STEEMPUNK-NET -- MMORPG on the STEEM Blockchain -- already in open beta testing -- attracting players from outside STEEM


Hi all,

this is the STEEMPUNK-NET Lead Devs: @dehenne and @jedigeiss.
We are building a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game directly on the STEEM Blockchain, our first iteration of the game is already in open beta status, though there are a lot of features not yet developed.

Features already developed:

  • Login via Steemconnect v2
  • Character creation and progression process
  • Fighting Module
  • Battle results
  • Own external Website --> Link
  • Game statistics module
  • Beta items and graphics
  • Housing concept

Current Status

We have built up all infrastructure needed and the game is since 2017/11/27 in beta status. We have already got more than 100 players and a growing community in our official discord server.
We are currently fully concentrating on developing the housing module and also are thinking on a random encounter module to have more interaction within the game.
We are already attracting players from outside steemit and are intensifying our efforts with the progression of the development!
If you want to read more, here is our last weekly update

What are the next milestones

We have released a roadmap and a whitepaper explaining clearly what we want to achieve.

In short the next milestones are:

  • Creating and implementing the crafting concept
  • Creating and implementing the shop concept
  • Creating and implementing the monetization concept, first directly on the steem blockchain and after the release of SMT, directly using SMTs within the game (this will give us an enormous boost and impressive possibilities)

What will the 300 SBD be used for?

We will use that SBDs to push further and intensify the developmentof the game and also to improve the visuals within the game. Additionally it would help to shoulder the montly costs for running this game.
Advertisement is also on top of our list, but we will only start this with full force once the shop system has been launched.
We have been working on this for 8 Weeks now and we are a small development team consisting of 5 people. This SBD would allow us to pay a small amount to our developers(40SBD each)
And we would also use it to pay a part of the hosting cost in the future (100 Dollar a month, for how long this would last heavily depends on the SBD/USD rate)

We are already having a fantastic community, the logo and the following short intro video was created by @oendertuerk and a lot of other ideas and stories are flowing in!

Thanks alot for reading this, if there are any questions left please contact @jedigeiss or @dehenne on the discord or in

Thanks @jerrybanfield for this opportunity!

Kind regards

ps for all that are asking themselves what we are doing here and why we are writing such a post please see the reason for this by reading this post from @jerrybanfield

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