SO INCREDIBLE!!! I am dreaming for the day we have the opportunity to go and do this!

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9: See the city 'Rohr' in Germany

My maiden last name is Rohr, so to travel to Germany and see where my heritage began would be so neat! I have always been intrigued with the German language due to my 1st grade teacher who had lived in Germany as a little girl and ended up fleeing to the states in World War 2 with her family . She lost her teddy bear running to their ship (I was 7 yrs old when I was told this story) this woman inspired me! She is still a friend of mine to this day. She is a wonderful lady, and instilled a great love for the German culture in me.


10: Volunteer at Orphanages around the world

One of the biggest things about travelling for me, will be volunteer work! I cannot wait for the moments that we help little kids learn, feed, or clothe those that cannot on their own. will be so fulfilling! This is one thing I know I was born to do, and will complete it once I learn to live without fear completely!


All the photos I used are from Pexels

@DerangedVisions Challenged me to do this
I challenge @happycrazycon, @coruscate, and @metzli to create their own bucketlist that they want to share!!



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