Bucket List Challenge

Thanks to my good friends @andysantics48 and @deerjay for nominating me to take part in the Bucket List Challenge. Kidding about the strike through..love you two. ❤️

The challenge was started @nomadicsoul in this post.

I have to chuckle, at my age, number one on the bucket list is to not kick the bucket!

Strike this off my bucket list


Number 2 -on my list would be to see an once in a lifetime pill to protect against Heart, Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and all other diseases.

Number 3 - To witness world peace. ✌️ Not only country wise but for everyone to attain inner peace and stop the need to commit violent acts.


Number 4 - Stiffer penalties for perverts who take advantage of children and the helpless.

Number 5 - Robin Red Breast. No matter where I have lived, the country can’t be taken out of the girl. I have a deep love and empathy for God’s little creatures and nature.

I worry about the animals and birds, especially this one robin who has come back to my backyard every spring. I had found his mate dead in the hedge seven years ago.

The poor little robin did not fly south that winter but stayed around hoping his mate would return. Robins are known to mate for life.

I didn’t know how to help him. With no worms to feed him, I cut up apples and other foods. He picked at the apples and survived the cold winter weather. After the first winter, Mr. Robin Red Breast went South when the weather here turned cold.

This is a photo from last year.

My Robin Red Breast


Mr. Robin Red Breast returned solo from the South this week. I saw him walking the yard looking for worms but the ground is still frozen.

This morning he was pecking at the apples and some raisins I threw out for him. Funny watching him defend his territory by making a run at the Blue Jays who try to hone in on his grub.

Mr. Robin Red Breast is over seven years old.

I’m not sure of a robin’s life-span but I’ll put him on # 5 of the Bucket List to see him for many more years.

Now on to Number 6...

Fulfill Travel Promises...

I promised my brother to visit him in Alberta soon. Not a big deal? It’s over 5000 km (3100mi.). Got to make this a priority on My Bucket List.

Number 7 -Learn Irish Dancing? Don’t think I can lift my leg that high, eh? I have my doubts too. 😃

I made a vague commitment to meet up with my cousin in Ireland this fall. He lives in England and wants his Canadian cousins to gather with him in Bangor Erris, County Mayo. Our mothers were from that area.

Number 8 - Not a lot of long term Bucket List plans but would like to meet the alien or wood spirit who’s face showed up on the wood frame around the window.

Alien Face


Okay, I might be overreacting to the face on the window frame but it freaked out Hubby. He can see the face clearly from his side of the table.

One day he said,

”I feel someone staring at me!”

And he pointed at the insect like face that popped out of the wood.

Number 9 - A Bucket Full Of Money. 😃 Win one of the Lottos I buy tickets for each week. 💰


Number 10 - To buy some digital currency and figure out the whole process required to turn it into USD.


My nominations to complete the Bucket List challenge: @debralee @trudeehunter @mineopoly @bornprince @iseeyouvee @themightyvolanco @emjoe @robertandrew @melinda010100 @cooknbake.

All photos @redheadpei unless otherwise sourced.



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